Monthly Archives: March 2017

NIST and the 9/11 coverup

by DAVID BROWN | | Mar 24, 2017

One must ask why the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) would hide the truth from the American people, making NIST and its leadership accessories after the fact in a crime conducted by elements within America’s own government. The need and desirability of this ‘New Pearl Harbor’ event was presaged by a US think tank in 1997 called the Project for the New American Century (PNAC); and in articles from the Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) publication called Foreign Affairs.  Smelling a rat in the preposterous NIST report, 2,841 Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth banded together to present conclusive evidence that the 9/11 Commission Report’s conclusions are simply a physical impossibility; in short, the official story is a complete fabrication by the US Government.

To make matters worse for this official myth,  a former NIST employee presents additional damning evidence 9/11 was an inside job;   but it doesn’t stop there. Much more evidence is available; evidence that does not require ANY physical data to prove up this case conclusively to the rational mind.  This evidence has been carefully chronicled and documented by researchers like Richard Grove and James Corbett (see Corbett’s 9/11 Suspects here).

So why is it so important to hold the real perpetrators accountable? Because the perpetrators of this crime against America are the same people in charge of the levers of power today.  They are still very dangerous to the interests of the American people, and seek –not America’s benefit– but their own selfish agenda.   Who benefitted from the 9/11 project?  There are many who benefitted, but those who make their living from the American war machine benefitted most.

Why 9/11 was necessary

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, America’s #1 bad guy was no more; and defense spending was taking a frightful downturn, requiring a new, more permanent, intractable  enemy to motivate the American public to spend to be safe. They needed a “new Pearl Harbor”.

Enter Project for the New American Century (PNAC) .  According to PNAC and others who feed at the US Military Industrial Complex (MIC) trough, it was necessary to discover or invent another scary bad guy to replace the now deceased Soviet Union;  but this time, this new frightful enemy should go on forever, and not end suddenly like the Soviet Union did.  9/11 was the perfect project to solve their spending problem, and to create in their own words “A new Pearl Harbor”:  transformation of American armed forces through “new technologies and operational concepts” was likely to be a long one, “absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”

As a result of the 9/11 Project, millions of innocent people have lost their lives and been dislocated from their homes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).  Meanwhile, the bank accounts of the MIC once again are swollen with trillions, and the bankers are happy too. Today, as people tire of the War on Terrorism meme, this same MIC –with the help of the Main Stream Media (MSM)–  are attempting to resurrect and restimulate America’s decade’s-old fear of the big bear, Russia.  It doesn’t matter that the Soviet is no more, they believe they can demonize Russia with the help of the corporate media and poison the minds of the American people enough to resurrect fears so profitable decades ago.   It’s time to stop being their fool. Now.

Published on Mar 13, 2017

In August of 2016, a former employee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) began looking into the reports his agency had released years earlier on the collapse of the World Trade Center. What he found shook him to the core.

In this poignant half-hour interview, Peter Michael Ketcham tells his story of discovering that the organization where he had worked for 14 years had deliberately suppressed the truth about the most pivotal event of the 21st century.

Through his willingness to look openly at what he failed to see in front of him for 15 years, Mr. Ketcham inspires us to believe that we can all muster the courage to confront the truth — and, in so doing, finally heal the wounds of 9/11.

Featuring: Peter Michael Ketcham
Producer: Ted Walter (AE911Truth)
Videographers: John Massaria and Richard Grove

Learn how you can make a difference at



by DAVID BROWN | | Mar 18, 2017


In lieu of a formal report card on Trump, here is my quick and dirty thumbnail sketch …

I haven’t done a detailed report card on Trump yet, but I am getting a general idea of some plusses and minuses. Of course, my judgement is entirely my opinion based mostly on the larger pieces of the puzzle. I care not about Trump’s hair or the size of his fingers and I do not follow the obvious false Russian connection or any of the other hogwash dished out by the MSM and their controllers… and I am fully aware that his own adopted party is the greatest threat to Trump’s success. So what can we pin on Trump so far?

In the good column, he has ended TPP, which is the main reason I have been a Trump supporter. Had TPP passed, the US would have ceded its sovereignty to a group of unelected bureaucrats controlled by international money masters. Trump gets an A+ here.

I was hoping that Trump could see though the false claims and orchestrated war-mongering against Russia and move quickly to remove sanctions and mend our relationship with the great Russian people; but it looks as though Trump has taken the bait on this. I was also hoping that Trump would use our defense industry for defense not offense, but here too he disappoints. Apparently Trump doesn’t realize or doesn’t want to realize that the US and Saudi Arabia are the major supporters of ISIS and their ilk. The best way to fight ISIS therefore would be to stop funding, arming and training ISIS, but Trump like all other 2016 candidates has chosen to cozy up the House of Saud and attack Syria (under the old tired ruse of fighting ISIS) and now Trump is assisting the Saudis in their war against Yemen. A more informed President who was truly against Globalism would be cutting the House of Saud off at the knee caps.

On the matter of Goldman Sachs, here too, Trump disappoints. While many connect Bannon to Goldman Sachs, they don’t realize that –while Bannon use to work there– Bannon is definitely anti-Goldman Sachs in his political outlook. This is good. But Trump has also appointed four other high-level Goldman Sachs folks to important positions which is bad in my opinion. You can argue that you need someone who really understands the technical web we have found ourselves in, so Goldman Sachs folks could help; but Goldman Sachs is an apex predator and irredeemably evil, so this too looks to be a major error from my perspective.

While Trump’s budget is making some long overdue cuts to some government units, they really should be eliminated. I don’t know the political calculus that would go into eliminating departments but the United States Department of Education should be eliminated.

Some of the major swamp dwellers are predator agencies like the CIA, NSA and United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who work under the governance of the CFR and the money masters, not for the US citizens. These all should be eliminated or completely routed out at the top and the core and brought in line with the US Constitution, but Trump’s proposed budget seeks to only to reward with additional money and power. Not good.

Picking Jeff Sessions for United States Attorney General was on the surface a good move, but after Sessions recused himself over a flimsy, false MSM diatribe, it makes me wonder if Sessions has the grit to stay the course and prosecute Hillary, Obama and their lackeys for their treasonous crimes. Sessions was great on TPP so he is still my hero, but we must go after these top-level criminals with vigor. His recusal was weak… very weak and concerning.

Jeff also disappoints when it comes to protecting our 4th amendment and his apparent willingness to go after marijuana users. It’s a plant for Pete’s sake with a ton of industrial and medical uses, and besides in the land of the free, it is none of the government’s damn business.

The firing of General Flynn was another Trump failure in my book. Not sure what Trump’s calculus was there but Flynn had risked his career by outing Obama on his support for ISIS and led the counter coup against Hillary and her deep-state insiders. Flynn knew where the bodies were buried and could be trusted. Big loss for Trump.

Trump’s selection of Mike Pence for VP, another bad move from my perspective. While Mike is smart and articulate and seems to be a nice guy, he is a globalist through and through and cannot be trusted with an anti-globalist agenda.

Despite the many negatives listed above, Trump has given the USA one last chance to get it right, but we must watch Trump like a hawk and hold him accountable and make sure we kick the Globalists and all their enablers to the curb. The fight has just begun.



Wall Street First  By Michael Hudson (March 24, 2017 “Information Clearing House”)