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I’ve been an iHeartRadio fan for years. iHeartRadio gives you access to over 1,500 crystal clear radio stations via your PC or your Cell. If you like news, like I do, you have access a plethora of live news talk shows around the USA via iHeardRadio: Rush, Levin, Clyde Lewis, Coast to Coast AM, etc.

Despite my love of iHeartRadio, with each and every upgrade, they have managed to basterdize the once great end user experience. First off, they try every trick in the book to get you to register. Once you register, it can keep track of your favorite radio stations. The problem is that after each and every very frequent update, this retarded program promptly forgets your registration requiring you to register all over again. This is a Pain in the ass so I have learned to never register to save my valuable time. Other problems for the end user, is that iHeartRadio seems to want to push one of their many music radio stations up in front of my news channels on a consistent basis. They would much rather that I listen to one of their mindless music channels than a news talk show. Maybe the music channels are more profitable than the talk radio news channels or maybe they don’t have enough listeners for their crappy music stations and need to push users to the music channels? Now each and every station is full of the standard ‘cut in commercials’ but that is not good enough for iHeartRadio, they insist on pushing additional commercials in your face before you get access to your favorite radio station. Another pisser is that iHeartRadio will spontaneously load without any user interaction. This can be embarrassing if you are in a meeting when iHeartRadio starts blaring from your coat or pant pocket. I have an application that kills iHeartRadio so that it cannot load spontaneously. Another problem with iHeartRadio and their affiliates is that they confuse Sports with News. Sports is sports and news is news. If I wanted to listen to sports, I would be listening to a sports channel. In short iHeartRadio has no respect for you the end user, just in squeezing out every last penny of revenue they can find.

Cyber Cars are not your friend

After the recent Fiat Chrysler recalls and the Jeep hacks revealed the very real and dangerous vulnerabilities of connected cars to cybersecurity attacks, the news media has been inundated with countless articles on how Intel plans to fix this problem.

What none of these technological luminaries ever touch upon however are the two most important issues: Number One: Any honest security expert will tell you that there is no such thing as cyber security. PERIOD!; and Number Two: The CIA and NSA are on record stating their desire to have back-doors installed in any and all security and encryption systems. So if Intel is going to save the day, and if Intel is tied at the belly button to the NSA/CIA what hope of real cybersecurity can we expect? Answer: None. Stop being their fool.

Car Cyber Attacks

Hillary’s Accomplishments

By now we’ve all heard that “Hillary Clinton Can’t Name A Top Accomplishment While Secretary Of State”. Of course most of us have watched her staunchest supporters struggle with this question for years so this is no surprise. Smartly, up until recently, Hillary has been able to avoid this question entirely. But seriously, a person who has become first lady, a senator and head the State Department of the most powerful nation on the face of the earth must have some accomplishments, and she does. The first and most obvious is that she married a serial rapist from Arkansas who became governor and then President. Secondly, Democrat Jerry Zeifman said she was fired from the Watergate investigation for lying. She was a student and pen pals with Saul Alinsky and she’s become rich selling political influence to foreign governments. Can you think of other Hillary accomplishments?

You will not discover FDR from watching CNN or the State-Controlled Education Systems

by DAVID BROWN | | July 13, 2015

NOTE: Below are just two excerpts from Antony C. Sutton’s book on FDR which shed some light on how we are deceived by the false history we are taught in public schools and other state-controlled media organs.  Get your own copy of this excellent, well-researched and documented historical account to find out how FDR made money from Germany’s plight.   Enjoy some facts for a change…

Wall Street and FDR - Antony C. Sutton

Wall Street and FDR – Antony C. Sutton

After passage of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, Warburg and his banking associates promptly set about using the legal banking monopoly for their own ends and purposes, as suggested by Frederic Howe. In 1919 Warburg organized the American Acceptance Council and served as chairman of its executive committee in 1919-20 and as its president in 1921-22. Then in 1921 Warburg organized and became chairman of the private International Acceptance Bank, Inc. while still serving on the Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve Board. In 1925 Warburg added two more private acceptance banks: the American and Continental Corp. and the International Acceptance Trust Co. These banks were affiliated with the Warburg-controlled Bank of the Manhattan Company. As an aside it may be noted that Paul Warburg was also a director of the American IG Chemical Corp., the American subsidiary of IG Farben in Germany. I.G. Farben was prominent in bringing Hitler to power in 1933 and manufactured the Zyklon-B gas used in Nazi concentration camps. Warburg was a founding member of the Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation, a propaganda organization established in 1930, a director of the prestigious Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., and a trustee of the Brookings Institution.

Robert Clark was incidentally known to General Butler from his China campaign days. MacGuire and Doyle also offered Butler a substantial sum to make a similar speech before the convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars at Miami Beach. According to MacGuire, his group had investigated the background of Mussolini and Italian fascism, Hitler’s organization in Germany, and the Croix de Feu in France and hinted that it was time to establish a similar organization in the United States. General Butler testified to the Congressional committee about MacGuire’s statement in the following words:

He said, “The time has come now to get the soldiers together.” “Yes,” I said, “I think so, too.” He said, “I went abroad to study the part that the veteran plays in the various set-ups of the governments that they have abroad. I went to Italy for 2 or 3 months and studied the position that the veterans of Italy occupy in the Fascist set-up of Government, and I discovered that they are the background of Mussolini. They keep them on the pay rolls in various ways and keep them contented and happy; and they are his real backbone, the force on which he may depend, in case of trouble, to sustain him. But that set-up would not suit us at all. The soldiers of America would not like that. I then went to Germany to see what Hitler was doing, and his whole strength lies in organizations of soldiers, too. But that would not do. I looked into the Russian business. I found that the use of the soldiers over there would never appeal to our men. Then I went to France, and I found just exactly the organization we are going to have. It is an organization of super soldiers.” He gave me the French name for it, but I do not recall what it is. I never could have pronounced it, anyhow. But I do know that it is a super organization of members of all the other soldiers’ organizations of France, composed of noncommissioned officers and officers. He told me that they had about 500,000 and that each one was a leader of 10 others, so that it gave them 5,000,000 votes. And he said,”Now, that is our idea here in America—to get up an organization of that kind.”

What would be the objective of this super organization? According to the previously cited New York Times

General Butler is reported to have testified that the affair was an attempted coup d’etat to overthrow President Roosevelt and replace him with a fascist dictator. This interpretation is repeated by Archer, Seldes, and other writers. However, this was not the accusation made by General Butler to the committee. Butler’s precise statement concerning the projected organization, the use to which it was to be put when established, and the role of President Roosevelt is as follows; General Butler reported on his conversation with MacGuire:

I said, “What do you want to do with it when you get it up?” “Well,” he said, “we want to support the President.” I said, “The President does not need the support of that kind of an organization. Since when did you become a supporter of the President? The last time I talked to you you were against him.” He said, “Well, he is going to go along with us now.” “Is he?” “Yes.” “Well, what are you going to do with these men, suppose you get these 500,000 men in America? What are you going to do with them?” “Well,” he said, “they will be the support of the President.” I said, “The President has got the whole American people. Why does he want them?” He said, “Don’t you understand the set-up has got to be changed a bit? Now, we have got him—we have got the President. He has got to have more money. There is not any more money to give him. Eighty percent of the money now is in Government bonds, and he cannot keep this racket up much longer. He has got to do something about it. He has either got to get more money out of us or he has got to change the method of financing the Government, and we are going to see to it that he does not change that method. He will not change it.” I said, “The idea of this great group of soldiers, then, is to sort of frighten him, is it?” “No, no, no; not to frighten him. This is to sustain him when others assault him.” I said, “Well I do not know about that. How would the President explain it?” He said: “He will not necessarily have to explain it, because we are going to help him out. Now, did it ever occur to you that the President is overworked? We might have an Assistant President, somebody to take the blame; and if things do not work out, he can drop him.” He went on to say that it did not take any constitutional change to authorize another Cabinet official, somebody to take over the details of the office—take them off the President’s shoulders. He mentioned that the position would be a secretary of general affairs—a sort of super secretary. CHAIRMAN [Congressman McCormack]. A secretary of general affairs? BUTLER. That is the term used by him—or a secretary of general welfare—I cannot recall which. I came out of the interview with that name in my head. I got that idea from talking to both of them, you see. They had both talked about the same kind of relief that ought to be given the President, and he said: “You know, the American people will swallow that. We have got the newspapers. We will start a campaign that the President’s health is failing. Everybody can tell that by looking at him, and the dumb American people will fall for it in a second.” And I could see it. They had that sympathy racket, that they were going to have somebody take the patronage off of his shoulders and take all the worries and details off of his shoulders, and then he will be like the President of France. I said, “So that is where you got this idea?” He said: “I have been traveling around looking around. Now, about this super organization—would you be interested in heading it?” I said, “I am interested in it, but I do not know about heading it. I am very greatly interested in it, because you know. Jerry, my interest is, my one hobby is, maintaining a democracy. If you get these 500,000 soldiers advocating anything smelling of Fascism, I am going to get 500,000 more and lick the hell out of you, and we will have a real war right at home. You know that.” “Oh, no. We do not want that. We want to ease up on the President.” “Yes; and then you will put somebody in there you can run; is that the idea? The President will go around and christen babies and dedicate bridges, and kiss children. Mr. Roosevelt will never agree to that himself.” “Oh yes; he will. He will agree to that.”

In other words, the Wall Street plot was not to dispose of President Roosevelt at all, but to kick him upstairs and install an Assistant President with absolute powers. Just why it was necessary to go to the trouble of installing an Assistant President is unclear because the Vice President was in office. In any event, it was planned to run the United States with a Secretary of General Affairs, and the gullible American public would accept this under the guise of necessary protection from a communist take-over.

Full Text: Wall Street and FDR: The true story of how Franklin D. Roosevelt colluded with Corporate American   by Anthony C. Sutton (Author) – 1975

Wall Street and FDR ClearNFO Book Review

Quick History Lesson on Pearl Harbor:
How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan’s Attack on Pearl Harbor
By Robert Higgs
The Independent Institute
July 13, 2015

ClearNFO Newsletter Update

by DAVID BROWN | | July 11, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

After outgrowing the limitations of Google email, I decided to send the last ClearNFO Newsletter (June 29, 2015) via MailPoet.   However, despite MailPoet claiming it sent the Newsletter, I discovered today that none were in fact actually sent.  Now I discover that ClearNFO has reached the 2,000 limit on emails, so MailPoet wants some extra cash.   I have several decisions and technical adjustments to make over the next few days to get this all worked out, so please bear with me.  Hopefully I’ll have the next ClearNFO Newsletter ready to go before the end of next week.

Be the best,

— David Brown

David’s Stack of Stuff (05/19/15)

by DAVID BROWN | | May 19, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

I thought about putting together a more detailed sequence of events for Egypt with a timeline, but chose rather to distil into this quick sketch.  I may publish the details at a later time since I have already done the research.

Thumbnail sketch of recent events in Egypt:
• President Obama’s brother Malik Obama is in charge of the Muslim Brotherhood’s international investments
• President Obama backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in the overthrow of Mubarak
• Morsi sent in fighters to attack the US Compound in Benghazi killing US Ambassador Christopher Stevens who blew the whistle on illegal CIA arms shipments to ISIS
• Morsi was overthrown by Sisi
• New Sisi government said they had documented proof that President Obama was behind the Muslim Brotherhood overthrow and the evidence would destroy the Obama administration. Egyptian Paper Says They Have Proof That President Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood
• US unlocks military aid to Egypt, backing President Sisi
• Egypt’s Gulf allies gave Sisi 23 billion
• The Obama incriminating evidence is forgotten or never existed
• Sisi is now helping Saudi Arabia and the US attacks on Syria and Yemen.
• Morsi is convicted and sentenced to death today by the Sisi government

Related NFO from ClearNFO:

Thumbnail sketch on the origin and function of ISIS

Middle East Basics

 Did you know …
– Adolf Hitler, Time Magazines’s 1938 Man of the Year?
– Stalin and Hitler were both nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize?
– Did you know that the New York Times helped cover up Stalin’s genocide against Ukraine that left over 10 million dead?


“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.”

He went on to explain:

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”

— David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle)

ferguson-protesterFrom our good friends at the INFOWARS: Leaked List Shows Ferguson Protesters Paid by Soros Front Group by Paul Joseph Watson.  “A leaked list shows that Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE), a group funded by George Soros, paid over 80 individuals and organizations to protest during civil unrest in Ferguson, Missouri last year.”

ClearNFO NOTE:  Soros used the same technique he is using in Ferguson when he assisted the CIA in the overthrow of the Ukraine government… Question: Is he helping the CIA here in the USA too?

Stop drinking the ‘Hater-Aid’

Did you know that ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ is a CIA-weaponized term? So every time you hear someone use this in a pejorative manner, just remember that the money you invested in the CIA has been effective and well-spent. Just check out CIA Document 1035-960.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label “Conspiracy Theorists” … to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the “Official” Narrative

CIA Document 1035-960: Foundation of a Weaponized Term

Spreading Democracy is Expensive…


Call me old fashioned, but if we can’t afford to take care of our current veterans, what the hell are we doing starting new wars all across the globe? Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, etc.

Riddle me this Batman… rumor has it that we were attacked on 9/11 by 15 out of 19 men who were from Saudi Arabia…. soz we decided to attack Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and not Saudi Arabia? Total cost $7.9 trillion with a ‘t’ and over a million deaths as a result. Was it worth it and what exactly did we accomplish?

Porkins Great Game episode 7 Gladio B Extravaganza

Notes: Published on May 18, 2015

On this episode Christoph and I discuss several recent Gladio B revelations from Russia, China and even Kyrgyzstan. First we update listeners on the Boris Nemstov assassination investigation. We discuss how the case has hit a brick wall in terms of suspects and progress. We explain how the main suspect, Zaur Dadev, has recanted almost his entire story. We also discuss how alleged ringleader Ruslan Geremeev has vanished from Russia and is most likely hiding out in Dubai. We then move onto our first Gladio B story with the recent “revelation” from Putin that the FSB has intercepted communications between the US and Chechen terrorists in Azerbaijan. Christoph breaks this down for us and explains the context in which Putin chose to reveal this: a Russian TV documentary on his 15 years in power.

Next we move our focus to China and its ongoing fight against the Gladio B network. We talk about the recent Uighur smuggling rings that have been exposed in Malaysia and Thailand, as well as how South China has become the premier destination for Uighurs who go off to fight in Syria and elsewhere.

We then move on to a bizarre story that was broken by the South China Morning Post about an “American scholar” who was recruiting Uighur students to fight abroad. We wrap up this section by discussing how the CIA-backed Gulen movement has been exploiting this situation to attack the CIA-backed Erdogan government.

As we finish off our Gladio B extravaganza we turn our attention to the mysterious 150 tons of “diplomatic mail” that was delivered to the US embassy in Bishek, Kyrgyzstan. We discuss what might be in this cargo (money, arms, spy equipment) and whether or not this may be part of some sort of “Maidan” color revolution.

We finish of the episode by taking a look at a recent Congressional Hearing that featured Washington’s favorite terrorist cult leader, Maryam Rajavi, leader of the MEK, discussing how best to defeat ISIS.

Interesting article on security…

Secure yourself, Part 1: Air-gapped computer, GPG and smartcards



Egon von Greyerz-World Will Never Be Able to Cope with Leverage of Bond Implosion

Show Notes: Published on May 12, 2015

What could cause the gold market to erupt? Look no further than the bond market says gold expert Egon von Greyerz, “I had somebody, in the last few days, say to me we should probably write off all that debt, and forget about it and write it off, but there is another side to every balance sheet. If you write the debt off, what about all the people lending against that debt? What about all financial institutions that are leveraged against that debt? You are talking about government bond market of something like $60 trillion. The total bond market worldwide is over $100 trillion. So, if you think about that $60 trillion just in government debt, then you look at what the investors have done with that debt. That is collateral for leveraging 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 40, 50 times, depending on the institution, and if the values of that debt start declining and it is guaranteed to decline . . . and we haven’t even talked about the derivatives, the combination of all that, and the leverage of the implosion will be so big the world will never cope with that.”

So, if so-called collateral of the bonds (debt) is impaired, that leaves gold as the last man standing as the anti-debt. Von Greyerz contends, “The trigger will never be gold. The move up in gold is the consequence of these problems.

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Egon von Greyerz, the founder of Matterhorn Asset Management.

Want to know who counts? Well it ain’t you pally…
Just wrong: Congress quietly takes ObamaCare waiver

DHS caught busing in illegal Somalis from Mexican border


Why do you think our masters in the District of Corruption would be doing this? According to the CIA Fact Book on Somalia the religion is, and I quote: “Sunni Muslim (Islam) (official, according to the Transitional Federal Charter)”



And a few personal notes …

Very clever, but dishonest: I just received an email with the subject “David, your membership is about to expire… “Well, well, well … what have we here? I’ve never, ever subscribed to this site and now my membership is about to expire if I don’t cough up some coin, eh? I subscribe to very few paid sites… in fact exactly two (2) paid sites and baby yours ain’t one of ’em so go jump in a lake and eat a booger. Thank you very much.

Did you know here in the Houston area most plastic wading pools are not bought for wading or for children? Each one will hold about 300 lbs. of Crawfish aka Crawdaddys aka Mudbugs.


I wrote a note one time for my daughter to hand deliver to her High School in Denver in which I recommended that they “eat a booger”. They were enraged. They were livid. The next day they verbally accosted my lovely bride in the hall when she went to pick up our daughter. Amy knew nothing of my letter and was thus shocked and surprised until they told her the note was from me, and then she wondered what exactly I was up to pissing off so many people. They even brought my note up at a school board meeting to see if they had some sort of legal or criminal recourse to ply against my insubordination. So what initiated my admonition that they eat a booger? My daughter was exactly 30 seconds late to school one day because all the buses were blocking the drop off point for the parents, so the administration sent out a nasty-gram to all the parents reminding them of their responsibility to get their kids to school on time. How do I know she was 30 seconds late? Because that is exactly how long it took her to walk from the sidewalk to the school door after the bell rung.

The Road to Tyranny

by DAVID BROWN | | May 8, 2015

Ben Franklin

Ben Franklin

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….” old Ben Franklin –with his balding head, pot belly and a penchant for the fairer sex– was leaving the Constitutional Convention at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, when a lady walked up to the good doctor and asked him: “Well Doctor what have we got here, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin replied, “A republic . . . if you can keep it.”

Independence Hall BTW, is where both the United States Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution were debated and adopted. Though today the words democracy and republic seem interchangeable in the popular media, they are very different. (Note: If you want to discover the weighty difference between a republic and a democracy read the ClearNFO link HERE.)

Independence Hall

Independence Hall

In 1951 Robert Hutchins writes in the preface of the Great Books of the Western World: “We believe that the reduction of the citizen to an object of propaganda, private and public, is one of the greatest dangers to democracy. A prevalent notion is that the great mass of the people cannot understand and cannot form an independent judgment upon any matter; they cannot be educated, in the sense of developing their intellectual powers, but they can be bamboozled. The reiteration of slogans, the distortion of the news, the great storm or propaganda that beats upon the citizen twenty-four hours a day all his life long mean either that democracy must fall a prey to the loudest and most persistent propagandists or that the people must save themselves by strengthening their minds so that they can appraise the issues for themselves.”

Robert M. Hutchins, page xiii
December 1, 1951
Preface to the Great Books of the Western World.
The Great Conversation

So, here in America, we have prospered in our ‘democracy’ –which in fact was never a democracy but a republic– and round about this miracle of human history and achievement, icons like Apple Pie, Patriotism, Baseball, white picket fences and hometown America have emerged implanting themselves permanently into the collective psyche of generations of Americans. We have proud visions of brave young men going off to war risking death, physical and psychological injury to protect our precious America; and I for one, still believe in these ideals. However, at some point we must reconcile our ideals with the massive amount of documented evidence, and start to confront the facts as they exist; thereby leaving the false comfort of what has become a perpetuated myth of the old America. Since Benjamin’s conversation at Independence Hall in 1787, the republic has been under constant assault by those who would be her King. After decades of cloak and dagger finagling and wrangling, a private group of men were finally successful in placing themselves at the pinnacle of America’s power in 1913; thereby subverting the protection of the republic crafted at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. This was no accident, but a carefully planned and executed ambush by very powerful and determined men who schemed in secret. The artifacts that testify to the truth of this ambush and successful coup can be found in the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment. The planning, execution and the historical details of this coup have been meticulously documented in G. Edgar Griffin’s ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’.

From 1913 forward, we see President Wilson’s fears that he had ruined America with the Federal Reserve Act and the power bequeathed thereby to these men made manifest to the observant world in geopolitical events, murder and assassinations that followed.

From the unannounced 1913 American Coup, The Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment were created; born of lies and subterfuge and from the enormous power this granted to a handful of private men ushered forth the following sequences of events:
• They lied about the Bolshevik Revolution – America created the Soviet Union from the ashes of the Tsars with their hand-picked and financed agents Trotsky and Lenin. (See Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution.)
• They lied about WWI – We were lied into WWI (See Antony C. Sutton; Carrol Quigley and the Lusitania)
• They lied about WWII – We were lied into WWII (See Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler and The Anglo-American Establishment)
• They lied about the assassination of John F. Kennedy
• They lied about Vietnam – Gulf of Tonkin incident and resultant Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which took the lives of 58,000 American boys and millions of Vietnamese.
• They lied about 9/11 and presaged the buildup to 9/11 with PNAC: They caused or allowed the attacks of 9/11 and irrefutably covered up the facts
• They lied about Osama Ben Laden and Al-Qaeda: They gave Osama Ben Laden $3 billion to fight the Russians in Afghanistan and created the myth of Al-Qaeda
• They gave us The Patriot Act which has shredded our Constitution and Bill of Rights
• They gave us NAFTA which has decimated the middle class enriching those in control
• They gave us Open Borders which will damage what is left of the working folks and burden our troubled economy
• They are negotiating treaties like the TPP and others in secret that not even our Congress can see, yet nothing is done to prevent these treasonous acts.
• They have bailed out the banker’s crooked deals with the taxpayer’s money and good credit leaving the average American with the bills to pay
• They lied about the invasion of Iraq
• They lied about the invasion of Afghanistan
• They lied about the invasion of Libya
• They lied about the invasion of Syria
• They lied about the US Takeover and violent putsch of Ukraine

Today’s America is not the republic we were given back in 1787, but a fascistic tyranny in the service of a few evil men.

Opus 016: Do we have a democracy or a republic?

How I see it

by DAVID BROWN | | May 8, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

Okay so here’s the plan as I see it…  the Federal Government has militarized the local police, they have then inflamed racial tensions by choosing to accentuate questionable cases of police misconduct when there are plenty cut and dry examples they could have championed- this gives both sides a position to fight against each other: The reason they choose cases like this to trumpet through the media… is because each side can take a hard position. The next step will be to eliminate all of this police brutality by federalizing the police. Thus you have a federal takeover of law enforcement, leaving the US Citizens even more vulnerable than before to the unconstitutional whims of those criminal elements who have infiltrated the US Federal Government.

There’s more to Monsanto than meets the eye

by DAVID BROWN | | May 8, 2015



There’s more to Monsanto than meets the eye …

Frederic Mousseau, who is a Policy Director at The Oakland Institute:

“We saw in 2013 that Monsanto invested $140 million in new seed plans in Ukraine. It is clearly the bread basket of Europe and it is a key target for a company like Monsanto, which sees this huge potential for production and this huge market. Europe has been quite resistant in allowing GMOs, but if they are successful in Ukraine then there might be a domino effect in Europe.”

The $17 billion IMF loan to Ukraine is contingent on Ukraine allowing GMO crops: IMF loan stipulations require permitting GMO production.

Putin doesn’t like GMO BTW.

Additional reading on ClearNFO



Meet Pierre Omidyar

by DAVID BROWN | | May 8, 2015

Pierre Omidyar (2007)

Pierre Omidyar (2007)

Who is Pierre Omidyar? Well, he is a billionaire… who is also Glenn Greenwald’s boss who helped the CIA fund the violent overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine last year (documents below) so that the US State Department could install their own puppet government. Remember Julian Assange of Wikileaks who is held up in the Ecuadorian embassy in the UK since 2012 because the US Government wants his hide? Well, Pierre Omidyar also suspended WikiLeaks’ donation account and froze its assets leaving WikiLeaks facing a funding crisis. Seems Pierre gets around. He and pal George Soros have both assisted the CIA and the State Department in the putsch in Ukraine. Small world. It’s interesting to note that Soros proudly admits to helping Hitler in his youth (yes, he is that old) and now he along with the US Government are helping the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine.

Note: Pierre, is the the billionaire owner of PayPal Corporation has entered into a $250 Million business partnership with two journalists-Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, a journalist duo who possess the entire cache of evidence provided by Edward Snowden.

Pierre Omidyar co-funded Ukraine revolution groups with US government, documents show

Additional related NFO on ClearNFO: