Corruption is Metastasizing in the U.S.

Three Branches of GovernmentObviously, not all people who work for the government are corrupt, but after reading whistleblower Sibel Edmonds’ account of her time at the FBI and after watching a 2.5 hour long interview with whistleblower William Binney –who spent 30 years at the NSA– there is no other conclusion but corruption and criminal activity permeates every nook and cranny of the highest echelons of the FBI, Justice Department and the NSA.  Add to this, Sibel and William, both sought to inform their own management chain, congress and the judiciary to only find that this act to protect your rights and your sacred constitution was met with vicious slander, intimidation and threats.  So after being fully informed of this corruption and illegal activity, your Congress did nothing. Our Judges did nothing and all those responsible in the Executive branch did nothing but attempt to undermine and destroy these honorable people. This, then, is the state of the Union.  Like a fish, it rots first from the head; and the stench is here for all to smell. I think you smell it already. The checks and balances our founders put in place to prevent this very same tyranny of the power of the state over the rights of the individual are gone.  Laws are being broken and the US Constitution is being violated daily, with impunity and no chance of prosecution by those same people –as a requirement of their employment– swore an oath to protect and defend this same constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. We as a nation are faced with a problem. We can pretend that the problem doesn’t exist, or we can set a course of action to rid our country of this metastasizing tumor. To pretend it does not exist, or that someone else will step in to fix it, is to guarantee that the corrupting impact of this tumor will spread across this nation and to your door step.  Our only option, therefore, is to set about ripping this corruption from the body of this nation and to throw it into the fire.


How to do this? There are many people working on this solution, so what you can do is to become informed. Know that there is a problem. What the problem is, and support those who are trying to fix the problem. Get to know what your rights are under the constitution so that you know when they are being violated, and then stand up to those in power who seek to steal your birthright guaranteed by the US Constitution and the US Bill of Rights. If called for jury duty, serve. And judge not only the guilt or innocence of the accused, but first judge the constitutionality of the laws under which the accused are being charged. This is not only your right but your duty to protect your fellow citizen against unconstitutional laws in this way. This is called Jury nullification and is your right.  State nullification works in much the same way as jury nullification only at the state level.  States –like you as a juror– have the right to nullify unconstitutional laws dictated from the central government in Washington, D.C. Encourage your representatives to stand up to the tyranny that has become the US Government. The most important things we can do however are to educate ourselves and then spread this education to all those who will listen.   As Victor Hugo once said: “No army can stop an idea whose time has come”.

-David Brown

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