Tag Archives: 9-11

Historical Revisionism and the Conspiratorial View of History

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | December 23, 2017

Historical Revisionism and the Conspiratorial View of History

Though the ranks are thinning, there still exists today those who believe the official stories of the JFK assassination (40%) and the attacks on 9/11 (50%).

Despite great progress in rational, evidence-based discovery of fact and the clear refutation of official false-narratives promulgated by the US Government and its protectors surrounding JFK and 9/11, there is much less progress in other major historical events: great swaths of people still cling to many historical myths too uncomfortable to question. Some of these myths are so dangerous 17 countries have found it necessary to fine or imprison any who may question ‘settled history’. It seems certain areas of the historical record are off limits; today’s history requires laws –in place of evidence– to protect questionable official assertions.

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9-11: NIST & FEMA, Accessories After the Fact

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Dec 10, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

While most now understand the official story of 9-11 is a logical and physical impossibility, Richard Grove provides irrefutable evidence (below) that both the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) participated in the criminal cover-up of the attacks on 9-11. This means that the heads of NIST and FEMA are accessories after the fact to murder and should therefore be put on trial for their crimes.  It is important therefore to realize that these institutions CANNOT be trusted and are a real part of the criminal cabal currently taking America apart piece by piece while their masters terrorize the world with murder, mayhem and chaos.

From Richard Grove’s Peace Revolution episode 039:
9-11 BACKDRAFT / Examining the Evidence Ten Years Later

Incontrovertible – New 9/11 Documentary by Tony Rooke

9-11 provided the U.S. Government the perfect opportunity to spread murder, mayhem and chaos across the globe: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan: Dead, Disabled, Displaced or Destroyed – “Democracy” Delivered

9/11 Revisited

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | April 3, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

If you are like me, you found the conclusions of the official 9/11 Commission Report hard to believe.   Why? Because it seemed implausible that two airplanes could bring down two skyscrapers in such a nice, even pattern. Reminded me of all the controlled demolition videos I had watched with amazement prior to 9/11. The 9/11 demolition was picture perfect, and something just wasn’t right. After my initial shock, I was surprised to discover that building #7 fell in just the same way, only it was never hit by a plane. I was even more shocked when I learned that most New Yorkers were unaware that building #7 wasn’t hit by a plane. I would hope that most New Yorkers know by now.  There is overwhelming detailed scientific evidence –that I won’t bore you with right now– which proves the official story is not plausible. You can do your own research if you feel the need.

So here we have three buildings taken down by two planes.  Reminds me of the JFK magic bullet theory, and since the US Government has a long, documented history of lying to the American public, I wasn’t buying their official story without some hard evidence. Videos were confiscated and evidence was shipped to China to be melted down; SEC records were destroyed. The US Government destroyed as much evidence as it could before any real investigation could even be suggested; and before the general population smelled a rat; and in fact NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, was the government agency assigned to investigate the building collapses participated in this government cover-up. NIST likely committed many criminal acts, though was never prosecuted …

Exposing the Criminal Cover-Up of 9/11 – Review of David Ray Griffin: The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7

I could go on and on with the physical evidence, but even without any of the physical evidence we have insider evidence from whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds in her excellent book entitled ‘Classified Woman’ that proves to me that top FBI officials were also in on the cover-up. And now we have the redacted 28 pages of the 9/11 Report that supposedly implicates Saudi Arabia though no one can give specifics since this information is part of the National Security ruse.  My concern is that if the 9/11 report can’t be trusted, why can we now trust the missing 28 pages?  Is this yet another layer to confound those in search for the truth?

9/11 was  a pivotal event which provided the US Government vast and far-reaching, unconstitutional powers over the good citizens of America and unfortunately many of America’s vassal states have emulated this abuse of their citizen’s rights. What were once rights are now privileges to be doled-out at the whim of a new tyrannical government.   It made it easy to pass the Constitution-killing ‘Patriot Act’ and NDAA authorizing the government to indefinitely detain or murder its citizens without due process; and it has opened the financial flood gates for undeclared and illegal wars across the globe.  It has ushered in the police state with the help of the DHS and removed any expectation of privacy by the NSA.  So who benefited from 9/11? Not the 3,000 who lost their lives or their families. Not the average American citizen. Not the US Constitution or Bill of Rights.  The Government benefited with new powers and the Military-Industrial Complex benefited. Who else? Well the planners at the Pentagon who get their instructions from the likes of the CFR, RIIA, GCHQ, and the Trilateral Commission. In fact, these same folks got their dream (documented in PNAC) for a ‘New American Pearl Harbor’ to help move their agenda along quicker.

In case you haven’t seen these videos, I think you might want to take a look for yourselves…

VIDEO 1: We blew up our Pentagon with a cruise missile. We have it on video…here’s the video and a pic of the missile. The gray object above the Orange Cone on the right. The little gray object is supposed to be a 43′ high 757. It is not. Frames at 24,25, and 26 seconds…

Plane Hits The Pentagon

VIDEO 2: There is another angle from down the street at the Hilton.
NEW: 9/11 Hotel Video Released of NO PLANE hitting the Pentagon!

VIDEO 3: 9/11 – The Truth In 5 Minutes – James Corbett

VIDEO 4:  Excellent film from James Corbett: 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
(Published Sep 11, 2015)

“Forget for one moment everything you’ve been told about September 11, 2001. 9/11 was a crime. And as with any crime, there is one overriding imperative that detectives must follow to identify the perpetrators: follow the money. This is an investigation of the 9/11 money trail.”

Until America and the world fully realize that 9/11 was an inside job, there is little hope we can turn back the tyranny and global wars that have engulfed planet earth as a result of this villainy.

Additional information at ClearNFO:
America: The Greatest Force for Good?
Michael Springmann on Visas for Terrorists
Interview with NSA Whistleblower William Binney
Classified Woman
Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression