Tag Archives: Brian Williams

What Brian Williams and his pals are NOT telling you

Brian W Liar Lyin Brian

Yes, they lie to us constantly and as they are found out, a decreasing percentage of Americans tune in to watch, but there is a more sinister side:  Here are a few things Brian Williams and his pals are NOT telling us …

  1. The War in Ukraine is completely orchestrated by the USA and NATO
  2. Obama removed the democratically elected government in Kiev, Ukraine (Western Ukraine) and installed his own puppet government backed by neo-Nazis
  3. Out of fear of the new Obama regime in Kiev, 90% of the citizens in Crimea (Eastern Ukraine) voted to associate with Russia for protection
  4. Ignoring the Crimean vote and to support Obama’s propaganda, the US News media falsely reports that Russia invaded Crimea
  5. Joe Biden’s crack-head son –Hunter Biden—was appointed to board of major Ukrainian gas company
  6. Ukraine Agreed to a Monsanto “Land Grab” to Get a $17 Billion Loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  7. IMF said no more money to Kiev until they get the Donbas area under control
  8. Obama’s puppet in Kiev starts bombing cities and villages in the Donbas area (central Ukraine) killing thousands of innocent men, women and children.
  9. Kiev forces start to defect this illegal and criminal genocide orchestrated by Obama and team
  10. Obama puppet starts to shell Donbas area cities with white phosphorus
  11. Complete news blackout by the US Press on the human carnage and atrocities committed by the Obama regime in Kiev.

Some lies and omissions –with the intent to deceive– are more impactful than merely fluffing one’s resume, eh?

Additional Reading …

War in Ukraine

Operation Gladio

Monsanto’s part