Tag Archives: Carnegie

We are in the midst of WW3

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | November 2, 2021

Historical Foundations

From the 1953 investigation by the Reece Committee into the Carnegie Foundation:

“We are now at the year nineteen hundred and eight, which was the year that the Carnegie Foundation began operations. And, in that year, the trustees meeting, for the first time, raised a specific question, which they discussed throughout the balance of the year, in a very learned fashion. And the question is this: Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people? And they conclude that, no more effective means to that end is known to humanity, than war. So then, in 1909, they raise the second question, and discuss it, namely, how do we involve the United States in a war?

Well, I doubt, at that time, if there was any subject more removed from the thinking of most of the People of this country, than its involvement in a war. There were intermittent shows in the Balkans, but I doubt very much if many people even knew where the Balkans were. And finally, they answer that question as follows: we must control the State Department.

And then, that very naturally raises the question of how do we do that? They answer it by saying, we must take over and control the diplomatic machinery of this country and, finally, they resolve to aim at that as an objective. Then, time passes, and we are eventually in a war, which would be World War I.  At that time, they record on their minutes a shocking report in which they dispatch to President Wilson a telegram cautioning him to see that the war does not end too quickly. And finally, of course, the war is over.

At that time, their interest shifts over to preventing what they call a reversion of life in the United States to what it was prior to 1914, when World War I broke out. At that point, they come to the conclusion that, to prevent a reversion, we must control education in the United States. And they realize that is a pretty big task. To them it is too big for them alone.

So they approach the Rockefeller Foundation with a suggestion: that portion of education which could be considered domestic should be handled by the Rockefeller Foundation, and that portion which is international should be handled by the Endowment.

They then decide that the key to the success of these two operations lay in the alteration of the teaching of American History. So, they approach four of the then most prominent teachers of American History in the country — people like Charles and Mary Byrd. Their suggestion to them is this, “Will they alter the manner in which they present their subject”” And, they get turned down, flatly.

So, they then decide that it is necessary for them to do as they say, i.e. “build our own stable of historians.” Then, they approach the Guggenheim Foundation, which specializes in fellowships, and say” “When we find young men in the process of studying for doctorates in the field of American History, and we feel that they are the right caliber, will you grant them fellowships on our say so? And the answer is, “Yes.”

So, under that condition, eventually they assemble twenty (20), and they take these twenty potential teachers of American History to London. There, they are briefed in what is expected of them — when, as, and if they secure appointments in keeping with the doctorates they will have earned.

That group of twenty historians ultimately becomes the nucleus of the American Historical Association. And then, toward the end of the 1920’s, the Endowment grants to the American Historical Association four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) for a study of our history in a manner which points to what this country look forward to, in the future.”

Source: Norman Dodd, chief investigator in 1953 for U.S. Congressman B. Carroll Reece Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations (commonly referred to as the Reece Committee).

Wars were Created

All major 20th and 21st Century Wars were created, orchestrated and sold to the public using false flags.  The victors then write the history we all learn in school and from watching state-run media.  To prove this up, watch James Perloff’s excellent lecture here…

Unless you live in Australia, today’s World War has yet to go kinetic

Today’s War involvesnot nation-states but a global hegemony of a select few whose agenda is the enslavement of the entire globe under a single focal point. The mechanism of attack is fear  —  used to drive total compliance: fear of COVID; fear of climate change; fear of a cyber-pandemic; and fear of total financial collapse.  If successful, the ideas of the nation-state and personal freedom will vanish, replaced by a one-world governing authority being rolled out across the globe today in perfect harmony.

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
― George Orwell, 1984


Tax-Free Foundations and The Reece Committee

Solving the Wrong Problems

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | July 02, 2017

I’ve been watching the news since at least five, but back then my only sources were CBS, NBC and ABC… but even as a child, it was curious to me that all three channels selected the same news and same viewpoint. Truth –it seemed– was nice and well-behaved. Different personalities, yes, but there was an obvious sameness that I could recognize but not explain. Later, we had PBS and NOVA which I loved and then there was CNN which seemed to break the monotony of the big three networks … and soon, there were hundreds of stations. Despite the explosion of stations and choices, little in-depth, satisfying news was available. There was no real choice.

As CNN’s newness grew stale, Fox News came to the rescue, again breaking the monotony of sameness. But Fox turned the news into entertainment soundbites and punished any like Andrew Napolitano who dared to question the walled garden of ‘well-established’ fact-claims. Again monotony and sameness prevailed until the Alt Media presaged decades earlier by Mae Brussell, energized by Alex Jones, documented by Patrick Wood, James Perloff, James Corbett, refined by Richard Grove and others emerged from obscurity to question the officially promulgated narrative of the big sameness.

And despite my love of news and current events, history in the public school system was a dull, boring monotony of sameness promulgating the same set of unexamined fact-claims echoed in the news media. Something was wrong, but I had no real proof, until I read the Reece Committee report of 1953 (United States House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations), where I learned our history was contrived, controlled and basterdized by some of the most respected institutions in America: American Historical Association; Tax-Free / Exempt foundations like the Rockefeller, Carnegie, Guggenheim and Ford foundations. These folks had paid for the version of history we all willingly consumed; and no one was the wiser. After all, who would read these 1953 congressional reports and investigations into this blatant fraud?

I then read a true accounting of our major wars from James Perloff; based on actual source documents and found that all our major wars (Spanish/American, WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam) were based on manufactured narratives; contrived, false information; and no one was the wiser.

But the lens revealing the men and the methods behind this corrupt fog of obfuscation was Carroll Quigley’s ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’; which proves beyond any doubt, we are being controlled by lies and herded like livestock to be fleeced, rendered and used by those –who today– seek to control the free flow of information on the internet.

What our masters know: Information is power and without the truth, we will all be trying to solve the wrong problems and never be able to identify the real villains who control our worldview and therefore our destiny.

Solution: Stop relying on the paid authorities and learn to read and think again on our own. After all, it was Allen Dulles who assured his coconspirators all is well since “Americans don’t read.”

Additional Links and References:

Anglo-American Establishment

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Sep 02, 2014

Tha Anglo American Establishment by Carroll Quigley

Anglo-American Establishmen
by Carroll Quigley (June 1, 1981) Paperback: 354 pages

One of the most important books I have ever read.  There is no review that can do justice to the sheer magnitude and gravitas of this book.  It unashamedly and unabashedly builds fact upon fact, detail upon detail in a raw presentation of the names, dates, relationships, methods, sources, strategies and tactics of the predominant powers who were behind the scenes creating the world we live in today.  If geopolitics appears confusing to you today, many of the missing pieces of the puzzle will fall nicely into place after a reading of this book.  You may not have known or heard of many of the people in this book, but these were the men pulling the strings behind the historical personalities historians prattle about and study today.   Moving continents, people and resources like pieces on a chess board;  controlling heads of state; starting wars or making peace when convenient; making deals with Hitler, Stalin and others … these methods, organizations, societies and minds are the foundation of today’s world.   Within this book you will discover the importance of Cecil Rhodes and the  Rhodes Scholarship and what it means today.  You will discover the origins of the CFR and its older sister the RIIA and much, much more.

This amazing book by historian and insider Carroll Quigley provides an eye-opening front-row seat to the secret machinations of power. Quigley is such a through, detailed researcher providing excellent documentation, that he has a reputation of having few claims or statements of fact disputed. After reading this book, what historian would dare put in the detail or the effort to challenge such precise accounting? What an amazing trip through the many relationships of the very secret inner circle of the Milner Group and the Cecil Bloc with their many levers of power and propaganda and their interrelationships: Oxford Colleges of Balliol College; All Souls College; New College and others; the second ring, the Kindergarten, Cecil Rhodes, the Round Table, the Times, RIIA (Royal Institute of International Affairs) which is the British version of the CFR, the CFR, Rhodes Scholarship, Rockefeller Foundation,  J.P. Morgan, Lord Rothschild, the Rhodes Trust, the Beit Trust, the Carnegie Trust, etc, etc, etc ….

The immense power of the Milner group started by Toynbee and Milner lasted from 1875 to 1945 and is still in existence today but lost most of its political power after some very bad decisions in India and their ill-fated support of Hitler in the run up to WWII. Nonetheless, there are real gems in this reading that can be had nowhere else like a true accounting of Hitler’s real power leading to WWII or the lies and deception used to terrorize the British public. I think the best information for me is an understanding of the roots of today’s power centers which gained their start with the Milner group and that they have yet to give up the dream of a one world government. Other benefits include the methods and techniques of how real power is wielded in private behind closed doors. The politicians we see in the media are there for show and to communicate what has already been decided by those who have the real power and know how to use it.

More on this topic here:

History… Connected: Cecil Rhodes and the Anglo American Establishment redux

See also:

Tragedy and Hope 101 by Joseph Plummer