Tag Archives: Drudge

What Just Happened?

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | January 23, 2021

Now that the old establishment power structure has installed their president, we can make a few observations.  First, the unexpected election of Trump in 2016 –or anyone like Trump– will never be allowed again.  The elections in 2020 were massively rigged and none of our government institutions lifted a finger to investigate or attempt to correct this obvious fraud on the American people.  Big-tech and the media were there to silence opposition and ready to make this fraud seem plausible if not inevitable and even righteous to any foolish enough to consume their propaganda.

Trump populism gave the establishment such a scare; they are wasting no time rolling out the constitutional-shredding Patriot Act II under the guise of domestic terrorism, targeting anything or anyone resembling the MAGA movement.  This new legislation and domestic terrorism unit at the National Security Council will be designed to crush Trump supporters wherever they may find them.

Our new thoroughly rattled tyrants will use the full power of the corrupt FBI and DOJ to prosecute their war against their political opposition.   All this will be done while conforming to a patchwork of agendas including UN Agenda 21/2030, Build Back Better, Carbon Taxes, The Great Reset, the 4th Industrial Revolution, and the destruction of culture, tradition and the notion of the nation-state. We will be one big happy global family and we will like it.  The agendas comprise strategies, while a scientific dictatorship pedigreed in technocracy will provide the operational tactics to accomplish a total global control grid designed to shear, fleece, skin or render the vast unwashed masses.

Not trying to be Debbie Downer here but we must come to terms with the reality of what happened with the 2020 elections if we have any chance of fighting this resurgent beast who now feels empowered to totally dominate the America people.

First, we need to stop feeding the beast with our clicks, eyeballs and money.  This means cutting off the major players who have fully uncloaked themselves recently.  I love the ease and efficiency of Amazon, but I no longer purchase anything from them.  I still shop on their great website, but I find what I want and go elsewhere with my shekels.  Likewise, I deleted my Twitter account and have stopped using Facebook for anything other than a redirect platform to redirect the reader or follower to better platforms and information.   I prefer BitChute and others to YouTube, only using YouTube when there are no other choices.  And so it goes… starving the beast of money, eyeballs and clicks works 100%, 100% of the time.   Your money and your attention matter, so stop feeding the beast whose intent is to devour you.

Some suggestions to try:

  • Brave Browser over Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, IE, etc.
  • MeWe and/or VK, Gab over Facebook
  • Telegram over Twitter
  • Spidr.today over Drudge
  • DuckDuckGo, Yandex, Swisscows over Google search

If you like to listen to podcasts or YouTube, take the time to look at other alternatives like Podomatic, Spreaker, etc.

What are the positives?

The Established Power Structure (DS, Globalists, etc.) have pissed off at least 74M Trump voters and likely many more. Everyone knows the election was a fraud.  Everyone now has the opportunity to observe this tyrannical hydra and all its heads fully uncloaked.  Prior to Trump and the 2020 election, too many were in denial about the power, the coordination, malevolence and the villainy of these people and organizations who conspired to steal the 2020 election; and then, promulgate the preposterous notion Biden won more votes than any man in American history.  No one believes this, and no one believes Biden is legitimate.    This, then, is a problem for the DS– a big problem.  And this is why they are in such a rush to crush any dissenting points of view even if it requires force.

The opportunity for us is clear.  We must not accept their lies and we must promote evidence-based truth to all who can listen.   We must also band together to increase our voice and our strength.



Find me on MeWe: www.mewe.com/i/davidbrown24

Additional Reading & Useful Links.. 

Great news sources


On the Matter of Government and Marriage

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | April 29, 2015

Reported on DRUDGE today: ALITO: Why Not Let 4 Lawyers Marry One Another?

Supreme_Court_US_2010The implicit assumption in begging the Supreme Court to rule on marriage is that the government has any legitimate interest in things as personal as marriage. They do not. The government has insinuated itself illegitimately into every nook and sinew of our personal lives and our society. I say keep out! The root of so many of our problems is government sticking its nose where it doesn’t belong. Government = Force and if you want liberty, I say limit the scope and reach of government. Being mostly a libertarian at heart, I want the government out of my business and out of my personal life; so my answer to Alito’s question above is that it is none of the government’s business if 4 or 20 lawyers marry each other. However, neither is it the government’s business to force a bakery shop to make a cake for anyone whom they do not want to bake a cake for; neither is it the government’s business to force a church to marry someone whom they choose not to marry. The government needs to stay out of marriage period. Marriage is a religious and a cultural tradition, not the purview of the government. We need to start pruning the tree of tyranny, not asking it permission to get married or forcing our neighbor to bake us a cake.

I have always been a news hound


by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | August 20, 2014

I have always been a news hound as far back as I can remember. Originally, the only news I could receive was from the local news paper and three TV stations: ABC, NBC & CBS. The newspaper was limited to covering local, small-town events and then they would defer everything else to the New York Times or other big ‘well respected’ news authorities. The TV stations stood out to me remarkably because they covered the same news items every day the same way. Even as a child, I thought how odd that ABC, NBC & CBS would all come to the same conclusions the same way. I knew something was up. I knew there was someone, somewhere behind the scenes controlling what was considered important news and what was not; and I also knew that if you can pick and choose your facts: what to emphasize what to de-emphasize and what to leave out, you can tell whatever story that needs to be told. Later we had PBS which had NOVA and Jacob Jacob Bronowski’s series ‘The Ascent of Man’, which I loved; but even my new hope for good information was spoiled by PBS & NPR when they consistently shaped the news to their liking. Still later we had CNN, CSPAN-1 & CSPAN-2 but I never felt I was getting the whole truth. Then Fox News arrived and widened the news perspective just a bit but still stayed close to center gravity created by all the weight of other news spigots.

Later, Fox News got in trouble with cell phone hacking in the UK and jail time was threatened against the owner of Fox News. So as the threats increased, Fox News seemed to react by changing their perspective to be more in line with the establishment and even canceled a very successful and probative program, replacing it with reruns of unsuccessful programs. I smelled a rat. So, I turned off my TV and haven’t watched it since.

Other bright spots in the news delivery service is the great expanse of news available online. The Drudge Report is a good news aggregator and Drudge has a sublime talent for telling a story and creating news using only his headlines he places in the links to the news stories he aggregates on his site.

There are many other excellent new aggregators like:

Full Spectrum Dominance

and Global Research

Since I don’t watch TV anymore, I have much more time to read and read I have. Major books and videos that have opened my eyes wide enough to see who the men are that control our news and thus our collective sense of reality are:

None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen
Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir by Sibel D Edmonds (Author)
The Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley
The Rockefeller File by Gary Allen
The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin
The Money Masters (film) by William T. Still and Patrick S. J. Carmack

Richard Nixon: The Man Behind the Mask by Gary Allen
Kissinger: The Secret Side of the Secretary of State by Gary Allen
Hope & Change by Carroll Quigley
Hope & Change 101 by Joseph Plummer
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Anthony C. Sutton
The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives by Zbigniew Brzezinski

Some of the best news analysis comes from the following:

James Corbett of The Corbett Report
Paul Craig Roberts

And on the cutting edge and early adopters of real ClearNFO, you have Alex Jones and the John Birch Society

There are many more important news sources out there on the Wild, Wild Web but I’ll leave that up to discover on your own.