Tag Archives: greed

Is Greed Our Problem?

money-bag-400301_150Greed is a good word but in my mind there is also a lack of character, morality, ethics, culture, tradition, pride, honor, etc; all of which would tend to constrain greed. The development of these ideals can be traced back –in my opinion– to a basic building block of character and morality called the family. What has happened to the family? With fuzzy logic, we have allowed ourselves to be duped into murdering our own children for convenience sake and then told that this murder was just a medical procedure called abortion. Once we accept this big lie –that a fetus is not a human or a child or alive– then our brain has been prepared to accept the necessary corollary that human life is not special or sacred 1) at the very young end of the time track or 2) at the old end. So now we have death panels wherein we can kill grandma or grandpa for economic convenience when just a few decades ago this would have been unthinkable. This is progress to the ‘Progressive’. So if we will not protect the most vulnerable and the most innocent, what morality or character do we really possess? I say none. We are being slowly marinated in a technocratic ‘Progressive Ideology’ and thus controlled by eugenicists whose publicly stated goal is a reduction of population by 80 to 90%. The chemicals we are consuming are dumbing us down and slowly making us weak, infertile and compliant to the wishes of the ‘powers-that-shouldn’t-be’.