Tag Archives: Greek Debt Crisis

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : On the So-Called “Greek Debt Crisis”

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | July 26, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

If you understand how the money powers use USAID, IMF the World Bank and other financial orgs to transfer ownership of real assets on the cheap, you will recognize these same techniques being used on Greece today. This is commonly known as ‘Asset-Striping’ a country by those who do this for a living. PCR (Paul Craig Roberts) recently did an excellent breakdown on this in an interview on The Mind Renewed by Dr. Julian Charles. Below, I have broken down the steps used in 3rd – World nations in Latin America and other regions of the globe. Why is this important? Well, this is what is being done to Greece and what is in store for any other members of the EU who get out of line; and it must be noted that the USA is not immune.

ASSET-STRIPPING Sovereign Nations, by the books:

1. Country “X” is identified as being financially weak, yet has valuable assets like natural resources or has geopolitical value
2. Country “X” is then targeted by the USAID, IMF & World Bank for loans.
3. Representatives are sent into Country “X” to do studies to prove up (by exaggerated estimates) what this or that infrastructure will do for the economy of Country “X”.
4. This inflated estimate for money is then included as part of a loan request to the bank. This is the cover.
5. Loan is committed
6. Heads of State of Country “X” siphon off much of the money to private bank accounts
7. Most of the work for the infrastructure improvements goes to well-connected multinational corporations not to local companies.
8. Country “X” cannot pay loan back
9. Bank offers additional money to help Country “X” if they will implement “austerity measures” which effectively puts the bankers in charge of running the country.
10. Country “X”, still cannot make payments on loan.
11. Bank takes control of assets and natural resources of Country “X”
12. Bank sells assets, natural resources of Country “X” or provides monopolies to multinational corporations at pennies on the dollar, which still does not satisfy the debt.
NOTE: Much of this is coordinated with the help of the US, CIA, NATO and the EU. If Country “X” will not go along with the loan, then Operation Gladio or a ‘Color Revolution’ is implemented to destabilize Country “X” for regime change.

Enjoy the Brilliant interview with Paul Craig Roberts by Dr. Julian Charles of The Mind Renewed just below…

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : On the So-Called “Greek Debt Crisis
Published on Friday, 24 July 2015 13:37 by The Mind Renewed:

What is the so-called “Greek Debt Crisis”? Is it simply the result of economic mismanagement by the Greek people and their successive governments, or is there more to it than meets the eye?

Joining us to answer this question, we welcome once again Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy), who explains that the crisis is not fundamentally about debt at all, but rather the playing out of a strategy by the financial and political elites to establish two main principles: the looting of European countries by the “One Percent”, and the systematic destruction of their national sovereignty.

We also discuss the Iran Nuclear Deal and the recent address by UK Prime Minister David Cameron on “extremism” (described by Glenn Greenwald as “one of the creepiest and most authoritarian speeches you’ll ever hear.”)

Related NFO from Catherine Austin Fitts:
Central Bank Warfare Model Wearing Thin (Published on Jul 19, 2015)
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts of Solari.com.

Show notes from ‘Central Bank Warfare Model Wearing Thin’:
Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts says, “The central banking warfare model is wearing thin. There are three things you can do: You can have war, you can have depopulation or you can have change. The voice you are hearing coming back from the BRICS, the voice you are hearing coming back from the Greek people is let’s try change. The IMF is saying . . . you know they have a point. Puerto Rico and Greece have rung that bell that says we have to create value in the real economy. You can’t eat it if you don’t grow it, and we can’t grow it if we are all engaged in disaster capitalism.”

Some additional clarity on the Iran nuclear deal:
Obama’s line on the Iran nuclear deal: A second false narrative
by Gareth Porter | MIDDLE EAST EYE |Saturday 25 July 2015