Tag Archives: The Norton Anthology of English Literature

James Joyce

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Aug 18, 2015

Joyce in Zurich, c. 1918

Joyce in Zurich, c. 1918

Joyce is not for everyone –especially my High School English teacher! I did my high school thesis on Finnegans Wake by the Irish writer James Joyce and received a big, fat ‘F’ from my unimpressed teacher; thus my interest in this podcast from Corbett and Thomas Sheridan on Joyce’s A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man. Despite my early failure at literature, I persisted, and found our lives can be much richer than we can imagine by experiencing the amazingly fine literature that is always just a single book away. One of my favorite courses at the University was two semesters of The Norton Anthology of English Literature Vols 1 & 2.’ What an amazing class!!!! Broadened and enriched my life in ways I cannot explain, yet has impacted my life every day since.  Reading fine literature is like doing interior decorating to magically turn your house into a home; only here,  your mind is the interior and the decorating is done with literature.


A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man – FLNWO #29 | Corbett • 08/17/2015 •

Corbett Report: In this edition of Film, Literature and the New World Order James is joined by author, artist, podcaster and researcher Thomas Sheridan of ThomasSheridanArts.com. Together they tackle James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man…and the entirety of the Joycean ouevre. Is Joyce the ultimate anti-imperialist, post-colonial, iconoclastic exile hero? The smith of the uncreated conscience? A literary magician? A man whose hand did many other things as well? All and none of the above? Yes I said yes he will yes.