Tag Archives: US

NWO Update

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | April 03, 2016

human-65930_640The US/NATO’s underhanded destruction of Ukraine and MENA (Middle East & North Africa) has made it abundantly clear to anyone not fooled by the Western Media disinformation campaign, that US/NATO cannot be trusted.  They have completed the same projects; the same way; too many times; too quickly to hide behind the protection of the ‘plausible deniability’ claim except for the profoundly uniformed American citizen.   Since US/NATO has been caught red-handed using virtually identical covert operations to destabilize each of these US-targeted countries; China, Russia, Iran and anyone with an independent geopolitical policy, have taken sharp notice and have therefore been well-schooled in these common US/NATO statecraft techniques, and thus made strikingly aware of the real US geopolitical agenda of a mono-polar hegemony.  China, Russia and Iran for example have no intention of rolling over for this rabid Empire of chaos, death and destruction.  China and Russia have used the past 10 years or so making real improvements to their military –as Russia demonstrated in Syria; at the same time, the US has continued unabated its incestuous and corrupt practice of spending massive funds on unworkable and unneeded technology (for example, It is estimated that the worthless F-35 program will cost US taxpayers more than one trillion dollars in wasted money and effort); not for defense, but to line the pockets of their pals; American national security be damned. In the meantime, Russia and China have learned how to manufacture high-tech, highly-functional weapons of war at a fraction of the cost.

Now that Russia and China have witnessed the repeated lawlessness of the US policy of destabilization and regime change, they no longer contemplate a partner that they can learn to work with, rather they are now preparing to protect themselves from this rabid superpower; and, perhaps how to confront and put it down. Yes, with the EU facade crumbling, the threat of a Trump presidency and the refusal of Russia and China to commit national suicide, the NWO psychopaths have their work cut out for them as the idiom goes.  There is also a global awakening that is eroding the NWO’s well-laid plans at almost every gated juncture, event or milestone in their rush to install their world domination project.

Now, James Corbett goes one step further.  He describes the analysis above as 2D Chess while the real game is played at the 3D level, or as he terms it 3D Chess.  His rationale is that all the oligarchs in each of these power blocks have much more in common with each other than they do with the people they supposedly represent, so the real game is going on at that level, out of sight of the average analyst.  The three major power blocks would be 1) Russia-Oligarchs; 2) China-Oligarchs and 3) the Anglo-American-Oligarchs consisting of US and the UK elite.  So the real game is being played at this level, and my analysis above is merely window dressing.  Not definitive, but possible so we shall keep an eye on both the 2D and 3D chess game that is unfolding on the grand geopolitical chessboard.

BTW, while this game is being played, millions of innocent men, women and children have lost their lives and millions more are suffering horrifically in the wake of this cruel villainy.  This is a game only psychopaths can truly enjoy.

Note: The House of Saud would be considered a 4th oligarch block, but since the Anglo-American Establishment holds a ‘Sword Of Damocles‘ over their ill-gotten throne –not by a single horsehair– but by their proven strategy of tension called Gladio, (or ‘Sword’ in Italian).  With little effort, the Anglo-American Oligarchs could easily run a successful Operation Gladio against the House of Saud as they have done to so many others like Ukraine and Libya.

Additional Reading / Viewing:


More on the F-35 debacle.  The US has done more damage to itself than either China or Russia could dream of…

America’s new trillion-dollar fighter jet under fire again

Rogue Nation

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Mar 29, 2016

Rogue Nation

Rogue Nation

The Western Media act as the gatekeepers of information using two primary methods: Omission: They partially or completely ignore important information without which their consumers cannot make informed judgements. They are in effect the editor of the story they are selling. Propaganda: They use the many tools in the propagandists’ quiver such as the 42 primary logical fallacies, promotion of truth by authority not authority by truth, disinformation based on false assumptions and promulgate information that is fundamentally false and of course Hollywood. At the end of the day, you have a general population who believes the officially promulgated narrative which serves not the consumer’s interest but the interest of others.

So it is not surprising most Americans think Putin invaded Ukraine for example, not realizing it was their own State Department and CIA that orchestrated the violent takeover of a democratically elected government resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women and children. This is all well-documented, but cannot be found in the major media organs in the West. The techniques of this takeover in Ukraine are also well documented: Gladio B, Color Revolutions, NGOs, etc.

These same techniques were used by the US/NATO using Gladio A, the Arab Spring, etc… setting the entire MENA region on fire; resulting in the deaths of millions, and the total destruction of many nations in this area. Still most Americans blame this on the local people and on IS/ISIS/ISIL, etc. as their media have taught them to do. It is also a well-documented fact, that the US/NATO, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey and Qatar have armed, trained and funded IS/ISIS/ISIL for use as their covert proxy army to give them plausible deniability. They pretend to fight ISIS, while at the same time supporting ISIS.

The media have kept this important information from most of their consumers, but they have not been successful hiding the US/NATO actions from the likes of Russia and China and others. All have watched in horror as the leader of the so called ‘Free World’ has uncloaked in front of them, revealing a chilling unchecked duplicity and villainy with no respect for human life, national borders, international law or even the laws of their own countries. The result is that while Russia and China once believed that they could engage in arms-length transactions, build trust and a workable relationship over time; all this has now been shattered by the actions of the US and its vassal states in tow. A great opportunity has been lost.

Now that Russia and China have witnessed the repeated lawlessness of the US, they no longer dream of a partner that they can learn to work with, rather they are now preparing to protect themselves from this rabid, rogue nation; and, perhaps how to confront and put it down.

Obama is killer #1 (Проект 60sec №220. Акция: “Обама киллер №1”)

What China really thinks. Translated from Mandarin…
Russia snubbed from exclusive Western circle
Source:Global Times Published: 2016-4-9 0:58:01

Additional Reading …

Russian Documentary “World Order”

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Jan 07, 2016

Just watched the video below. It was very good. Thanks to Hugh Cameron for directing my attention to this excellent video. Obviously Putin is in a leadership position so must chose his words carefully so that he doesn’t foreclose diplomatic or strategic options to move his agenda forward. What the USA has done to Russia and Ukraine is a crime. The good citizens of America and Russia and in fact the good citizens of the world are facing the same enemy and that is the NWO which seeks to destroy nation-states like Russia to usher in their unworkable Utopia with those in charge of this new order running the globe from a single fulcrum. What Russia, Europe and others may not realize is that part of this new order will be substantial population reductions. I think Putin realizes that he is dealing with certifiable psychopaths who give not a twit about human life. These folks who have insinuated themselves into the halls of power in this country (U.S.) would just as soon step on a bug as kill 100,000 or a million people. There are no mistakes about the Arab Spring or about Ukraine. This is all according to design using proven methods and is documented for all to read; but as Allen Dulles said… “People don’t read.”

Russian Documentary “World Order” with English subs

Additional Reading… 

Putting this rabid dog down

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | July 13, 2015


US/NATO/IMF – endless global wars

Is the gig up for the rabid hegemonic, tyrannical USA and all its vassal states in tow? Is the world finally tired of endless global wars and the global mass murders directed by the USA? Is the world fed up with the lies and the deceit of US/NATO/IMF?  We shall see.  Our would-be masters are attempting to stitch together 1) the North American Union and 2) the Trans-Pacific Partnership using secret, illegal ‘Agreements’ –that are in fact treaties— into new extra-constitutional, stateless unions to be fused into the currently failing 3) European Union (EU).  The EU’s eminent unraveling and resultant implosion may give the BRICS the opening they need to displace this evil, warmongering, corrupt Western power structure created from the Bretton Woods System and the Petrodollar. Even if the EU is somehow able to limp along for a few more years, the BRICS will offer up an alternative to the Anglo-American Unipolar Power-Structure which is the undeniable root cause of world-wide financial dislocations, mass-murder and terrorism. Make no doubt about it, Economic Sanctions against Russia ARE an Act of War, but unlike Japan during WWII, Russia has not taken the bait. Despite –or perhaps because of– a much weaker military hand, Russia plays chess whilst the morons at the corrupt and totally owned U.S. Pentagon play checkers.  In case you haven’t noticed, America has been captured by international bankers who can only continue as long as the lies their media spew are believed; or until the music stops, and we all realize there are no chairs on the good ship Fascism. These international monied powers have corrupted our Congress, have corrupted our Judiciary and have corrupted our Executive; none of which comply with their oath of office to uphold the U.S. Constitution: Rather they wipe their smelly arses with it daily and rub our faces in it. With or without a countervailing force, the current corrupt system cannot last, because all corrupt systems eventually fall of their own weight.

“The US debt market (US Treasuries) is toast. The institutions that support US power are crumbling before our very eyes. The BRICS have had enough; enough war, enough Wall Street, enough meddling and hypocrisy and austerity and lecturing.”  — Mike Whitney

Putin Leads BRICS Uprising
By Mike Whitney
Global Research (July 13, 2015) / CounterPunch (10 July 2015)

Even The Players Are Losing Faith In Their Own Shenanigans
By Tyler Durden
Zero Hedge  (07/13/2015)

How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan’s Attack on Pearl Harbor
By Robert Higgs
The Independent Institute (July 13, 2015)

The Mess that Nuland Made
By Robert Parry
Consortiumnews (July 13, 2015)

The Eurasian Big Bang
How China and Russia Are Running Rings Around Washington
By Pepe Escobar

From ClearNFO:

Ukraine: USA/NATO aka Murder, Inc.

Ukraine 22607955099_nUSA/NATO aka Murder, Inc.

It is no secret tDonbas_no the informed that the US and NATO have orchestrated and funded last year’s coup in Kiev and continue to foment the conflict in Ukraine after installing their own puppet government at the seat of power in Kiev.  The result, is the wholesale murder and slaughter of innocent men, women and children to please Ukraine’s new ‘Anglo-American Establishment‘ masters.
Some frequent updates on the conflict in Ukraine are available from ‘Bürgerinitiative für Frieden in der Ukraine’ (Citizens’ Initiative for Peace in Ukraine) on Facebook HERE. (In German, but can be easily translated in most cases with one click.)

Here’s one example of the near real-time reporting available with videos and pictures …

+++ Video +++ UKRA FASCIST artillery BOMBED residential areas of the city STAKHANOV in LUGANSK. +++ A reporter of life News TV station interviewed citizens of the city of 75,000 residents Stakhanov in Lugansk, whose Stadt weeks massively destroyed by the ukra fascist of heavy artillery and zerbwird!

The people flee in the direction of Lugansk, including many families with children. They had a long time hiding in their cellars from the bomb attacks of nag, but now many houses no longer stand. Almost all residential areas of the city Stakhanov are bombed!

In the video, you can see several sad scenes. One it shows how ordinary citizens of the town berries must – things their killed relatives while in the background the ukra fascist artillery further bombed their town!

At the beginning of the video, the man shows that the artillery of the Kiev regime shoots just in the city. Schools, school facilities and residential, without any strategic or military significance be met!

This is a blatant genocide of the Donbass population – in the middle of Europe! And the world is silent!

The war criminals in Kiev may bomb continue with impunity entire cities and civilian population – without that one critical word from the EU comes!

Of the United States, we want to not even talk because they are the mainstay of this kriegsverbrecherischen bloody regime in Kiev!

Video here.

The Comments are very telling.  The US and NATO are not fooling these people.  They know full-well who is behind this Operation Gladio.

More on this conflict from ClearNFO here…
