Tag Archives: breakaway

Is there a limit to debauchery?

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | May 17, 2015


Man holding a gun preparing to shoot a mother and her child in a sea of corpses

Most people have never heard of the ‘Breakaway Civilization’.  The Breakaways intend to breakaway from the rest of us to create their own Utopian civilization.   Why?  Because they are smarter and richer and therefore  better than those of us who fill the ranks of the ‘unwashed masses’ of humanity; whose only function is to consume Mother Earth’s precious resources.  In short, we are worthless breeders and eaters whose population must be culled.

As a child, I remember seeing the poor, emaciated starving children with swollen bellies from third world nations far, far from me.  Most of these children had darker skin and a different culture, education and religious environment than my country of origin … so in some sense they were different and perhaps too ignorant to know how to help themselves … so perhaps they in some sense deserved this barbaric existence and painful death. I knew my clumsy attempt to rationalize their pain away was inept, but could not come to terms with this tragedy; and the fact, I was in no position to offer real help.   I also knew that many of the so called ‘AID’ agencies operated out of lavish offices with large personal expense accounts and salaries… and they were always begging for dollars, so I reasoned that even if I could provide a small amount of money it would first be spent on the administrators’ lavish accoutrements.

Likewise, when I use to see the U.S. Military drop Agent Orange or carpet bomb Vietnamese villages, I thought that these folks were godless communists with but one desire… to subjugate America under a Communist dictatorship. Later, I realized what an ignorant fool and buffoon I was — a product of the American propaganda machine.

As my businesses prospered and I received a certain amount of financial success, I became somewhat indifferent to my fellows who were of less means than myself, to the point of not saying but believing that I was better and smarter in some way than the unwashed, ignorant masses of humanity.

What all these examples above have in common is the ability to dehumanize our fellow human beings using differences to supply the wedge for a complete emotional break.

My past financial successes were minuscule compared to the ruling elite who govern America and the world today. Their wealth is fueled by Central Banks and maintained by government enforced monopolies; their gains therefore are not deserved or earned by their efforts but by the efforts of the very people whom they despise and look down upon. Never the less, living in the world of ‘billions and trillions’ at your disposal would definitely put a very large ocean between those few elite and the rest of us.  And I suppose that when they look down and see our pain and machinations to survive, they feel a lot the way I have felt in the past. Some are no doubt natural psychopaths who have never felt any remorse or empathy, and some have learned to dehumanize all who are not of their ‘class’.

So the breakaway civilization is based on the ability to dehumanize our fellows who are not as we are; or rather as the erudite elite see themselves.  As technology progresses, there is less and less need for unskilled and low-skilled labor –who have become the systemically and permanently  unemployed– and so these folks are tossed into the human garbage heap and of no concern.   Of the remainder, who are more skilled, their days are numbered too; because they are only valuable until they can also be replaced by automation, robots, technology, etc.   In the meantime, the truly elite see that they have all these worthless breeders and eaters destroying, consuming and despoiling the natural resources of THEIR mother earth or ‘Mother Gaia’.  Solution?  Population reduction.  Their grand religion of population reduction makes many otherwise barbaric acts palatable for some, fun for others and profitable for all in the elite.   Not only does it move their agenda forward, it makes money and lots of it.

We are told that absolute power corrupts absolutely and we can see that principle operating everywhere we look in the pointless wars which serve only to satisfy the balance sheets of corporations and the grand geopolitical ambitions of people like Zbig (Zbigniew Brzezinski), Kissinger, Nuland, Kagan, Wolfowitz and team. The people be damned.

“The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.” –Joseph Stalin

Zbigniew Brzezinski: “It is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control them.”

“Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” ― Henry Kissinger

On the pointless and failed American invasion of Iraq: Madeleine Albright says 500,000 dead Iraqi Children was “worth it” wins Medal of Freedom.

Folks like those above represent the best and brightest of the technocrat class who are owned and rewarded by the elite; the elite hold us in no higher esteem than these technocrats, I assure you; based not on my opinion, but on documented facts and on their actions.

So this (the ability to dehumanize your fellows) I submit, is the foundation or the basis for the breakaway civilization.

Not only is the breakaway civilization planning on major population reductions, in their own words, they feast on the most vulnerable and innocent of the people they despise so. Based on recent biological and technical breakthroughs, they also plan to create substantial life-extensions for themselves, but for no one else. They have a war on drugs, while they secretly traffic in drugs to our children, they have a war on terror, when they are the purveyors of global terror, they run secret, illegal and unethical experiments on our military and our civilian citizens with impunity, they help themselves to our children for their own sexual gratification without prosecution, and what do we do? We pay them our taxes and we submit to their illegitimate authority as though they were legitimate; not based on law, but based on privilege, position and illusion which is ill-gained by deception, lies and thievery. All this has been documented here at ClearNFO, and by others; and admitted to by the elites’ own writings; yet most choose not to look at the hard evidence, finding rather their comfort in the CIA weaponized term ‘Conspiracy’.

So, is there a limit to the elite’s debauchery? At what point does the debauchery lose its appeal? How many people must be slaughtered to satisfy their blood lust, how many cars and houses, yachts and sexual perversions satisfy? At the end of their ‘glorious journey’ to their breakaway Utopia, what will be left to them but howling at the moon, for there is nothing left to despoil.

Zbigniew Brzezinski It is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control them

Madeleine Albright says 500,000 dead Iraqi Children was “worth it” wins Medal of Freedom


Additional Reading: