Category Archives: Culture

On the matter of Orthodoxy

by DAVID BROWN | | July 19, 2023

The Cathedral of Saint Sava in Belgrade, Serbia

What we have here is a failure to comply!

Many Christians must feel abandoned by their church leaders as these leaders seek to harmonize debased social absurdities with core church principles.  These social transformations include normalizing the killing of a baby in a mother’s womb and promoting  countless sexual aberrations including child sexual mutilation.   These changes are aimed squarely at recasting what was formally the traditional family into a mangled parody of its former self that is isolated, powerless, easily corruptible and controllable.  Unsurprisingly, these destructive ideologies align nicely with social engineering efforts promoted by a philosophy of secular materialism whose endpoint is a single, unifying system of global governance — a scientific dictatorship.  Despite many church leaders’ impulse to comply with these trends, the Christian Orthodox Church has remained remarkedly unchanged for over 2,000 years.  Can Orthodoxy’s consistent and unbroken tradition serve as an effective teacher and a bulwark protecting sacred Christian doctrine against these self-inflicted detours into spiritual bondage and corruption?

Questions and Answers

What is Christian Orthodoxy?

What are the roots of Orthodoxy and what do they believe?

Why have there been so few changes in Christian Orthodoxy for over 2,000 years?

Common questions:

  • How many people are baptized members of Orthodoxy?  ~225 million.
  • Do Orthodox Christians worship Mary? No, they honor Mary.
  • Do Orthodox Christians worship icons? No.
  • Do Orthodox Christians worship saints? No, they honor saints.
  • Do Orthodox Christians use the Old and New Testament? Yes. The Orthodox Study Bible is the English translation of the St. Athanasius Academy Septuagint edition for the Old Testament, and utilizes the New King James Version for the New Testament.
  • Are Orthodox Christians the same as Roman Catholics? No. Roman Catholics are considered by many as the 1st Protestants since they reformed / broke away from the ancient tradition still practiced by Orthodoxy today.
  • Are Orthodox Christians non-denominational? No, they are pre-denominational.
  • Are the Orthodox considered to be a Christian denomination?  No, Orthodox Christians are pre-denominational.
  • Does the Orthodox Church have a pope? No. (Orthodoxy rejects the Pope’s claim to universal jurisdiction.) Orthodox view on Papal Supremacy.
  • Does the Orthodox Church believe in The Nicene Creed? Yes.

A Consistent and Unbroken Tradition: Timeline Of Church History | The Roman Catholic Church added to Orthodoxy and the Protestants subtracted from Orthodoxy.

The Symbol of the Faith

Composed at the1st Ecumenical Council at Nicaea in 325,
And completed at the 2nd Ecumenical Council at Constantinople in 381.


I believe in one God, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, the only begotten, begotten  of the Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten, not made; of one essence[1] with the Father; through Whom all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation, He came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man. And He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried; And the third day He rose again, according to[2] the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father; And He shall come again with glory to judge the living and dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And in the Holy Spirit [3], the Lord, the Creator of life, Who proceeds from the Father[4], Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; Who spoke through the prophets.

In one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come. Amen.

[1] or “consubstantial”
[2] or “in fulfillment of”
[3] At this point the original Creed of Nicaea 325 ended; the remainder was added at the 2nd Ecumenical Council in 381.
[4] Here the Roman Catholics add the Latin word Filioque, which means “and from the son.”

Definition of (lower case) catholic:

1. broad or wide-ranging in tastes, interests, or the like; having sympathies with all; broad-minded; liberal.

2. universal in extent; involving all; of interest to all. *

*’Know the Faith’ by Rev Michael Shanbour (pg. 37): Unfortunately, the word catholic is usually translated as “universal.” But the Greek word indicates fullness and completeness.  St. Ignatius of Antioch, the first known to use the word, applies it to the local church: “Wherever the bishop appears, the whole congregation is to be present, just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the whole [catholic] Church.”  (Ignatius, Epistle to the Smyrnaeans 7.2, in Apostolic Fathers, p. 113)

Thinking Orthodox | Understanding and Acquiring the ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN MIND
by Eugenia Scarvelis Constantinou. Ph.D.

More from ClearNFO:

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Speaks at the Second Congress of the Intl Russophile Movement & the Multipolarity Forum in Moscow on February 26, 2024

Bertrand Russell – Selected Quotes

by DAVID BROWN | | June 15, 2023

BERTRAND RUSSELL Red Lion Square, London WC1. 1982 Sculptor Marcelle Quinton.

Bertrand Russell (18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970)

Selected quotes from 1953:

“Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton.”

Bertrand Russell – The Impact of Science on Society  (January 1, 1953)

“Anaxagoras maintained that snow is black but no one believed him. The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will fay different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at: First, that the influence of the home is obstructive; second, not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before age ten; third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective; fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate it is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark grey.”

Bertrand Russell – The Impact of Science on Society  (January 1, 1953)


Clash of Cultures: The Collective West (Woke-ism) vs. Russia… by Alexander Dugin

Alexander Dugin

In his Valdai keynote speech on 27 October 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin argued that:

“The direct threat to the political, economic and ideological monopoly of the West is that alternative social models may emerge in the world.”

Or even more starkly and definitively:

“I am convinced that true democracy in a multipolar world presupposes first of all the possibility for any people – I want to emphasise this – any society, any civilisation to choose its own way, its own socio-political system.”

If the United States and the European Union have this right, surely the Asian countries, the Islamic states, the Persian Gulf monarchies and the states of other continents also have it. Of course, our country, Russia, also has this right, and no one can ever impose on our people what kind of society we should build and on what principles.

Today, in Russia, it is only a matter of proposing an alternative social model to liberal democracy and building our own socio-political system. This very constructive step should be the next step in our strategy in the deployment of the acute civilisation war.

The foundation of this social model is necessarily the traditional values, which the President signed into law on 9 November 2022 (Decree No. 809). This is what such a model should be based on.

Here is a list of traditional values that are essentially national in nature today. These are the foundations of a sovereign ideology that is, in a way, obligatory for all Russian citizens.

Let us analyse this crucial code of the new operating system of Russian society in a little more detail. To quote Decree No. 809:

Traditional values include:

  1. life,
  2. dignity,
  3. human rights and freedom,
  4. patriotism, citizenship, service to the homeland and responsibility for its destiny,
  5. high moral ideals
  6. a strong family,
  7. constructive work,
  8. spiritual over material
  9. humanism,
  10. charity,
  11. justice,
  12. collectivism, mutual assistance and respect,
  13. historical memory and intergenerational continuity,
  14. unity of the peoples of Russia.


Alexander Dugin



History of the Frankfurt School

by DAVID BROWN | | September 04, 2022

The Frankfurt School of Critical Theory

Photograph taken in Heidelberg, April 1964, by Jeremy J. Shapiro at the Max Weber-Soziologentag. Horkheimer is front left, Adorno front right, and Habermas is in the background, right, running his hand through his hair. Siegfried Landshut is in the background left.

Removed from YouTube, reposted here on BitChute…

Note: Original removed from YouTube: History of the Frankfurt School Cultural Marxism [Full] – YouTube:

Destruction of the US Empire

by DAVID BROWN | | March 10, 2022

Historically, Russia has never liked China. Based on culture and religion Russia is much more compatible with the USA than China.

Seeking individual rights and freedom, in February 1917 Russia abolished its monarchy and installed a provisional government which lasted about 8 months.  During this 8 month period the USA (President Wilson and the head of the NY Federal Reserve) and bankers in Europe hijacked this provisional government using banker-backed and funded Trotsky and Lenin culminating in the October Revolution establishing the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) which became the tyrannical, godless, soul-crushing USSR in 1922 described by Aleksandr Solzhenitzyn in ‘The Gulag Archipelago’.  In 1991 the unworkable, central-planning bureaucracy of Communist USSR fell of its own weight; was dissolved, asset-stripped by Wall Street and  replaced by the Russian Federation which exists to this day.

In 1776 Russia helped Americans win the Revolution and gain independence; in 1917 America helped the Bolsheviks enslave the Russians.

Now, Biden’s puppet-masters have forced Russia into a closer strategic, financial and security alliance with China.  Russians –and Putin– have always wanted to be friends and close allies with Americans, but the Anglo-American Establishment would never allow this. The US has managed to spoil every Russian rapprochement with an endless train of lies, cons and deceptions.  Russia, in its seemingly endless forbearance, has been the West’s willing bride since 1991 only to be raped, slandered and left at the alter time after time — but no more.  Russia has had enough; forced to confront the fact the US can never be trusted and will never be a partner in good faith.

The result of Biden’s push to financially isolate and destroy Russia (which is an act of war), will only hasten the destruction of the US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency.  Other nations are witnessing this financial terrorism and abrogation of responsibility –including India and China– and will thus seek to protect themselves from future reliance on the USD, Western Central Banks, Visa/Mastercard or the SWIFT messaging  system.  China, India and Russia represent a full 37% of the world population and this does not include many other nations watching this overreach closely from sidelines.  This will have a serious long-term impact on American prosperity, reducing our living standards by as much as 40% or more — permanently.

What you are witnessing is the purposeful demolition of the US Empire.

A rational person would ask why the US Military brass would insist their troops inject a liquid known to cause serious illness and even death in young males.  Obama’s Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years

DECLARATION OF MSGR. CARLO MARIA VIGANÒ, ARCHBISHOP, FORMER APOSTOLIC NUNCIO TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ON THE RUSSIA-UKRAINE CRISIS If we look at what is happening in Ukraine, without being misled by the gross falsifications of the mainstream media, we realize that respect for each other’s rights has been completely ignored; indeed, we have the impression that the Biden Administration, NATO and the European Union deliberately want to maintain a situation of obvious imbalance, precisely to make impossible any attempt at a peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian crisis, provoking the Russian Federation to trigger a conflict. Herein lies the seriousness of the problem. This is the trap set for both Russia and Ukraine, using both of them to enable the Globalist elite to carry out its criminal plan


Related information:

Contact: ClearNFO on MeWeGabVKTelegramBitChute; or via email at

China Dystopia Psyop Part II (Public Shaming)

by DAVID BROWN | | December 31, 2021

China – Public Shaming

In today’s information war, it can be difficult to tell the difference between reality and propaganda — especially concerning matters in the grand game of geopolitics.  This is manifestly true when the propaganda strokes existing beliefs widely held.

Amazingly, many otherwise intelligent, well-educated podcasters, pontificators, commentators and pundits from the alt media confirm their bias when they pick their favorite propaganda spewing from the MSM, and then promote these rumors as fact.  Our friends in the alt media  frequently have little to no knowledge on the particular subject, yet exhibit no restraint in echoing these false stories gathered from the same media they claim to hold in contempt.

If you care to be a bit more discerning, it might pay to seek out a counter narrative based on evidence not speculation.  I present here for your review and edification the following excellent article:  China Dystopia Psyop Part II | How is the sausage made?

More outstanding, insightful evidence-based articles can be found on the Main Page here: Austrian China

Note: You may think this to be a minor detail, but when accumulated over time, these psyops can and have presaged major wars; and at the least, are indicative of larger agendas that may be missed. Another psyop is currently being run against Putin and Ukraine.  Your mind is the battlefield and they are softening you up.

Find ClearNFO on MeWeGabVKTelegramBitChute Odysee; or contact via email at

The Narrative is the Message

by DAVID BROWN | | December 3, 2021

Marshall McLuhan told us in 1964  ‘The Medium is the message’. The medium may be important, but today we are discovering the ‘Narrative is the message’ and the medium is just a much more efficient and effective delivery system for weaponized information bombs dropped non-stop on our non-critical thinkers — which today is most of us.  The power of narrative has been used to convince people across the globe to take a demonstrably dangerous injection that simply does not work:  “He who controls the narrative controls the world”.  The power of narrative and story telling has been thoroughly examined –and proven to my satisfaction– by the late, great educator and researcher Joseph Campbell in his ‘The Power of Myth’ series.

What are some of the narratives the ‘Powers that shouldn’t be’ sell using their influence over  media, experts, captured governments and our WOKE education systems?

  • Man is destroying mother earth (Gaia) by pollution; therefore man is bad ..
  • Man is destroying mother earth (Gaia) by over population; therefore we need to reduce the population ..
  • Man is destroying the climate by carbon emissions; therefore we need to eliminate all fossil fuels and charge a carbon tax ..
  • Man is consuming all the limited resources of mother earth (Gaia); therefore, we must learn to live with less ..
  • Nations are bad because they cause wars, therefore, we must eliminate the notion of the nation-state and replace it with a global governance which can prevent war ..
  • Religions are bad because they are a major source of conflicts and wars; therefore we must replace traditional religions with a new, blended version that is more tolerant and includes mother earth (Gaia) ..
  • White man is particularly bad because his stewardship of the modern world has led to all the bad things listed above; therefore, we must reduce the white race and promote others ..
  • Traditions, social norms and cultures are bad because they stand in the way of changes required to fix these global problems; therefore, we must promote those things which will destroy the family, religion, virtue and wholesomeness ..

Of course these same narratives –and more—have been carefully crafted and then injected into our culture, education systems and media with predetermined endpoints for each; designed to nudge us in a certain direction.  With enough repetition and assurances from trusted authority figures and sophistry, the ‘fact-claims’ above become ‘well-established’ facts indelibly lodged in our collective subconscious.  They become the stories and the myths that are immune to logic;  that can not to be questioned, and thus escape any examination of the assumptions on which they were formed.

I can, and have, refuted to my satisfaction most of these narratives with logic and evidence, but few listen or take the time to understand.  Logic and evidence does not sell. Stories sell.

All these proscribed endpoints or solutions to these narratives are merely the bricks and bars of a mental jail being constructed to create a bleak dystopia for all but the very special few, and  a permanent loss of individual freedom for everyone else.  It is time we start writing our own narratives.

Below are three excellent videos directly addressing the power of these narratives and what we can do to counter this most powerful art of story telling; which, when wielded in the wrong hands will bring about George Orwell’s prediction from Nineteen Eighty-Four:

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”

The first video is from the prolific and fertile mind of  James Corbett who takes on this topic from a secular view; and the second video from the truly Amazing Polly who brings it all home in a much simpler treatment with her amazingly deep, nuanced analysis which provides all of us a happy and prosperous pathway out of this nightmare trap set by those tricksters who would be our masters.  The third video provides fascinating insights into the psychological mechanics of ‘Mass Formation’.   Enjoy.

Video 1: Writing A New Narrative by James Corbett


Video 3: Mass Formation: Mattias Desmet on Our Grave Situation By Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity

ClearNFO on the myths of over population and religion as the cause of war:

Also see: What Hitchcock Taught the Social Engineers Corbett Report Jan 23, 2022, 6:54:23 PM

Find ClearNFO on MeWeGabVKTelegramBitChute Odysee; or contact via email at

David’s Stack of Stuff (Monday July 7th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | July 7th, 2021


Apologies for not posting since June 20th.  My excuse: Working, traveling and going to family events like the 2021 Little League® World Series and to a funeral.

Since that time, there has been some brilliant research into the origins, orchestration and exposure of some of the heretofore unknown players in  the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) deceit.  Of course we have many brave MDs and virologists risking their livelihoods to provide evidence-based facts offering reasonable counter narratives to the obviously false narratives promulgated non-stop from big-tech, the media and government institutions.  The massive waves of censorship have not been able to tamp this down.  In addition to the great work of these professionals, we have some amazing researchers digging deeper into the official disinformation and betrayal of trust; in the process laying bare the treachery of the authorities in power.  Notable researchers are: John E Hoover (John Cullen), Mark Kulacz, Whitney Webb and Del Bigtree.

On a positive note, Trump gave an excellent speech at his rally in Sarasota Florida on 07-03-21 demonstrating he is as articulate as he was in 2016. Made some good points about HCQ, the stolen election, Facebook’s role in the stolen election, mentioned Ashli Babbitt and the political prisoners being kept in DC jails. Big negative: Bragged about the vaccine. If Trump runs again, I hope he will jettison the ball and chain named Jared Kushner and stop surrounding himself with DS operatives. Trump is soooo naïve or worse case, complicit … maybe he has learned some lessons. In any event I like Trump because the MSM hate him and he would be better than the Thief in Chief currently occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.  Remember there is no white knight riding in to save us from the globalists’ agenda …. this includes Trump.  It is up to each and everyone of us as individuals to become informed and make a difference where and when we can.

There is a lot not to like about Trump, but he did kill the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership); got the US out of the Paris Climate Accord and tried to erect a wall to reduce illegal immigration.  All of these efforts have been overturned in short order by the former VP, Joe Biden.  Trump also brought into retail politics arena the idea that the media consistently lie and made the ‘FAKE Media’ meme popular amongst the unwashed masses.

The obvious theft of the 2020 election has opened many eyes of those who still trust the establishment media.  Those who stood in a power position to expose or stop this theft and resultant coup were all in on the game and they have been uncloaked.  Belief suspended. Trust destroyed. They include but are not limited to: AG Bill Barr, Chief Justice John Roberts, VP Mike Pence, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.  All 75M Trump supporters and more than a few Trump haters must have been red-pilled at that point.   I suspect anyone capable of rational thought saw the coup for what it was.  This is a powerful wakeup call for the masses– which is a good thing.

Now we have the COVID-19 official narrative unraveling; revealing that not only has there been a successful coup, our most trusted institutions have now been outed for the frauds that they are.  Much more to come on this.

Independence Day — a day to reflect: America is a grand ideal which has been hijacked by those money masters who control our corrupt government, media, educational and entertainment institutions. A sober assessment would reveal today’s America is the greatest force for evil on the planet engaging in endless, pointless wars maiming and murdering millions; and legalizing the killing of our most innocent ones at a rate of two thousand a day, while our cultural debauchery and poison is spread around the globe. Some say today’s U.S.A. should more aptly stand for Usury, Sodomy and Abortion.



Eric Striker on the FBI’s Covert War on Political Dissent by Our Interesting Times: Eric Striker returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his article “Hold The FBI Accountable: Demand A New Church Committee.” We talk about the FBI’s covert war against White advocacy and how the recent escalation of anti-White agitation by the Feds and the corporate establishment represents a war on political dissent.  Eric is a journalist, independent researcher, a founding member of the National Justice Party, and the proprietor of National Justice, an online publication dedicated to shattering the left versus right narrative.


F. William Engdahl – Intervju om boken “Hotet mot livet” Interview about the book English: “The threat to life”

Google, YouTube, Twitter – Defaults in 1st Circuit Court – Atty Negligence Perkins Coie failed to serve their brief and waited and until 8:00 PM on the 30th day to file and thus defaulted because they failed to serve me the brief.

BROWN: The Zuckster is not your friend … from November 2020:

“Under the pretext of assisting election officials conduct “safe and secure” elections in the age of COVID, Zuckerberg donated $400 million — as much money as Congress appropriated for the same general purpose — to nonprofit organizations founded and run by left-wing activists. The primary recipient was the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which received the staggering sum of $350 million. Prior to Zuckerberg’s donations, CTCL’s annual operating expenses averaged less than $1 million per year. How was Zuckerberg even aware of such a small-potatoes operation, and why did he entrust it with ⅞ of the money he was pouring into this election cycle, despite the fact that it had no prior experience handling such a massive amount of money?…


Form for Employees Whose Employers Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System: The VAERS database indicates 5,184 have died and 397,444 have been injured in the US.


Videos 1 of 51: Ep. 1 – Awakening from the Meaning Crisis – Introduction by John Vervaeke


Biden’s “New Atlantic Charter” Advances Globalist World Order

Imposing ‘imaginary’ values risks EU collapse, Slovenian PM claims
As Slovenia takes over the EU presidency, its prime minister warns that the west cannot impose its liberal views on central Europe

Great article on the Social Credit System in China by Chris Fei Shen — English:  Social+Credit+System+in+China (pdf)



Interesting that the NYT attempted to cover up Stalin’s Holodomor and got a Pulitzer for this deceit. I also think David Lloyd George had Gareth Jones murdered to keep the coverup going.

Barbarossa: Suvorov’s Revisionism Goes Mainstream
A review of Sean McMeekin, Stalin’s War: A New History of World War II

From what we know of Churchill and Roosevelt’s secret intrigues before Barbarossa, it is doubtful that Stalin would have been deprived of their support if he had attacked first. Churchill had been urging him to attack Germany since 1940, and Roosevelt had started planning to help him right after his second reelection in November 1940, when he told Americans that their country must become “the great arsenal of democracy,”[19] and appointed pro-Soviet Harry Hopkins to start making arrangements.

In fact, McMeekin shows that “Roosevelt did everything he could to improve relations with Stalin” from the early years of his long presidency, starting with official recognition of the USSR in 1933. He purged the State Department of anti-Communists and staffed it with sympathizers or outright NKVD agents, such as Alger Hiss. As early as November 1936, he appointed a Soviet sympathizer, Joseph Davies, as his ambassador in Moscow, to replace William Bullitt who had become too openly critical of Stalin. “Where Ambassador Bullitt had seen deception and guile in Stalin’s foreign policy, his successor saw unicorns,” lavishing him with compliments: “You are a greater leader than Catherine the Great, than Peter the Great, a greater leader even than Lenin, etc.”[20]

And so, even though Barbarossa made it easier for Roosevelt to turn American public opinion favorably toward Stalin, it doesn’t mean that Roosevelt would have prevented Stalin from gobbling up Europe had he attacked first.

Strip Pulitzer Prize from New York Times over Cover-up of Genocide in Ukraine in 1932-33 by its correspondent

Mr. Jones (2019) where are you?



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