Monthly Archives: July 2019

On the matter of Treason

by DAVID BROWN | | June 30, 2019

Most people have a sense of what treason is, but this is based in common law, which does not apply here in the USA for treason. Why? Because most of the founders of this country were guilty of treason against King George III under common law, so they put in a special restrictive definition of treason in the US Constitution under Article Three. What this means is that it is almost impossible to convict anyone of treason in the USA: See the Opinion of Chief Justice Marshall (August 1807) Key arguments in the Burr trial.

Section 3 defines treason and its punishment. (‘Only’ and ‘levying’ are two key words here.)

Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Today’s Matrix

by DAVID BROWN | | June 30, 2019

Why did ‘The Matrix’ resonate with so many? Because the world we live in and think we know so well was created by others for their benefit; and we all know this to some degree. It’s like a splinter in our brain.

“What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.” –Morpheus

This latticework of myths and brainwashing has been going on since the beginning of written history and likely before. The question for the elite–our rulers, masters, etc. –is how to control and manage the vast unwashed masses of humanity? The evidence this is true surrounds all of us, if we are willing to observe without prejudice; however, others like Cypher (below) prefer eating the steak despite knowing it is all a hoax.

Cypher: “You know, I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.”

Here’s a smattering of some of the myths I was born into and believed completely:
• Truth and Justice are the American way
• America is a peaceful country trying to spread democracy across the world
• Experts and authorities have the right answers and can be trusted
• The FBI is here to protect us
• The CIA is necessary and all the bad things they do are to protect our national security
• World War II was necessary to rid the world of evil Hitler
• Hitler gassed six million Jews
• A single gunman who was a communist shot and killed JFK
• The Vietnam War was a mistake – we were just trying to rid the world of communism

Since the attacks on 9/11 and our government’s preposterous explanation, I have taken the time and care to look deeper and more carefully at supporting historical documents that can only be proven – not guessed at. This exercise required an examination of many heretofore unexamined assumptions which led me to some hard, cold facts that are indisputable. It also taught me how to research so that I do not accept the first opinion or theory that resonates with my existing biases.

My conclusion is that we do live in a matrix; though not as technologically cool as presented in the 1999 movie ‘The Matrix’; but as our technology improves, we are getting closer.

Incrementalism and the Destruction of the American family

by DAVID BROWN | | July 14, 2019

If you are like me, you believe in ‘live and let live’ so you really didn’t care what consenting adults did in the privacy of their own homes as long as they were not harming anyone, especially children. We thought that we could give in to this so called gay agenda and leave them to their own devices. But this was not enough. We now find this was the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent. Now –to our amazement and shock– we discover –perhaps too late– the camel is sleeping comfortably in the tent and we are left out in the elements with no protection from the cold, heat and the rain. This is astounding when we consider the percent of the population claiming to be LGBT is only 4.5% and those identifying as transgender are a tiny 0.6%. So why then has such a tiny minority been able to set the national agenda and steam-roller over all the rest of us without so much as a whimper? A: Normalizing the LGBT life-style has been promulgated through our print and news media, our universities and public school systems and glamorized in our entertainment media; non-stop and unabated for years. The cumulative impact has devastated our youth and our culture. This is no mistake, but a carefully planned agenda; well-financed to fundamentally transform our culture into something unrecognizable only a few decades ago. Our youth will grow up in this environment thinking these new life-styles are normal and the way it has always has been. What will be the impact? The continued destruction of the family and the atomizing of the American public into discrete units, easily controllable and manipulated. The next phase in this decadent, family-destroying agenda has already begun as our media promote the sexualization of our children. It is time to stop being a door mat and kick the camel out of the tent.