Tag Archives: Poland

Russia: Unexamined Assumptions

David Brown Pic SnapShotThe Article below on Poland’s new National Security Strategy (NSS) is admittedly from a Russian perspective but informative and interesting none the less. Sometimes we must survey more than one story in our attempts to triangulate on the truth. Of course, this assumes that it is the truth we are after, eh? It is too obvious to me that some just don’t want to be bothered with the truth; and prefer rather to cling to their unexamined assumptions which deserve updating based on the facts on the ground readily available and documented. And it is a demonstrable fact that the Soviet Union built up a lot of ill will in the region and the world with their heavy-handed, authoritarian tactics since the October revolution of 1917 birthed the USSR in 1922, until its dissolution in 1991. Are there still vestiges of the old Soviet guard? Of course, but this sorry history should not be used to blind us of the facts we can prove today. The facts are that the USA has moved closer to the old authoritarian USSR and Russia has moved closer to the old freer USA. Neither are pure, however and require close scrutiny and a watchful eye.

SPUTNIK: Paranoia and Propaganda Dominate Poland’s New National Security Strategy