Monthly Archives: August 2014



by DAVID BROWN | | August 17, 2014

There is nothing wrong with free market capitalism –capitalism is after all, an unstoppable force of nature– but when the markets are monopolized and controlled by large corporations with the help of the government, you no longer have free market capitalism; you have crony capitalism, which is a problem. We can witness crony capitalism at work on Wall Street, in Central Banking, Big Pharma, the Military-Industrial Complex and in other segments of the US economy … if we care to look.

“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” — Benito Mussolini

Smart Talk with Andrew Mazzone and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Brilliant interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.

If you have time, please take a few minutes to listen to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts brilliantly explain how we got here, what we are doing to make matters worse and what the outlook is. PCR knows how to bring all the pieces of this jigsaw puzzle together in a very logical and understandable way.

Downloadable PDF Transcript here.


Obama: ‘Extremist Ideology’ That’s Taken Over GOP, ‘Balkanization of Media’ Has ‘Blocked’ My Agenda


This two bit Marxist dictator –who BTW couldn’t pass an FBI background check– received a coronation worthy that of a king and was admired and lavished great praises as an earthly deity; given the Nobel Peace Prize, though no one could point to any accomplishments? All this occurred with zero critical thought from the media or the majority of the American electorate. This Marxist community organizer cum potentate, cum narcissist, cum psychopath (“I’m really good at killing people.”) had control of both houses of congress for two years, and now claims to have dictatorial power over this republic with his pen and phone; yet now this moron claims that he can’t get his agenda through because of his non-critical brain-dead, lapdog media and of course the spineless Republicans. Are you FRIGGING kidding me? Who amongst our gullible public will eat this vomit? Way too many I suppose.

Breitbart: Obama: ‘Extremist Ideology’ That’s Taken Over GOP, ‘Balkanization of Media’ Has ‘Blocked’ My Agenda


The Potomac Mafia


Despite abundant evidence to the contrary, many Americans still choose to believe the glorious deceptions and out right lies promulgated by the Washington, D.C. establishment and its crony sycophants; however, those not subject to America’s carefully orchestrated propaganda have seen enough; and therefore no longer trust anything issuing out of Washington D.C. America has become a treacherous, unreliable and incompetent ally who has developed a fetish for stabbing her own puppet dictators in the back while spreading chaos, death and destruction. How? By supporting, funding, arming and training her many proxy terrorists groups whom she does not claim in public; but the facts belie this simple deception. People throughout the world are refusing to believe that America is a force for freedom, liberty and democracy. They now recognize that America has become the greatest force for death, destruction and terrorism on the planet. America is a rabid dog. America is sick, she has acquired a worm in her brain and if that worm is not removed, surely the rest of the world must take matters into their own hands.

The Story of TØr

Thanks to Pearse Redmond for a great podcast and a most fascinating story exposing the intricate web of money and people behind the T0r project, the EFF, Snowden, etc. a real eye popper. Much of this I knew and much I had no clue. We’ve all heard the old adage to ‘follow the money’ . . . well this can’t be any truer than with this story. There is much, much more to this story that was omitted like Pierre Omidyar and Soros helping fund the CIA activities in Ukraine. Yes, indeed the rabbit hole goes very deep my dear –by now, not so innocent– Alice.


Warning: Over 100 Tor Nodes Found Designed to Spy On Deep Web Users
Tuesday, July 26, 2016 by Swati Khandelwal

Note to Palestinians: Get rid of Hamas and quit lobbing missiles over into Israel.

by DAVID BROWN | | August 1, 2014

I consider all humanity my brothers and sisters and would never wish harm on any well-intentioned soul including the Palestinians but sometimes there seems there is no antidote to ignorance and intolerance. The Palestinians are poor, uneducated or rather “miseducated” and have been the willing victims of their profiteering leaders like Arafat and are easily manipulated by the Arabic Powers in the region. While Arafat bamboozled them for profit to


accumulate wealth and in return let the Arab world use them politically as human fodder against the Jews, the Palestinians continue to live in squalor with little to no aid coming from their Islamic brothers. The US gives more aid to the Palestinians than their Arab brethren.

Consider the following …

There is no occupation. Why? Because that’s not Arab land, the Arabs have not controlled the land on which Israel exists for a 1000s of years. For 400 years from the 16th century until 1920 that land was controlled by the Turks who are not Arabs… though they are Muslims. Turkey lost that, it was the Ottoman empire. They lost it because they sided with the Germans during the first World War and according to the laws of war to the victor go the spoils and the French and the English carved it up. So now they say that Israel is colonial occupier? Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, they were all created out of the Ottoman empire by the British and French imperialists.
Where does the word Palestine come from? Philistine. It’s not even an Arab word. The Romans gave this name when they destroyed the Jews. Some Jews had a very bad idea in 66 AD to go up against the Roman Empire. They were slaughtered … a million were killed, and were dispersed, and the Romans wanting to stick it to the Jews so gave their homeland to Greek Sailors which is the west bank. Judea and Sumeria…that’s the homeland of the Jews. They [The Roman Empire] gave it the name of the Jew’s enemies the Philistines. The Philistines were Greek Sailors. That’s where Palestine comes from.

So you can see that the “occupation” is a complete fiction propagated by our uneducated news media and the Arab world. What is true is that there is a Nazi crusade to eliminate all non-Muslim people from the middle east. That’s why there’s no peace in the middle east.

Some notes were taken from David Horowitz speech at USC 11/04/09.

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