Global Warming 101

mountains-482689_640Why do so many believe in the Hoax of Global Warming? Because in our current education system, students are not taught or encouraged to develop critical thinking —that would be dangerous– but rather, taught to memorize by rote an agglomeration of disconnected data points purposefully deprived of context; whose validity rests on some predetermined authority; and whose ultimate goal is in only the getting of a check mark on the next test. Actual thinking requires effort, attention and focus; and so the mind becomes a lazy blob of mush easily directed and controlled by those whose job it is to control the masses. Thus, today’s truth is actually a collective mythos popularly termed ‘well-established’ fact or labeled ‘science’ but science by consensus is not science at all, but propaganda as anyone capable of critical thought would immediately recognize.

Why the founding member of Greenpeace is a Skeptic of Climate Change...
Why I am a Climate Change Skeptic

Short and to the point…
A Warning To The GloBull Warming Screamers by  Karl Denninger

Top NASA Climate Modeler (April 26, 2017):
Top NASA Climate Modeler Admits Predictions Are ‘Mathematically Impossible’
Published on April 26, 2017
Written by Dr. Duane Thresher, Climatologist

“Top American Climatologist, an expert in climate modeling, exposes the fallacy that current climate models provide a realistic or reliable prediction of future climate change. In a 1-2-3 step guide to disposing of the global warming debate Dr. Duane Thresher says successful modeling with modern computers is “mathematically impossible.”

Dr Thresher is among the elite of computer climate modelers. He has performed extensive work in climate proxy modeling at the University of Alaska and the Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany. He earned his PhD in Earth & Environmental Sciences (climate modeling/proxies) from Columbia University and at NASA he worked for Dr. James Hansen, the father of global warming, and Dr. Gavin Schmidt.

Dr Thresher offers his step-by-step guide below:

  • 1. It is fundamentally mathematically impossible for climate models to predict climate.
  • 2. Climate proxies are far too inaccurate, unreliable, and sparse to prove anything about past global climate, e.g. that it was colder.
  • 3. Scientific consensus is not proof of global warming, just publication and funding bias.”

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