Incrementalism and the Destruction of the American family

by DAVID BROWN | | July 14, 2019

If you are like me, you believe in ‘live and let live’ so you really didn’t care what consenting adults did in the privacy of their own homes as long as they were not harming anyone, especially children. We thought that we could give in to this so called gay agenda and leave them to their own devices. But this was not enough. We now find this was the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent. Now –to our amazement and shock– we discover –perhaps too late– the camel is sleeping comfortably in the tent and we are left out in the elements with no protection from the cold, heat and the rain. This is astounding when we consider the percent of the population claiming to be LGBT is only 4.5% and those identifying as transgender are a tiny 0.6%. So why then has such a tiny minority been able to set the national agenda and steam-roller over all the rest of us without so much as a whimper? A: Normalizing the LGBT life-style has been promulgated through our print and news media, our universities and public school systems and glamorized in our entertainment media; non-stop and unabated for years. The cumulative impact has devastated our youth and our culture. This is no mistake, but a carefully planned agenda; well-financed to fundamentally transform our culture into something unrecognizable only a few decades ago. Our youth will grow up in this environment thinking these new life-styles are normal and the way it has always has been. What will be the impact? The continued destruction of the family and the atomizing of the American public into discrete units, easily controllable and manipulated. The next phase in this decadent, family-destroying agenda has already begun as our media promote the sexualization of our children. It is time to stop being a door mat and kick the camel out of the tent.

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