Category Archives: Media

Intel Collections at the CFR

by DAVID BROWN | | Oct 10, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

Yesterday and today, I watched and listened to several Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) media events: from the global economy, to the immigration problem in Europe to Global Warming (see list below).

Now many people have learned the sorry history of the CFR from the likes of Quigley, Sutton and others but the CFR’s official face is one of kindness, intelligence and regal quality, not that of a predator.

So why watch such establishment drivel from the likes of the CFR?   Well, it is important to learn from those who seek to take your freedom and to be blunt, they do their homework and produce quality information. The trick is separating the wheat from the chaff else-wise you get sucked into their beautiful walled-garden of illusions and redirection.

Other than some useful facts, I learned the following:

  • They constantly remind you that The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher.  Joe Plummer: …But they keep quiet about their origins: “The Inquiry” and Cecil Rhodes’ “Round Table Groups,” formed to bring “all habitable portions of the world” under their control.
  • They regularly throughout their presentations warn their speakers especially just before specific sensitive questions that … “Remember, you are on the record.” At which point the speaker may pause and take a bit more time to consider his response to a question.
  • All the speakers, moderators and the audience agree on fundamentals: Russia is evil. Russia invaded the Ukraine and man-made Global Warming. There is never, ever any room to question any of their fundamental assumptions which were given them by their pay masters.  These presentations are — in effect– an echo chamber.
  • They are still using the CFR to infiltrate our schools and our universities with establishment, globalist propaganda; and every single student or doctored professor in attendance eagerly gobbles up this hooey, hook line and sinker, apparently with nary a single critical thought.

Recently viewed media presentations by the CFR:


Open Mic: Tehran

by DAVID BROWN | | June 18, 2015

This is an interesting piece from the Compromised News Network a.k.a. CNN whose function is to spread U.S. propaganda. It does however comport with my view of reality concerning the Iranian people. Why? Because I went to school with many Iranians and this speaks to the truth of the majority of Iranians as I know them.  My big question is why a state-controlled media organ like CNN would publish something so obviously true? Scratching my head. This open mic news piece was published on Sep 25, 2013


Iran in 1960 - 70s

Picture of Iran from 1960 – 70s…

Despite reformatting their countries after WWI, Islam was on the path to moderation and modernization, until the U.S. began stirring the shit in earnest according to the ‘Made in America’ geopolitical strategies cooked up by Wolfowitz, Brzezinski and others.  Seems the average Westerner is happily indoctrinated by the many fictions created by the media and so follows the direction given without question; critical thought or examination of false assumptions promulgated by the state/corporate propaganda organs rarely makes it to the general public’s awareness, and if by chance it does, is soon forgotten.

Related NFO on this and other topics form ClearNFO:

Stop drinking the ‘Hater-Aid’

Silk Road’s Ross Ulbricht sentenced to life

by DAVID BROWN | | June 1, 2015

Ross Ulbricht

Ross Ulbricht

Poking the Monster: I must admit I haven’t been following the Ulbricht story, but after seeing the FBI crowing about the life conviction of a young Ross Ulbricht, I  posted the following comment (just below) on the official FBI Facebook page.

David Brown: Interesting that they give this young guy life in prison for setting up a website that allowed the transfer of illegal drugs, etc. yet when several large banks including HSBC get caught red-handed laundering billions in drug money, they get a slap on the wrist and ZERO jail time.”
Like · 961 · May 29 at 11:31pm”

I was amazed to receive 961 likes and many favorable comments, since I assumed I would be stirring a hornet’s nest, though ever so gently.  I thought of my post as a ‘logic-bomb‘ set off  in this FBI Facebook echo chamber of cackling sycophants, used to illustrate the abject duplicity and absurdity of the FBI’s position.  Surprisingly, at least 961 people agreed and were apparently aware of the Bankster’s FBI-issued, default get out of jail card.  Now, Ulbricht may be one evil dood –I just don’t know– and maybe he deserved some jail time; but life seems a bit much when the Banksters go free after laundering billions in drug money.   The hypocrisy is thick at the self-exalted FBI.  The FBI doesn’t need me to mock them with simple logic, they mock themselves by their actions. Furthermore, the corruption and complicity of the FBI in the 9/11 attacks can be seen up close and personal in Sibel Edmond’s Classified Woman If ever once you believed in the veracity and truthfulness of the FBI, this one book will disabuse you of such foolishness. The FBI serves a master, but it isn’t the American citizen and it isn’t ‘truth, justice and the American way’.

Normally, I don’t quote CNN (Compromised News Network) because of their obvious position as the official government gatekeepers and in their participation in something similar to the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, but decided to quote CNN under my comment above on the FBI Facebook site to eliminate the discussion around Ulbricht being a murderer, to wit:

From CNN: “The judge also said there was “no doubt” that Ulbricht paid for murders of those who had threatened Silk Road. Prosecutors had charged Ulbricht with commissioning six murders-for-hire but those charges were dropped and there is no evidence that these murders were ever carried out. Ulbricht, who is 31, was convicted in February on seven counts ranging from money laundering to drug trafficking. He could have been sentenced to only 20 years. “

CNN: Silk Road’s Ross Ulbricht sentenced to life

Additional Reading on Ulbricht:

Free Ross Ulbricht NOW.


June 19, 2015

June 19, 2015

Why Was Ross Ulbricht Denied a Fair Trial? By Tragedy and Hope

Lyn Ulbricht Interview: Why Was #FreeRoss Denied a Fair Trial? @ PorcFest XII 2015

Those Nutty Jade Helm Conspiracy Theorists

by DAVID BROWN | | May 8, 2015

Jade Helm 15

Jade Helm 15

I heard a news clip on the radio yesterday that went something like this: An Army official was giving a speech somewhere and was asked if Jade Helm would be a federal takeover of Texas. He simply said “No.” and the entire crowd broke into a smug, mocking laughter apparently aimed at all the ‘tin-foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists‘ like Alex Jones. Only problem — Alex never said that. This MEME of the takeover is a creation of the establishment MSM. I read a lot of news, and I’ve never heard any serious person postulate that Jade Helm would be a federal takeover of Texas but rather a very large, unnecessary and expensive exercise to help integrate the military with the local law enforcement while getting the general public used to these sorts of exercises. There are very good reasons for keeping the military and our peace keepers separate as our founders knew, as well as those who wrote the Posse Comitatus Act in 1878. The military kill people and break things. Law enforcement are public servants and keepers of the peace. Very different roles wouldn’t you say? To mix the two is to cause problems we really don’t need. Moreover the military usually try to train where they will fight which means they try to emulate the environment in which they plan to kill and break things. So why the big push to train on the streets of America? We have spent billions on first rate training facilities for our military all over this nation (see below) and we have in excess of 900 military bases strewn across the globe, so why Texas and why now is a very good question that is lost in the self-righteous laughter of the lemmings whose default position is to trust everything the government says or does.

Where are the five major Army Training Centers?

Fort Jackson Website

The largest and most active IET Center in the U.S. Army. Located within the city of Columbia, S.C., Fort Jackson encompasses 52,000 acres and 53 ranges and field training sites to train and prepare Soldiers to take their place in the Army of a nation at war. Fort Jackson also supports a number of other training missions to include the United States Army Soldier Support Institute, Drill Sergeant School, the United States Army Chaplain Center and School, the Defense Academy for Credibility Assessment, and two AIT schools.

Fort Benning Website

More than 108,000 Soldiers train annually in one of the 61 courses conducted seven days a week, 50 weeks out of the year on Fort Benning. Every American who joins the Army as an elite Infantryman does initial training on Fort Benning. Last year alone more than 25,000 new Infantrymen trained here in skills and competencies required to succeed in combat. As they enter our gates as civilians, they graduate as some of the Nation’s most lethal, new warriors.

Fort Sill Website

The United States Army Field Artillery Center and Fort Sill will train Soldiers, Marines, and develop Field Artillery leaders; design and develop fire support for the force; support unit training and readiness; mobilize and deploy operating forces; and maintain installation infrastructure and services.

Fort Knox Website

The Armor Center and School is the largest organization on Fort Knox and performs the mission of training all armor Soldiers and Marines. The Army Recruiting Command headquarters conducts the mission of bringing men and women into the U.S. Army.

Fort Leonard Wood Website

Home of the Maneuver Support Center (MANSCEN) which includes the U.S. Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear, Engineer, and Military Police schools, a gender-integrated Basic Training Brigade, and one of the five reception stations in the Army for newly accessed Soldiers.

Additional Reading on this topic at ClearNFO:

Creeping Fascism – Jade Helm

Jade Helm 15: Additional Thoughts

The Art of Propaganda

by DAVID BROWN | | April 27, 2015

Eleanor Clift

Eleanor Clift

This article is a good, teachable moment for discovering –for yourself– the clever methods and techniques of propaganda …

Many who read the article below by Elenor Clift entitled ‘Behind the Man Who Outed Clinton’s Cash’, may get a sense of Clift’s honesty and truthfulness –and she may very well be all of those things; however, what perhaps is a bit less obvious is that this article is laced with sugar-coated propaganda; which, if you don’t have your ‘bull-shit protector’ on, can go undetected into the mind’s vast archive of unexamined assumptions; which are indeed, and in fact completely erroneous. This is how propaganda works. You mix some truth with some lies and feed it to the population.

I am a Peter Schweizer fan and greatly admire his amazing work in investigating our permanent political class and their financial malfeasance, bribery and outright theft. He has a long history of going after both the Democrats and the Republicans without prejudice. This fact is well known to those familiar with Schweizer’s work.

Ms. Clift makes some good points: like it took both the NYT and 60 Minutes to expose Schweitzer’s great research on insider dealing by our elected officials. Congress would do nothing to stop this corruption until they were exposed by these two MSM spigots.

To get an idea of the thick propaganda laced throughout this article, here is just one syrupy example…

“It’s a mistake for the Clinton campaign to write off conservative author Peter Schweizer as a right-wing hack. It won’t work, and it’s not true. If he were as off-base as the campaign and its allies portray him, would a high-quality publication like The New York Times risk its reputation by partnering with him? And would Common Cause, the gold standard for good-government groups, which is currently chaired by former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich, be calling for an independent review that would be made public of all large donations to the Clinton Foundation?

What’s wrong with the above paragraph by Ms. Clift? “… high-quality publication like The New York Times risk its reputation by partnering with him?”  Now it is crystal clear to anyone educated in history that the NYT has anything but a good reputation and has used the illusion of its good reputation to carry the water for many an evil and corrupt government. You can start with the NYT hiding the massive genocide of the Ukrainians by Stalin: some 10 million souls lost on that lie. This is not my opinion but a documented fact. In another example and there are many, David Rockefeller thanked the NYT for hiding the truth from the American people below:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.”

He went on to explain:

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”

–David Rockefeller 1991

Peter Schweizer’s book, Throw Them All Out, was published in 2011 and we are just now recognizing its importance? Why did it take the MSM so long?

If you read Ms. Cliff’s entire article you can barely find a sentence or paragraph without some deception or propaganda mixed in. The problem is that if you are not aware of this, you can read the entire article and think wow, if the NYT risked its reputation to publicize this then it must be true. Well Schweizer’s work stands on its own and is true with or without the NYT. The fact is, the NYT has zero credibility and has caused itself to be used by the Anglo-American establishment since its inception.

The information on the Clinton’s corruption has been out in public for a very long time. This is not news. So the real question is: Why has the establishment decided to gut Hillary now?

04.27.155:15 AM ET
Behind the Man Who Outed Clinton’s Cash
Author Peter Schweizer may be a conservative, but that doesn’t mean his investigations don’t have merit, and his allegations won’t stick.
by Eleanor Clift

Note: Eleanor Clift covers politics for The Daily Beast.  A regular panelist on the McLaughlin Group, she has also appeared as herself in several movies, including “Dave,” “Independence Day,” “Rising Sun,” “1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,” and the CBS sit-com, “Murphy Brown.”

Mr. Global

by DAVID BROWN | | March 26, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

Empirical evidence that Mr. Global is really in charge: Mr. Global’s selection for the next president will certainly agree on the following issues: NDAA, The Patriot Act, The Federal Reserve, DHS, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP), using the CIA and NATO to overthrow sovereign countries across the globe, open borders, NSA illegal spying on the America public. They will never investigate the Fed, the CIA or the NSA. So you may vote Democrat or you may vote Republican and there may be some marginal debates around these issues but all of the above promote Mr. Global’s agenda and is destructive of this nation’s sovereignty, the US Constitution and your individual rights guaranteed therein.

So, if you don’t agree to promote and/or sustain these individual-rights-and-prosperity-killing issues, you will never, EVER get the RNC or the DNC nomination. It’s really that simple. You may disagree on divisive issues (by design) like gay rights, race issues or how much to spend on this or that, on government waste, etc… but you will never, EVER be allowed to change the fundamental trajectory of this tyranny which has been planned and implemented behind closed doors by your real masters. The issues Mr. Global allows debate on have one thing in common: They divide the public. This is a technique that Mr. Global calls Scientific Social Engineering.

Keep watching your sports, your sitcoms, your movies, your corporate news … there is nothing to see here. It’s all just a conspiracy theory made up by all those tin foil hat-wearing buffoons.


Great interview with one of my favorite ladies Catherine Austin Fitts.  Sit back and enjoy this fascinating interview.

Solari | Catherine Austin Fitts

Solari | Catherine Austin Fitts

Published on Mar 13, 2015

Join Dark Journalist and his special guest, Former Assistant Housing Secretary, Financial Expert and Coast to Coast AM contributor Catherine Austin Fitts, for an exhilarating overview of the hidden forces of the Black Budget at work in the 2015 economic landscape. Making her fifth appearance on the show, Catherine exposes an emerging economic trend she calls a “Crash-Up” that may be the next move of the financial cabal she refers to as “Mr Global.” After draining most of the money out of the economy with the disastrous housing bubble and the dire crash of 2008, the cabal is ready to make their next move by Crashing Up equity and relentlessly debasing currencies for even more profit!

Catherine, the publisher of The Solari Report, traces the history of worldwide financial manipulation and draws on her personal experience in high-ranking positions on Wall Street and in Government to expose the global game being played out by a tiny elite of people who dominate the committee to run the world.

She also gives out rare insight and wisdom for finding your economic security while battling the covert forces of mind control, entrainment technology, money harvesting, black budget operations and power centralization.

Spellbinding, informative, startling and provocative, this is the interview you’re going to need to navigate 2015!

TED Talks

by DAVID BROWN | | March 16, 2015

TED Talks_400x400Like many people, I’ve watched and learned from the many TED Talks that have been produced over the years as published on YouTube and other places.  Lots of different, thoughtful topics have been covered, yet I have always been bothered a bit by how their audiences seem to accept the information contained within these talks as fact without question.  I have also wondered who the gatekeepers were and how the topics and speakers were filtered.  These talks use the tried and true TED format wherein someone gets up on stage and gives a personal testimony of some hidden truth or fact and the audience dutifully oohs and awes and claps in adoration.   Reminds me of my early church-going days where the requirement was to turn off all my critical thought processes and accept what the preacher was saying without question. You can find more on my religious proclivities here: On Religion.  In any event, I have wanted for some time to write an article on how TED Talks are like a religion but Megan Hustadmarch beat me to the punch with her excellent Opinion piece in the NYT linked below.  I would have taken a different approach:  Listing common features of Religion and mapping those to the TED Talks.  I applied this technique to my article entitled: Misc Musings on the surety of science or why I am skeptical of ‘Well-Established’ facts:

“Science…I believe in the empirical method. I also believe that many in our scientific community have let their emotions and political point of view turn their science into a religion. You either believe certain “well-established facts” or you do not get tenure or you are ridiculed or…. These “well-established facts” represent a dogma or a credo similar to any religion. The result is that many place their minds in a box and their ability to take in new information and process this information critically and honestly is therefore necessarily aberrated.”  – David Brown

In any event, TED Talks are part of the human condition and should therefore be part of the exhibits we proffer as we explore the world around us and what it means to be human; they are useful, but shouldn’t be taken as gospel.

Banned TED Talk- The War on Consciousness -Graham Hancock

The Church of TED  By MEGAN HUSTADMARCH 14, 2015

And just for fun, the Satire Web Site Called ‘The Onion’ does a great job poking fun at the TED Talkers:

Compost-Fueled Cars: Wouldn’t That Be Great? – Onion Talks – Ep. 1
Young media professional Cameron Hughes delivers a compelling argument for his vision of the future–one filled with cars powered by compost. He outlines the idea he came up with in detail, leaving the formalities for other visionaries in other fields. One thing is for certain: he already came up with the idea.

Ducks Go Quack, Chickens Say Cluck – Onion Talks – Ep. 3
Young media professional Cameron Hughes delivers a compelling argument for his vision of the future–one filled with cars powered by compost. He outlines the idea he came up with in detail, leaving the formalities for other visionaries in other fields. One thing is for certain: he already came up with the idea.

‘Thought Leader’ gives talk that will inspire your thoughts | This is That | CBC

Related ClearNFO thoughts on science and religion:

Astroturf and Manipulation of Media Messages

Sharyl Attkisson Gives TED Talk on Astroturf and Manipulation of Media Messages
(Published on Feb 6, 2015)
Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson

In this eye-opening talk, veteran investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson shows how astroturf, or fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages.

Sharyl Attkisson is an investigative journalist based in Washington D.C. She is currently writing a book entitled Stonewalled (Harper Collins), which addresses the unseen influences of corporations and special interests on the information and images the public receives every day in the news and elsewhere. For twenty years (through March 2014), Attkisson was a correspondent for CBS News. In 2013, she received an Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism for her reporting on “The Business of Congress,” which included an undercover investigation into fundraising by Republican freshmen. She also received Emmy nominations in 2013 for Benghazi: Dying for Security and Green Energy Going Red. Additionally, Attkisson received a 2013 Daytime Emmy Award as part of the CBS Sunday Morning team’s entry for Outstanding Morning Program for her report: “Washington Lobbying: K-Street Behind Closed Doors.” In September 2012, Attkisson also received an Emmy for Oustanding Investigative Journalism for the “Gunwalker: Fast and Furious” story. She received the RTNDA Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Investigative Reporting for the same story. Attkisson received an Investigative Emmy Award in 2009 for her exclusive investigations into TARP and the bank bailout. She received an Investigative Emmy Award in 2002 for her series of exclusive reports about mismanagement at the Red Cross.


Sharyl Attkisson’s web site