Category Archives: NWO


posted by DAVID BROWN | | May 28, 2016

Important interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts by Dr. Julian Charles
(Published on Saturday, 28 May 2016 21:24)

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

from The Mind Renewed

“Remain” or “Leave”? What does the UK’s EU Referendum—scheduled 23rd June—really amount to? Is it simply the opportunity for UK citizens to decide if Britain should stay in the European Union? Or is it something of greater significance, with broader and more serious implications? And just what is this thing called the EU anyway?

Joining us, once again, to discuss these questions is Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former US Assistant Secretary to the Treasury for Ecomonic Policy, who explains the EU’s beginnings as a project of the CIA, and assesses its current role as as an anti-democratic tool of corporate control. Whether or not a majority “leave” vote will actually lead to Brexit, Dr. Roberts argues that a decisive rejection of EU membership by UK citizens could embolden other EU member states to follow suit, thus precipitating the break-up of NATO, and in turn, bringing an end to Washington’s crazy designs for a New World Order.

TMR 145 : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Vote Brexit – End the EU, a CIA Covert Operation


The Shadow History of Burners

Posted by DAVID BROWN | | May 15, 2016

Below, you will find an outstanding two-part interview of Steve Outtrim by Jan Irvin of Gnostic Media chocked full of important information on the Burners and much, much more.  This is well worth your time.  If you have any spare funds, please consider a donation to Jan Irvin at Gnostic Media to help sustain Jan’s excellent work on these and other topics.


Steve’s downloadable PowerPoint Presentation Part 1

Steve Outtrim Interview – “Silicon Valley’s Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners Pt1” – #247

Silicon Valley’s Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners – Part 1 (Gnostic Media ep 247) from Burners on Vimeo.

Audio Only:


Steve’s downloadable PowerPoint Presentation Part 2

Steve Outtrim Interview – “Silicon Valley’s Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners Pt.2” – #248

Shadow History of Burners Part 2 PSYOP and the Presidio – Steve Outtrim on Gnostic Media Podcast 248 from Burners on Vimeo.

Audio Only:


Burning Man Turns 30: The Joys, Pitfalls (and Drugs) of Hollywood’s “Vacation for the Soul”

Joe Plummer Interview | April 12, 2016

Joe Plummer

Joe Plummer

I will be conducting an interview and discussion with the outstanding author and researcher, Mr. Joe Plummer, over the next few weeks.  If you have any questions for Mr. Plummer or would like to suggest topics you would like to see discussed, please let me know. Mr. Plummer does deep historical research and has written several fascinating and well-researched books on Quigley’s ‘Tragedy and Hope’, ‘Dirty Money’ and a chilling novel on one man’s journey ‘Leaving the Illusion’. Mr. Plummer has appeared on Alex Jones’ InfoWARS, Richard Grove’s Tragedy and Hope, James Corbett’s The Corbett Report, John B. Wells’ Caravan To Midnight and others. His ‘Tragedy and Hope 101’ includes the following introduction by G. Edward Griffin…

by G. Edward Griffin

If you have ever watched an illusionist perform up-close magic, you know the power of misdirection and sleight-of-hand. Even in a room full of suspicious and attentive observers, the illusionist can fool them all. By exploiting known weaknesses in the human mind and employing his tools of the trade, he will deceive the crowd whether it wants to be deceived or not.

Imagine what an equally talented “network” of political illusionists can accomplish. Performing before an audience of mostly trusting and casual observers, exploiting known weaknesses in the human mind, and employing their tools of the trade, they, too, will deceive the crowd whether it wants to be deceived or not.

Having spent nearly sixty years of my life researching and writing about the illusionists who control our world, I can say without reservation that you are about to learn some of their closest-held secrets. Joe has done an outstanding job of weeding through Carroll Quigley’s book, Tragedy & Hope. He has captured the essence of what Quigley referred to as “the Network” and made this important information accessible to the average person who simply doesn’t have time to read a 1,300-page history book. Even for those who intend to read the entire volume, Joe has created an introduction and study guide that will serve the serious student well.

Knowledge of who Carroll Quigley was and the deceptions that he revealed is essential for understanding the real world of today. His close relationship with the Network and his approval of its aims made it possible to provide an insider’s analysis of the minds and methods of the global elite. Without this knowledge, the actions of those who dominate the U.S. government and the Western world do not make sense. With it, everything falls into place.

Be forewarned. The journey you are about to begin is not for the faint hearted. If you are comfortable with the illusions that currently pass for political reality, this book is not for you because, once you discover how the deceivers perform their magic, the comfort of ignorance is no longer possible. Once the bell is rung, it cannot be unrung.

The bell starts ringing on the next page.

ClearNFO Book Reviews:

Joe Plummer Teaches Tragedy and Hope 101 | April 11, 2016

Don’t miss this important interview with author Joe Plummer (Podcast and Video, below) conducted by James Corbett of the Corbett Report:

T and H 101

Books by Joe Plummer

Interview 1158 – Joe Plummer Teaches Tragedy and Hope 101

Clocking in at 1300 pages of small print text, Carroll Quigley’s seminal work, Tragedy and Hope, is an intimidating and weighty tome. Today we talk to Joe Plummer of about his guide to Quigley’s massive book. Available as a free e-book or as a paperback or kindle purchase and dubbed Tragedy and Hope 101, Plummer’s guide condenses, summarizes, explains and footnotes the highlights and lowlights of the text so you can understand the nature of the conspiratorial network that Quigley exposed and why this information is so important. – The Corbett Report

Joe Plummer Teaches Tragedy and Hope 101 (Video)

Building Blocks for a Global Government

by DAVID BROWN | | April 10, 2016

Global Power Grab

Global Power Grab

Since I’ve spent a considerable amount of time researching and studying history –history that hasn’t been filtered through one of the organs of the existing power structure– I find the movements of the power elites easy to track. I often wonder why everyone else can’t see what’s so clearly going on. Well, the answer is that they have no background, other than what has been fed to them by these same power elite who seek to control them. Years of study can be difficult if not impossible to summarize in a few bullet points, but these simplified power points are what is needed if I ever hope to spread this important information to those who do not have the time, interest or perhaps aptitude to do their own hard-core, objective research. So with this in mind, I have listed below a small set of the building blocks being assembled together by man’s natural predators (the powers that shouldn’t be).

There exists a massive amount of proof behind each of these 11 building blocks, but I will be seeking to find just one or two good proofs or examples of each to keep it short and simple for those who are challenged by the clock.   And of course just listing the building blocks is not enough, there must be a proof of the mortar that holds these blocks together; and of course an additional proof of who it is exactly directing the building of this global structure.   I’m hoping to refine this over time, making it better and more useful as a tool for me to use to help in spreading this vital information to others with the idea of keeping this story as simple and focused as possible.

Building Blocks for the New World Order:

  1. Common Core (Control Education)
  2. UN Agenda-21 & 2030 (Control Private Property Rights)
  3. Affordable Care Act (Control Health Care)
  4. Federal Reserve (Control Money)
  5. The Patriot Act & the USA Freedom Act (Control Civil Liberties)
  6. Free Trade Agreements like TPP (Control the movement of goods, services and people)
  7. Strong Cities Network (SCN) (Global Police Force)
  8. Global Warming (Install a Global Tax of $100 trillion)
  9. CFR (Control of US Foreign Policy and Geopolitics)
  10. Vaccines (Population Control)
  11. Main Stream Media (Perception Control)

TRUMP – Keeping it Simple

by DAVID BROWN | | April 04, 2016

Trump face

Jerome Corsi has known Trump for over 40 years and says that Trump is the real deal.  Jeff Sessions is one of the few Senators who has read the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) and took a strong stand against it. Those who voted for Obama’s fast track of TPP were paid over $200 million to sell our sovereignty to un-elected international bankers and corporations. Sessions also supports Trump.

Longtime friend, confidant and former Trump adviser, Roger Stone told Alex Jones that Trump was “fully awake”.  By this I assume we are to believe that Trump knows about the big game to place the US under the control of a super-constitutional authority a.k.a. the NWO, using some of the following:

  • Open Borders – overwhelm the social system (Cloward-Piven strategy), reduce wages, dilute the vote and remove the idea of the ‘nation-state’
  • UN Agenda 21 (now 2030 Agenda) – destroy property rights, control people’s behavior, concentrate people into large cities where they can be controlled and monitored thus saving mother earth
  • Strong Cities Network (SCN) – Global Police Force here in the US, yes that’s right foreign police forces on US streets to prevent violent extremism
  • Free Trade Agreements – TPP, TTIP, etc. This will cede US Sovereignty to international Banks and Corporations and their paid, un-elected bureaucrats
  • NATO’s Operation Gladio – used to destabilize governments, now tuned in on the US to divide and conquer, destabilize using color-style revolutions
  • 9/11 inside Job – excuse for unconstitutional and illegal, undeclared wars; and used to remove individual rights though the Patriot Act and the mindless, incessant mantra of ‘National Security’ for all matters increasing the size and scope of government control and the removal of civil liberties
  • US support for ISIS – the new bigger, badder and better funded boogie man that we can all fear
  • Etc., etc., etc.…

So far, all of Trump’s positions line up nicely against the above globalist initiatives (strategies); and of course, his enemy list is impressive: DNC/RNC, CFR, Bilderbergers, Davos groupies, Goldman Sachs all of whom are on the exact opposite side of Trump on all of these NWO initiatives.

Trump’s problem, however, is in dealing with the press and of course the naive public. He must, therefore, speak in broad generalities, simple terms, and be circumspect; since neither the uninformed public nor the gatekeeper-press can tolerate the truth, which would require the destruction of deeply-held assumptions and the years of 360º, 24X7 programming by the media.

Thus, when Trump says we need to eliminate NATO because its usefulness and original purpose has long expired or when he says we need to eliminate NATO because we are paying too much, the press and the public jump on this and question his uninformed position by crying “Who will fight ISIS?”, etc. not realizing of course that it was the US and NATO that have long been using ISIS, Al-Qaeda (The Base) and other ‘crazy Islamists’ as their own personal proxy army to accomplish their clandestine geopolitical goals; which BTW are NOT in the interest of US or EU Citizens.

Trump must do the same dance for all the other topics listed above, or any anti-globalist positions for that matter, which may require a sense of history or context to understand.  Trump must not say too much, else wise he be labeled the CIA-Weaponized term: ‘A Conspiracy Theorist!’ by those who still believe in the establishment’s synthetic reality.

NOTE: Stone served as an adviser to the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump. He left the campaign on August 8, 2015.

Why Obama and Hillary must stop Donald Trump at all costs: (This video has been removed, sorry.)

Jeff Sessions: America’s Sovereignty at Stake in 2016 Presidential Election

NWO Update

by DAVID BROWN | | April 03, 2016

human-65930_640The US/NATO’s underhanded destruction of Ukraine and MENA (Middle East & North Africa) has made it abundantly clear to anyone not fooled by the Western Media disinformation campaign, that US/NATO cannot be trusted.  They have completed the same projects; the same way; too many times; too quickly to hide behind the protection of the ‘plausible deniability’ claim except for the profoundly uniformed American citizen.   Since US/NATO has been caught red-handed using virtually identical covert operations to destabilize each of these US-targeted countries; China, Russia, Iran and anyone with an independent geopolitical policy, have taken sharp notice and have therefore been well-schooled in these common US/NATO statecraft techniques, and thus made strikingly aware of the real US geopolitical agenda of a mono-polar hegemony.  China, Russia and Iran for example have no intention of rolling over for this rabid Empire of chaos, death and destruction.  China and Russia have used the past 10 years or so making real improvements to their military –as Russia demonstrated in Syria; at the same time, the US has continued unabated its incestuous and corrupt practice of spending massive funds on unworkable and unneeded technology (for example, It is estimated that the worthless F-35 program will cost US taxpayers more than one trillion dollars in wasted money and effort); not for defense, but to line the pockets of their pals; American national security be damned. In the meantime, Russia and China have learned how to manufacture high-tech, highly-functional weapons of war at a fraction of the cost.

Now that Russia and China have witnessed the repeated lawlessness of the US policy of destabilization and regime change, they no longer contemplate a partner that they can learn to work with, rather they are now preparing to protect themselves from this rabid superpower; and, perhaps how to confront and put it down. Yes, with the EU facade crumbling, the threat of a Trump presidency and the refusal of Russia and China to commit national suicide, the NWO psychopaths have their work cut out for them as the idiom goes.  There is also a global awakening that is eroding the NWO’s well-laid plans at almost every gated juncture, event or milestone in their rush to install their world domination project.

Now, James Corbett goes one step further.  He describes the analysis above as 2D Chess while the real game is played at the 3D level, or as he terms it 3D Chess.  His rationale is that all the oligarchs in each of these power blocks have much more in common with each other than they do with the people they supposedly represent, so the real game is going on at that level, out of sight of the average analyst.  The three major power blocks would be 1) Russia-Oligarchs; 2) China-Oligarchs and 3) the Anglo-American-Oligarchs consisting of US and the UK elite.  So the real game is being played at this level, and my analysis above is merely window dressing.  Not definitive, but possible so we shall keep an eye on both the 2D and 3D chess game that is unfolding on the grand geopolitical chessboard.

BTW, while this game is being played, millions of innocent men, women and children have lost their lives and millions more are suffering horrifically in the wake of this cruel villainy.  This is a game only psychopaths can truly enjoy.

Note: The House of Saud would be considered a 4th oligarch block, but since the Anglo-American Establishment holds a ‘Sword Of Damocles‘ over their ill-gotten throne –not by a single horsehair– but by their proven strategy of tension called Gladio, (or ‘Sword’ in Italian).  With little effort, the Anglo-American Oligarchs could easily run a successful Operation Gladio against the House of Saud as they have done to so many others like Ukraine and Libya.

Additional Reading / Viewing:


More on the F-35 debacle.  The US has done more damage to itself than either China or Russia could dream of…

America’s new trillion-dollar fighter jet under fire again

The Rape of Western Europe

by DAVID BROWN | | Jan 13, 2016

Berlin, Germany

Berlin, Germany

Looks like Europe is having a Rape-Fest all around and the police are trying their best to cover all this up.   Let us not forget why the refugees are in Europe in the first place, eh? The US and NATO have destroyed Libya, Syria and caused much mayhem in many other countries in MENA (Middle East & North Africa). It’s a massive human tragedy that we created!!! These people have no place to go!! So our overlords created this problem, and now they are making it worse by letting these people enter their countries un-vetted, not knowing a darned thing about them (just like Obama).   And what is not being reported is the massive number of little girls who are being raped by these same people in the Refugee Camps.  What child should have to face this?  Many so-called refugees are in fact ISIS fighters supported by US/NATO that had their asses kicked by Putin.  And now these refugees and ISIS fighters are having a rape fest and scaring the crap out of the helpless, unarmed people in Europe. Next, the European Union will need to come in and save the day. How? By increasing the power of the police state. This is the oldest hoax in the books if you are a government leader. It’s called PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION.  It’s that simple.  You will see this same technique used over and over again and we fall for it each and every time begging our overlords to save us… and they do… at a price.

Get ready for the invasion of Europe at the request of their leaders no less. With leaders like these who needs enemies? Of course the informed know that this is part of the globalist’s plan to usher in their unworkable Utopia of a one-world government. Once the interlopers have decimated what is left of Europe, the globalists will save the day and dispatch these Islamic Pirates to Allah. America, don’t feel too special even though you are protected by an ocean. Your overlords are shipping them in via airplane and through the Southern border. The idea in their own words is to remove the Nation-State and that means you America. Question: Is there enough testosterone left in Europe and America to quell these soft slow-moving coup d’états?

DRUDGE REPORT: GERMAN OFFICIAL: 10 Million More Migrants Headed for Europe…

The Arabic gang-rape ‘Taharrush’ phenomenon which sees women surrounded by groups of men in crowds and sexually assaulted… and has now spread to Europe

Russian Documentary “World Order”

by DAVID BROWN | | Jan 07, 2016

Just watched the video below. It was very good. Thanks to Hugh Cameron for directing my attention to this excellent video. Obviously Putin is in a leadership position so must chose his words carefully so that he doesn’t foreclose diplomatic or strategic options to move his agenda forward. What the USA has done to Russia and Ukraine is a crime. The good citizens of America and Russia and in fact the good citizens of the world are facing the same enemy and that is the NWO which seeks to destroy nation-states like Russia to usher in their unworkable Utopia with those in charge of this new order running the globe from a single fulcrum. What Russia, Europe and others may not realize is that part of this new order will be substantial population reductions. I think Putin realizes that he is dealing with certifiable psychopaths who give not a twit about human life. These folks who have insinuated themselves into the halls of power in this country (U.S.) would just as soon step on a bug as kill 100,000 or a million people. There are no mistakes about the Arab Spring or about Ukraine. This is all according to design using proven methods and is documented for all to read; but as Allen Dulles said… “People don’t read.”

Russian Documentary “World Order” with English subs

Additional Reading… 

Put a fork in 2015

by DAVID BROWN | | Jan 03, 2016



I‘ve had better years and I’ve certainly had worse. What does the future hold? The certainty of death and taxes and of course the metastasizing growth and corruption of a psychopathic government and its bureaucracy who have spread death, destruction and misery across the face of the earth, enriching the very few while leaving mountains of unpayable debt in its wake.

I’ve done my fair share of bitching and identifying the problem. Shall we allow history to repeat itself or shall we become educated on the facts that surround us and put a stop to this foolishness?

In many ways we ARE winning the NFO-War, but while we are winning the hearts and minds of more every day, the enemies of the individual and of freedom are on the march, destroying creativity, self-reliance and freedom. Our natural predators are busy constructing their web; doing real things in the real world that will forever ensnare the entirety of mankind like never before. George Orwell paints a clear picture: “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”

The beast we have unleashed wants to know everything about each and every one of us. Everything. It collects all our DNA at birth for its federal registry, it poisons our water, our air, our food, our medicines and our minds. It removes our ability to think critically and clearly in our own self-interest using the state education system; teaching us truth based on authority rather than authority based on truth. It poisons our mind and our freewill and spreads distrust and division among us using scientific social engineering and propaganda. It has corrupted our science and universities through grants, tax incentives, government-created monopolies and tax-free foundations; while promulgating the illusion that truth is a well-established fact arrived at by consensus. It has corrupted our traditions and our families replacing mother and father with an all-powerful centralized authority; while attempting to destroy every good and wholesome tradition our forbearers held dear. It has convinced our young mothers that murdering their own child is just a medical procedure.

A spectre is haunting man—the spectre of a tyranny; the likes of which has never been seen.

While many are awake to the evil this spectre brings, the beast marches on. As our natural predators have learned, we too must learn to do real things in the real world. If we are to avoid Orwell’s vision of the future we must preserve what it means to be free and to be human whatever the cost.