Category Archives: NWO

Replacing False Data with Real Data

by DAVID BROWN | | Oct 01, 2017


We now have documented evidence that the Civil War, Spanish-American War, WWI, the Bolshevik Revolution, WWII, the Korean War and the War in Vietnam were all based on lies and fraud orchestrated and managed by people whose names few would recognize … and so the history we thought we knew is just not so.

There are many important books –and of course I would never claim I know them all– but a few major works provided me a peek over the walled garden in which I lived most of my life.   These represent a few milestones in my journey to better understand the world into which I was born and provided me actual facts that cut deeply against the mythology promulgated 24X7 from womb to tomb by the propaganda organs of our existing power structure.   Unfortunately these propaganda organs include our public schools, our news and entertainment media, our universities, tax-exempt foundations and our government. Most believe these myths and so repeat them.   These common myths have now become the bedrock of our general understanding and collective agreement of how the world works. In short, these myths have become our generally accepted and agreed-to reality. A reality based not in fact but in deception, fraud, obfuscation and lies. So who would do such a thing?   And how could so few men keep this information hidden for so long? Surely someone would have discovered these facts and told the world, right?   Well they did tell the world but few have the time or interest to pay attention while the generally promulgated myths have their many benefactors.

So what to do? Spread knowledge based on sourced, documented fact.

Most people don’t have time, energy or interest to read Quigley’s academic 1,348 page ‘Tragedy and Hope’ or his 354 page ‘Anglo-American Establishment’ or the many other books by Sutton, Griffin, Perloff, etc.… to get their own front row seat to the workings of real power on the world stage, and so are denied their real history or an understanding of how it was managed.

Recognizing the problem of the large size and difficulty of these great books, Joseph Plummer invested many years of his life distilling these great works into two small easily approachable books: ‘Tragedy & Hope 101’ and ‘Dishonest Money’ which are now available to anyone.

For my part, I offered to give Plummer’s two books away for free (including the S&H) to any who would promise to read them. I am proud to say, I have given away 11 sets of these excellent books. I’m planting good, clean, healthy, honest seeds which may take years to germinate, but am hoping this butterfly wing flapping in the wind of this small town in Texas will become a tsunami washing away some of the evil which has enslaved the minds of so many; replacing false data with real data.

Additional reading:

  • Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley Hardcover: 1348 pages
  • Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley Paperback: 354 pages
  • Federal Reserve: ‘Creature from Jekyll Island’ Paperback by G. Edward Griffin 608 pages
  • Tragedy and Hope 101: The Illusion of Justice, Freedom, and Democracy Paperback – April 24, 2014 by Joseph Plummer, G. Edward Griffin (Introduction) Paperback: 224 pages
  • Dishonest Money: Financing the Road to Ruin Paperback – December 19, 2008 by Joseph Plummer Paperback: 184 pages
  • Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists by Anthony C. Sutton (Jan 1, 2012)
  • Wall Street and FDR Hardcover March 1, 2007 by Antony C. Sutton
  • Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler Paperback – June, 1976 by Antony C. Sutton
  • The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline by James Perloff



Who’s the Boss, pt. 3

by DAVID BROWN | | Aug 26, 2017

Remarkably, Carroll Quigley’s ‘Tragedy and Hope’ and his ‘Anglo-American Establishment’ omit much about Rockefeller; and this is no accident.   Even an insider like Quigley must be careful not to reveal too much or to touch on certain topics as he demonstrated in his 1974 interview with Rudy Maxa of the Washington Post.  

Kevin Cole explains:

Throughout the interview, Quigley incessantly signaled for the interviewer to turn off the tape recorder, and to be “discreet” and at one point even stated, “I don’t know if you want to put this on tape”… “You have to protect my future…as well as your own.”    We may never know what Quigley was so afraid of or why he omitted so much of Rockefeller in his writings on the inside workings of the ‘network’. 

So now we turn our attention to Josh G as he helps fill in some of the gaps Quigley and others left out of the story of the ruling oligarchs who control man’s destiny. You can read Josh’s PDF in the links below.  Josh G starts with a holy grail of sorts, and an unlikely source, revisiting the incredible Business Plot to overthrow FDR.  Through careful research, Josh G helps us understand Smedley Butler’s excellent book ‘War is a Racket’ is in reality a limited hangout or a partial reveal to deflect attention; and Smedley’s testimony before Congress on the infamous Business Plot was Smedley playing a role. We further discover the implausibility of Smedley being a Quaker as claimed and make some excellent connections within the small group of men who control our world, and –up until now– have had the freedom to write our history.  

Luckily, two of my favorite podcasters, Tim Kelly and Joe Atwell, discuss Josh G’s article ‘The Bogus Business Plot’; and as they do, a much clearer picture begins to emerge that will help all of us discover our real history and the authors of this history.

Powers & Principalities Episode 14 (Tim Kelly and Joe Atwell)

Published on Aug 26, 2017
The Bogus Business Plot, the FDR myth, the Bankers, the Secret Society


  • Business Plot
  • Miles Mathis (who is hosting Josh G’s pdf):
  • Professor Carroll Quigley and the Article that Said Too Little: Reclaiming History from Omission and Partisan Straw Men by Kevin Cole   Kevin Cole: While we can be grateful that someone had the foresight to sit down and record Quigley before he would pass away several years later, I can’t help but be disappointed with the missed opportunity to ask tough questions and actually report on them in the article that follows. We now know from listening to the audio tape that the article that followed the interview was selective in its scope and omitted many instances of Carroll Quigley seemingly in fear for his career and/or life if certain facts were disclosed. Throughout the interview, Quigley incessantly signaled for the interviewer to turn off the tape recorder, and to be “discreet” and at one point even stated, “I don’t know if you want to put this on tape”… “You have to protect my future…as well as your own.”
  • THE BOGUS BUSINESS PLOT  (PDF) Part 1: What Isn’t a Racket?
    With Commentary on the Great Depression, the New Deal, the Roosevelt, Warburg, Morgan and Spencer Families and a Whole Lot More By Josh G
  • The FDR you never knew
  • Wall Street and FDR
  • Who’s the Boss, pt. 1
  • Who’s the Boss, pt. 2

Who is they?

Powers & Principalities Episode 39 (Tim Kelly and Joe Atwell)

Published on Feb 17, 2018

Update: Douglas Gabriel (Thomas Paine) and Michael McKibben discuss their latest findings from their research. Learn how the America you were taught in school is not the America that is actually operating.  American Intelligence Media | Published on Apr 27, 2018

Who’s the Boss, pt. 2

by DAVID BROWN | | May 01, 2017

Who’s the boss? (pt. 2)

Bilderberg, Trilateral, Davos… Oh my!

These are the technocrats: the Bilderbergers, the Trilateralists and the Davos groupies. This small group of men are the well-paid techno-servants of the ruling elite; constructing a superstructure of control, aided by the great advancements in all the sciences, including the well-honed science of today’s mass psychology Bertrand Russell could only dream of.   These new technical facilities provide man’s natural predators unprecedented control that threatens to remove man’s freewill forever.  But these technocrats are not the final boss. If we follow the Quigley Formula –after the Milner Group effectively disappeared– there are rings within rings yet to be discovered. The big question is who is in the inner circle of what Quigley called the Milner Group? Obviously Kissinger is a made-man, but a Boss? I think not. The Rothschild family and Rockefellers are candidates but that is too easy.  And though everyone believes they know who occupies the inner circle; and there is always much debate on this point; it is a fact, there is much we do not know about the inner workings of the innermost ring. I suspect after the failure of the Milner Group, there is new, fresh blood afoot yet to be identified … and it has nothing to do with the Illuminati, Freemasons, Jews or any other popular scapegoat.

Though our current batch –and those before them– have stolen ideas from these other groups, today’s predators are likely not a believing member of any group but their own.  We know only what they let us know, and that which seeps through the cracks is mitigated though false histories and mass psychology.  We can, however, see them by the wake they leave as they rush to stamp their boot on man’s face — forever.   According to David Rothkopf in his book on the Superclass there are approximately 6,000 of these technocrats worldwide who –in my opinion–would be in Milner’s kindergarten, not sitting next to Milner or his cohorts directing the show.

Additional NFO on this topic:

Carroll Quigley, Cecil Rhodes, and the Reconquest of America

Who’s the Boss, (pt. 1)

Note: Thanks to Zeta Fibonacci for the Bilderberg, Trilateral, Davos graphic.


by DAVID BROWN | | April  23, 2017

({RED PILL}): The Globalist plan for global conquest was as so… to fit regional pieces into a global super-structure: The EU (28 countries) was to fit into NAFTA (3 countries) using TTIP as the connector, then the TPP (12 -18 countries) was to be used to connect the EU, NAFTA and TTIP to the Pacific Rim countries. This global structure –once completed– was to be further homogenized using UN-Agenda 21 (now 2030 Agenda). To fund the governance of such a massive system, a global tax was required: Carbon Taxes, which could be used as a tax and a ‘justifiable’ control mechanism for every single human on the planet. The final goal is a scientific dictatorship, they call a ‘Technocracy’ to protect mother earth through population reduction. This is not about orange hair, small hands, left or right, male or female or Islam. Islam is being used as a tool by the globalists: out of chaos comes order, a new order controlled by the money masters, who are the natural predators of man. The death of TPP, the Brexit and the populism of Marine Le Pen (even if she loses), has set this global plan back decades. Russia and Putin are being used as the ‘big bad wolf’ to scare their livestock (that’s you) back into the pen. While you are at work, paying your bills and your taxes and raising your family, this is the kind of shit these folks are thinking up. Stop being their fool. Now.

Tax-Exempt Foundations

by DAVID BROWN | | April 14, 2017

Even if the MSM wasn’t the major source of propaganda we consume today; and even if they told the truth 100% of the time, that would not be enough. Why? Because they –like so many of us– live within a ‘Walled-Garden’ constructed with the help of many of our tax-exempt foundations; and this is documented in their own archives as revealed in the 1953 U.S. Congressman B. Carroll Reece Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations (commonly referred to as the Reece Committee).

So even if the MSM decided to become legit, they would fall short of the mark, since so many of their fundamental assumptions are just incorrect. The walls of the garden are constructed of these unexamined assumptions. So, if we intend to discover the truth, we must learn to look over these walls and see what is on the other side.

Comment from Steven Gutmann Interesting that it happened right at the same time as the McCarthy hearings, too…

“The final report was submitted by Norman Dodd, and because of its provocative nature, the committee became subject to attack. He began by listing criticisms of the Cox Committee, and then moved on to content.

In the Dodd report to the Reece Committee on Foundations, he gave a definition of the word “subversive”, saying that the term referred to “Any action having as its purpose the alteration of either the principle or the form of the United States Government by other than constitutional means.” He then argued that the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and Carnegie Endowment were using funds excessively on projects at Columbia, Harvard, Chicago University and the University of California, in order to enable oligarchical collectivism. He stated, “The purported deterioration in scholarship and in the techniques of teaching which, lately, has attracted the attention of the American public, has apparently been caused primarily by a premature effort to reduce our meager knowledge of social phenomena to the level of an applied science.” He stated that his research staff had discovered that in “1933-1936, a change took place which was so drastic as to constitute a “revolution”. They also indicated conclusively that the responsibility for the economic welfare of the American people had been transferred heavily to the Executive Branch of the Federal Government; that a corresponding change in education had taken place from an impetus outside of the local community, and that this “revolution” had occurred without violence and with the full consent of an overwhelming majority of the electorate.” He stated that this revolution “could not have occurred peacefully, or with the consent of the majority, unless education in the United States had been prepared in advance to endorse it.”

United States House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations

Destruction of the American Republic

by DAVID BROWN | | April  2, 2017

Now it is no secret that US President Woodrow Wilson helped lay the foundation for the current destruction of our Republic we are witnessing today.

So what did Wilson do?

  1. Signed into law the Federal Reserve Act (December 23, 1913) which handed over control of our money system to a small group of private bankers.
  2. Signed into law the 16th Amendment (February 3, 1913) which created the heretofore unconstitutional income tax
  3. Tricked Americans into entering WWI, after promising he wouldn’t. (see the sinking of the RMS Lusitania)
  4. Attempted to create the first world government (League of Nations) which was later replaced by the UN.

What is generally not known is that none of these were Wilson’s ideas, they emanated from Edward Mandell House who served those international bankers who met in secret on Jekyll Island October of 1910 to create the Federal Reserve.


Additional Reading at ClearNFO

Western Europe is no more

by DAVID BROWN | | April  2, 2017

Western Europe is no more. The seeds of multiculturalism have been sown, and in 10 years, the EU will be unrecognizable. In 20 years, the EU will undergo a fundamental transformation into a Muslim-majority territory.

There are about 510 million people in the 28 member states of the EU, but with 1/3 of EU pregnancies ending in abortion, the economic prosperity is simply unsustainable due to demographics alone. This high abortion rate shows up in the fertility rate of the EU as a whole which is roughly 1.47. A minimum fertility rate of 2.1 is required just to keep the population at zero growth. History and mathematics have shown when fertility rates plummet below 2.1, a population teeters on a demographic cliff with a rapid decline soon to follow. This is called a demographic winter or a collapse of the population. Simply put, there are not enough young productive people entering the workforce to support the society. While the approach to the cliff is deceptively slow, the fall is rapid, unpreventable and recovery is long and uncertain.

So as the traditional Western Europeans kill their children for convenience and a false perception there will be more prosperity for them, they have unwittingly sealed their fate. The new influx of refugees from MENA (Middle East & North Africa) have no such problem. Their fertility rate well exceeds the 2.1 rate (3 – 6 or higher); so within a few generations –if these rates continue– these new European citizens will become the majority, and their culture and religion will dominate Western Europe. Hasta la vista.

Additional reading from ClearNFO:

Requiem for a Republic

by DAVID BROWN | | Sep 27, 2016

Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856 –1924) was the 28th President of the United States

Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856 –1924) was the 28th President of the United States

Now it is no secret that US President Woodrow Wilson helped lay the foundation for the current destruction of our Republic we are witnessing today.

So what did Wilson do?



  1. Signed into law the Federal Reserve Act (December 23, 1913) which handed over control of our money system to a small group of private bankers.
  2. Signed into law the 16th Amendment (February 3, 1913) which created the heretofore unconstitutional income tax
  3. Tricked Americans into entering WWI, after promising he wouldn’t. (see the sinking of the RMS Lusitania)
  4. Attempted to create the first world government (League of Nations) which was later replaced by the UN.

What is generally not known is that none of these were Wilson’s ideas, they emanated from Edward Mandell House who served those international bankers who met in secret on Jekyll Island October of 1907 to create the Federal Reserve.


Note: If this information is new to you, then you have likely been the unwitting victim of our compulsory public education system.

Verdi: Requiem, Dies irae | Claudio Vandelli, conductor
New Russia State Symphony Orchestra

Additional NFO from ClearNFO…

And…what your Public Schools forgot to mention… (including background on the sinking of the RMS Lusitania)
James Perloff. The Shadows of Power; the CFR and decline of America

Deep Politics: Institutionalized Corruption at the Top and the Corporate Assault on Democracy

by DAVID BROWN | | September 05, 2016

The headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations on 68th St. in Manhattan, New York City. The facility was donated to the CFR by David Rockefeller's father, generally known as “Junior”. Even at 100, David remains the power behind the organization.

The headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations on 68th St. in Manhattan, New York City. The facility was donated to the CFR by David Rockefeller’s father, generally known as “Junior”. Even at 100, David remains the power behind the organization.

An important whitepaper by K. L. Roberts posted on and linked below provides the names, companies, organizations, locations and interlocking relationships of our current batch of human predators; updating us on some details where Sutton and Quigley left off.  This is a story of how transnational powers continue to subsume rights of the individual the US Constitution is designed to protect –under the cloak of secrecy– using hijacked government powers, extra-constitutional agreements, treaties and tribunals.  This document clearly demonstrates how the Deep State operates beyond the view or control of the citizens of this great country.  These powers that shouldn’t be appear to the public as being very separate institutions, but this is an illusion. It is interesting to compare the close physical proximity of these players to each other –within 1.5 miles—as was done extensively by Antony C. Sutton in his book Wall Street and FDR with no fewer than 75 references to 120 Broadway.   Roberts does this clearly with maps. You can learn a lot from documenting the physical locations of those operating clandestinely as Sutton and Mae Brussell have shown in their excellent work.  Much synergy can be accomplished by our natural predators from rubbing shoulders at the ‘water cooler’ so to speak; none of which need be documented.   One of the more interesting topics includes new information on the previously unknown “public-private partnership” organization known as the DSAC, or Domestic Security Alliance Council and what they are up to.  This white paper demonstrates the nexus of the following in clear, easy to understand charts and tables:

  • Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and NAFTA
  • The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
  • The Business Roundtable (BRT)
  • The American Bankers Association (ABA)
  • The US Chamber of Commerce (USCoC)
  • Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
  • Manhattan Institute (MI)

Don’t forget to read Roberts’ great appendixes at the end.  Enjoy!

Deep Politics: Institutionalized Corruption at the Top and the Corporate Assault on Democracy
By K. L. Roberts

Here are a few good quotes from this whitepaper…

“. . .all the physical and conceptual walls associated with the modern, sovereign state—the walls that divide domestic from international, the police from the military, intelligence from law enforcement, war from peace, and crime from war—are coming down.” –The Manhattan Institute

“Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”  –Attributed (incorrectly) to Benito Mussolini’s Encyclopedia Italiana article, but nevertheless true

“The finest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist.” –Charles Baudelaire

Excerpt from the whitepaper …. “We’ll see that these corporations have long cultivated an intimate relationship with the Executive branch (that is, the Presidency ) of the United States, as well as with the NSA and (previously unknown) FBI mass-surveillance programs. And we’ll also see that they are a key force behind the “trade accord” known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which Chris Hedges calls “the most brazen corporate power grab in American history.”

Because it would be easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees even in this sort of simplified account, it should be stated clearly that the “brazen corporate power grab” Hedges is talking about is, incredibly, like something straight out of a Bond movie: the CEOs and bankers involved are seeking nothing less than total global political, economic, and military control by the owners of transnational corporations and banks.

If it passes, the TPP will hand over to them a big chunk of what they want on a silver platter.

On now to the anatomy and physiology of the more domestic side of the nexus, the engineers of this mad power grab. Hold on to your hat. You are about to experience one wild ride into terra incognita.”  –K.L. Roberts

Tragedy and Hope 101: Got Quigley?

by DAVID BROWN | | June 11, 2016

Get your know on… There are two kinds of people in this world; those who know Quigley and those who don’t and it is very easy to tell the difference.

Hopefully this short / simple video will get more people interested in Quigley’s excellent work.
Tragedy and Hope 101: Got Quigley?

Published on May 30, 2016
Tragedy and Hope 101 provides readers an introduction to the groundbreaking research of Carroll Quigley. Professor Quigley not only spent decades researching and writing about those who secretly control the machinery of our “representative governments,” he was permitted to examine their secret papers. He was invited in, but he ultimately betrayed their trust when he exposed their plans and their methods.

Read it for free at http://www.TragedyAndHope.INFO