Opus 005: It’s not Obama’s Fault

Opus 005: It’s not Obama’s Fault

September 9, 2012 at 9:35am

Our problem is not Obama.  There are many other Obamas out there who believe in unworkable Utopian ideologies so Obama is not unique in this regard.  Our problem is the 47% or so who would even consider re-electing Obama.  For whatever reason, these 47% choose not to acknowledge Obama’s clear abuse of the constitution, his fiscal malfeasance or his assault on what is left of our free markets.   I would like to have confidence in the wisdom of American voters but there are too many examples our voters are eager buffoons easily bamboozled by false and misleading sound bites from those they unwisely trust.   Like a modern-day Pied Piper, the media, the DNC and others are playing the song the 47% want to hear as they are led happily and confidently to certain catastrophe.  I sit here in this echo chamber of lies and propaganda watching in amazement and disbelief at the incomprehensible ignorance of my fellow citizens.


It is a fact that our current financial crisis is not sustainable and has only gotten worse under Obama’s leadership.  It is a fact that neither party has proffered a workable solution.  All we have managed to do is delay the reckoning by spending and borrowing which will only make the final solution that much more painful.  We have been anesthetized by massive borrowing.  If you believe like I do that the US economy is on the verge of collapse, then it makes sense that the American voters will judge harshly whoever is at the scene of the crime when the real pain begins.  If Obama is elected, the DNC and Obama will be blamed and their sharp turn to the left will be discredited.   If Romney is elected, then the RNC and their economic policy will be discredited.   Either way we are in for some very difficult times.


The problem with re-electing Obama is that he will be able to tighten the noose around our collective necks to the point that it will be impossible to ever recover what we once had.   Obama’s final fundamental transformation of this country will be irreversible. The positive is that most Americans will come to realize that bigger and more powerful government only means less prosperity and freedom for the individual but of course it will be too late.  The economic engine that ran the world will be no more.


Solutions?  We have failed to deal with reality so now it’s reality’s turn.   Reality will dictate the solutions.


One of the solutions would be to re-instate the Glass-Steagall Act but unfortunately most people don’t even know what this is or how its repeal helped create the current crisis.  Another solution would be to figure out how to get our financial regulators to actually regulate.   I don’t have a solution to this.  We have laws.  We have regulators charged with enforcing the laws but they do not enforce the laws.   This seems like a moral issue.  Other solutions would involve limiting the government’s ability to go into debt.  Changes to the fractional reserve banking system and possible elimination of the Private Cabal of banks known as the Federal Reserve.