Tag Archives: corruption

How Widespread Corruption Is Hurting Kenya

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | April 14, 2016



Very sad to see the widespread corruption in Kenya in the short film below and to understand what this corruption means to the hopes, dreams and hard work of the good people who live there.  Seems like this is a growing epidemic around the world. Mexico seems almost as corrupt as Kenya and of course there is much of the same corruption here in the USA, especially concerning the whistle blowers. Here, like in Kenya, the whistle blowers are also punished. I don’t know how you get rid of corruption once it has taken hold in the government. What do you think the solution is?

Even if you executed those who are corrupt, the question is, who decides who is corrupt? If the ones doing the execution are themselves corrupt, what have you accomplished? Also, once you remove one corrupt regime, in short order the next regime becomes corrupt so the cycle starts all over again. The founders of this country (USA) had it right; creating a republic based on a constitution that attempted to constrain the power of the government, placing the rights of the individual above those of the collective, but over time the evil-doers have corrupted this system too.  To make matters worse, the people of America are ignorant and are corrupt themselves; no government can survive if the people have no morals or character. All I know to do –from my perspective– is to continue to educate people and teach them that morals and character are really the only logical way for humanity.

Why do we need to educate our people?  Because those who would be our masters here in the USA and in Kenya have taken over education and corrupted our youth. They began the replacement of the Trivium system with the Prussian system some 150 years ago.  Trivium teaches critical thought and self reliance using Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric; and that you find authority by discovering the truth. Prussian however teaches that you can only find truth from authority.

How Widespread Corruption Is Hurting Kenya

Hillary Prison 2016

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Aug 18, 2015

Hillary Prison 2016

Hillary Prison 2016

What ever happened to those 30,000 emails about Hillary’s yoga classes that were deleted? Haven’t heard a peep about that in a while?

Most people with an IQ above that of a stalk of broccoli can agree Hillary is a phony; and so, find some enjoyment in her getting caught illegally transferring Top Secret emails via her own private server. Her justification? It was, as she explained, for “convenience” …. OH PLEASE! Are we that stupid? More likely her motivation was to hide her criminal activities. But my question goes deeper and concerns the legitimacy of the government classifying TOP SECRET anything they seek to hide from the public. “National Security” is always the excuse, as though the entire country would explode if any of this secret information ever saw the light of day. We have found out that this is just not true. Think Snowden, Sibel Edmonds, William Binney and other whistle-blowers. We have seen time and again when some of this very top secret information leaks out that the country does not explode, but rather some embarrassing and illegal activity is revealed. Activity that we really need to know about! Is there anything these evil three letter agencies have that is even worth hiding? What I mean by this, is that: it is an irrefutable fact that the CIA, NSA, FBI, etc. are all engaged –as Hillary was— in illegal and unconstitutional activities. So wouldn’t our nation be much better off turning on the lights to see just how many cockroaches are sleeping in our bed? So maybe rather than seeing if Hillary transferred Top Secret information on her server, maybe we should be more concerned with finding out what exactly was sooooo Top Secret in the first place and why.

Bet Valerie Jarrett has her own private email server.

Will Hillary receive any jail time? Doubtful. The head of the NSA lied under oath to Congress (a crime punishable for up to 5 years: TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 47 > § 1001), yet his only punishment was an increase to his budget and a re-affirmation of his tenure as Director of National Intelligence. What these continuing un-prosecuted criminal actions by government officials (DoJ, IRS, State Department, NSA, CIA) represent is a complete and utter disdain for their oath of office, the citizens of these United States, and for the documents upon which this country was founded. Federal officials break the laws and shred our constitution daily without fear of penalty or prosecution; and in complete violation of their oath of office. I hate to interrupt your daily programming brought to you by the MSM, but it is clear –based on the facts everywhere in front of us– that the U.S. Federal Government no longer even bothers to give lip service to the U.S. Constitution and is therefore by definition illegitimate.

CIA Gun Runner: Hillary’s Benghazi Crimes Confirmed
Published on Aug 20, 2015
Alex Jones talks with Robert Tosh Plumlee about why the media is focusing in on Hillary Clinton’s latest scandal and how it’s diverting attention from a much, much larger issue.

The Law of Corruption

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Aug  18, 2015

The Big Four Bridge from various angles in May 2013

The Big Four Bridge from various angles in May 2013

Most systems (bridge, car engine, computer program) can withstand a certain amount of corruption; but all systems will fail at some point, when and if the corruption becomes too great.  For example, if Jeffersonville, Indiana and Louisville, Kentucky can’t decide who will paint the Big Four Bridge spanning the Ohio River, it will become corrupted by rust and fall into the river of its own weight.  Likewise, here in the U.S.A., if we don’t get control of the corruption that is running rampant in all three branches of the Federal Government, it too will fail.  We can argue on the details of the causes and the fixes, but the underlying problem is unconstrained lawlessness and corruption by our Federal officials. Until this is addressed head-on, the system upon which 321,512,481 American souls depend is destined to fail.


A system is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole
Some systems share common characteristics, including:

  • A system has structure, it contains parts (or components) that are directly or indirectly related to each other;
  • A system has behavior, it exhibits processes that fulfill its function or purpose;
    A system has interconnectivity: the parts and processes are connected by structural and/or behavioral relationships;
  • A system’s structure and behavior may be decomposed via subsystems and sub-processes to elementary parts and process steps;
  • A system has behavior that, in relativity to its surroundings, may be categorized as both fast and strong.


Why Does The “War on Terror” Serve Western Policy?

By Jay Dyer | Monday, July 20, 2015


Peter O’Toole as British Intelligence agent, T.E. Lawrence

From Benghazi to Turkey, the ISIS “supply lines” are directly from NATO-controlled territory, and apparently it never occurs to the minds of western media to ask where, in fact, the so-called Islamic State obtains their arms.  The reason for this is obvious, as it would demonstrate that the Islamic State is not a homegrown, indigenous Wahhabist extremist group, but western creation, funded and aided like Al Qaeda since its inception, as Carter and Brzezinski openly discussed.  Not much has changed in the international terror theater since 1979, save the targets.  Counterpunch noted over a decade ago:

“Q: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs [“From the Shadows”], that American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet intervention. In this period you were the national security adviser to President Carter. You therefore played a role in this affair. Is that correct?

Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.”

Concerning the aiding and funding of the updated Mujahideen-Al Qaeda-ISIS brand, Logistics 101: Where Does ISIS Get Its Guns by  Tony Cartalucci.

The London Telegraph would report in their 2013 article, “CIA ‘running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked’,” that:

“[CNN] said that a CIA team was working in an annex near the consulate on a project to supply missiles from Libyan armouries to Syrian rebels.”

Weapons have also come from Eastern Europe, with the New York Times reporting in 2013 in their article, “Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With Aid From C.I.A.,” that:

“From offices at secret locations, American intelligence officers have helped the Arab governments shop for weapons, including a large procurement from Croatia, and have vetted rebel commanders and groups to determine who should receive the weapons as they arrive, according to American officials speaking on the condition of anonymity.”

And while Western media sources continuously refer to ISIS and other factions operating under the banner of Al Qaeda as “rebels” or “moderates,” it is clear that if billions of dollars in weapons were truly going to “moderates,” they, not ISIS would be dominating the battlefield.

Recent revelations have revealed that as early as 2012 the United States Department of Defense not only anticipated the creation of a “Salafist Principality” straddling Syria and Iraq precisely where ISIS now exists, it welcomed it eagerly and contributed to the circumstances required to bring it about.”

In terms of foreign policy, the target with ISIS is still Syria, as Washington elites have expounded through their Brookings Institute discussion of June 24, a rebound from the failed attempt by John Kerry to drum up support for war with Syria that fell flat due to the exposure of the laughable false flag “chlorine attack” propaganda pinned on Assad.  Now ISIS is both the means and the raison d’etre for invading and saving Syria, in the classic problem-reaction-solution strategy the West never tires from enacting in the global “freedom” war.


Acting far inferior to Peter O’Toole.

The endless, eternal war on terror is a contrived strategy of tension the Atlanticist establishment has used for over a hundred years, dating back to the exploits of Harry St. John Philby, T.E. Lawrence and the British carving up of the Middle East and special relationship with Saudi Arabia.  As mentioned, nothing has changed in the last century, other than the focal point of the terror attacks, as the Middle East must constantly be broken up, destabilized and reorganized into “micro-nations” more amenable to Washington’s corrupt corporate and ideological expansionist domination.  Recent so-called “terror events” are merely dots on the long timeline of terror, a scripted narrative designed to remodel the American landscape as much as the Middle East, according to D.C. think tank machinations.

Saudi Arabia, is of course one of the world’s chief funders of terror, operating as a proxy for the western elites.  Jordan, Qatar, the UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Kuwait are all “Gulf Cooperation nations,” arising from the aegis of the British Empire, and adopted under the U.S. empire.  And what is constantly forgotten is the origin of this cadre’s alignment of the West through oil production was not merely the result of OPEC and Kissinger, it was in fact organized by Bilderberg: It was Bilderberg that organized the 70s OPEC oil debacle.  Isn’t it curious the GCC pro-terror states are also western-supplying oil states?  Citing William F. Engdahl in his A Century of War, Andrew Gavin Marshall writes:

“One enormous consequence of the ensuing 400 percent rise in OPEC oil prices was that investments of hundreds of millions of dollars by British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell [both present at Bilderberg] and other Anglo-American petroleum concerns in the risky North Sea could produce oil at a profit,” as “the profitability of these new North Sea oilfields was not at all secure until after the OPEC price rises.”  In 2001, the former Saudi representative to OPEC, Sheik Ahmed Yamani, said, “’I am 100 percent sure that the Americans were behind the increase in the price of oil. The oil companies were in real trouble at that time, they had borrowed a lot of money and they needed a high oil price to save them.” When he was sent by King Faisal to the Shah of Iran in 1974, the Shah said that it was Henry Kissinger who wanted a higher price for oil.” (136-7)


Heartland versus Rimland

In other words, war is a racket, as General Smedley Butler famously stated, and the new “War on Terror” (TM) of our day is not new, but an updated version of the old British strategy of staving off Russia.   Little has changed a century later, as the major power bloc of the West, the Atlanticists still charge forward according to the Mackinder Heartland doctrine that the western merchant/banking sea power must dominate and control the Eurasian “heartland” to ensure no Eastern rivalry.  Through the export of Opium, China was subjugated, and through export of Marxism, both China and Russia experienced the havoc of western-born ideological materialism.

It is precisely this same utilitarian Anglo-empiricist, pragmatist philosophy that has ultimately turned on its own populace in a parasitical fashion unheard of for past empires.  Promising sensual and economic utopia, the Bolshevik export to Russia on the part of the Atlantic banking power is not the top-down social engineering strategy of the corporate elite upon the U.S. population itself.  The great delusion is that the West is “free,” when it is entering the realm of greater enslavement than Sovietism experienced.  The only difference is the foolish western populace cannot grasp their enslavement is at the hands of Marxist corporations

The central banks, the Fortune 100 and their shareholders love cultural Marxism and command and control, socialist economic models because it is the quickest way to consolidate wealth and transfer the actually valuable assets to the controlling oligarchy.   In such a system, the opposition will inevitably all be titled “terrorists,” as the appellation is already being extended beyond radical Islamists.  And after it extends beyond the average person, the conditioning will be so strong that any thoughts, words, actions or potential-pre-crime actions will also follow under the elastic notion of “terror.”

Terrorism is thus a social weapon, not of indigenous, individual “actors” and lone wolves, but stage managed dupes, patsies and tools of an international oligarchical cartel, as Orwell demonstrated in 1984 with the fictional villain of Immanuel Goldstein.  Indeed, who funds these groups? (We saw who, above).  The most obvious fact of the contradiction of the “War on Terror” (TM) is that it almost always works to further Washington’s domestic and geopolitical aims.  Terror, then, is like Trotsky’s notion of perpetual war – perpetual war on the psyche of the globe (it’s a global war on terror), as a phase in the dialectical convergence on the path to global government.  That is why terrorism serves western political aims.

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How the Permanent Political Class Rip You Off

money-bag-400301_150by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | MARCH 21, 2012

Just a few examples…

On February 21, 2003, Rahm Emanuel suddenly sold off all of his Freddie Mac stock (~$250,000 worth) just days before a 10% drop in share price.  It wasn’t until late spring until the rest of the public realized that there was a criminal investigation of its senior executives and its earnings had been inflated and would need to be restated in billions of dollars.  This Freddie Mack accounting scandal was much larger than Enron but most never knew about it thanks to our Government Media.

TARP Bailout 2008:  Senator John Kerry started buying lots of troubled bank stocks: $550,000 in Citigroup in early and mid-October,  $350,000 in Bank of America shares.  Days later on October 28, it was announced that Citigroup was getting $25 Billion from TARP and $35 Billion from the Targeted Investment Program.  On November 4th, it was announced that Citi would get loan guarantees that could total $277 billion from the Treasury, Fed and FDIC.

Big Pharma:  Senator John Kerry was on the committee overseeing the prescription drug plan. In all John Kerry and his wife made 111 transactions for their own personal benefit in pharmaceutical companies and health insurance companies in 2003…all of which were great stock picks netting the couple millions in profit.

On March 18, 2008, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her husband, Paul made the first of three purchases of Visa stock totaling between $1 million and $5 million.  Why don’t we know the exact amount?  Because congress is only obligated to give ranges.  This was no ordinary stock purchase.  This was the most popular and lucrative IPO in American history.  Prior to this Visa had been privately held by a group of banks.  Everyone else had to wait until March 19 when the stock would be available to the public but not Nancy.  Even after the 19th getting access was virtually impossible for the average citizen.   Almost all the stocks were going to institutional investors and were oversubscribed –too many buyers—only special, hand-picked customers got these coveted shares at the opening price of $44. Two days later, after public trading began, the stock price jumped to $65 a share.  In short, Pelosi made a 50% profit on their investment in a matter of two days.  On June4, 2008, Visa stock closed at $85 a share.

Somehow the Speaker of the House and her husband happened to get these IPO share barely two weeks after a threatening piece of legislation against Visa from the House of Representatives.


Opus 002: On Freedom & Tyranny:


by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | JULY 23, 2012

Like so many others, it has become clear to me that our federal government no longer seeks to defend and protect individual rights or the founding documents that guarantee these rights. All have sworn an oath to defend and protect these founding principles; yet day after day, this sacred oath is ignored to the detriment of those persons and things sworn to protect. They only seek their own purposes.

“They have erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”

“Experience has shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But this long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism.”

I have meticulously listed my grievances against this increasingly controlling and deceitful government. I have helplessly watched our protector—the judiciary– ignore and bastardize our sacred constitution. They give pass after pass and acquiesce to the executive and legislative branches of government as the rights of the individual are supplanted with the rights of the state.

I have hoped in vein that the fourth estate, i.e. our news media, would somehow rally public opinion against these forces; only to find they too support the increasing power of our federal masters. These are historical times as we find ourselves perched on the razors edge of freedom or tyranny. We are witnessing the rapid destruction of our individual rights, once sustained by our respect and reverence for our founding documents of still visible scribbles on parchment at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. This experiment in the primacy of individual rights 237 years ago created the greatest engine for freedom and prosperity in the history of man. Are we now expected to sit passively by and watch as our treasure is plundered by the Permanent Political Class and their legions of Bureaucrats?

So the question for me is: “Is our government legitimate?” Can a government who has sworn an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies (foreign and domestic), who is now engaged in the wholesale destruction of these same principals …can this government by any reasonable measure be considered legitimate? The answer is clearly no.