Tag Archives: Election fraud

Calling All Minutemen!

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | December 12, 2020

After the massive fraud on America that occurred November 3rd, 2020 it has become clear to me the FBI, the DOJ and our Court System are worthless in helping correct this fraud; they are corrupt and cannot be trusted.

Notwithstanding Trump’s September 12, 2018 Executive Order report (due on December the 18th) which may allow Trump to correct the election, we need a Plan B: My plan is to communicate with those state officials who have shown a willingness to fight the voter fraud.  Joining the Texas lawsuit is one big way many state Attorney Generals demonstrated their desire to see an equitable election.

Who do we have to help? We have 100 million plus wide-awake Americans who can now see this blatant, in-your-face fraud up-close and personal.

There is nothing wrong with clicking the ‘like button’ and sharing information on social media, but we need real action in the real world that will make a difference.   This means we must invest our time and effort to make a difference.

To that end, I will be starting an email and phone call plan to contact all the people on this list (Attorney Generals and Governors) to let them know they have my support to help clean up the corruption demonstrated so clearly by this fraudulent election. Why these people? Because –unlike the Supreme Court, the FBI and the DOJ who have shirked their responsibility– they were brave enough to stand up and be counted with the Texas lawsuit and/or they voted for Trump. This is the core support plus the 100 million or so citizens who realize what deep dodo we are ALL in if we let this fraud stand.

My Golden list of our ‘Virtual Minutemen’ can be found here: List   It is important for these AGs and Governors to know they have our support.

Please take time to call and write the AGs and Governors at least once a week until January 20th to let them know where you stand and that you support their effort to assure the 2020 election was fair and equitable.  Their contact information can be found here: AG addresses.

I have listed their phone numbers, and you can check on their web site for their email address.

Sample letter:

Begin writing your letter by addressing the attorney general as follows:

Dear Mr./Madam Attorney General :

I am deeply troubled by the overwhelming evidence of election fraud and corruption that occurred on November 3rd of this year.  I’m writing you this letter to let you know I support your efforts to correct this fraud; and that I, and many more like me, are here as a backstop to support you in these efforts.  We cannot let this fraud stand.


Your name (and contact information, if you choose to provide it)
