Tag Archives: Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

Middle East Basics

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | April 4, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

It’s much more complicated than this but here are some basics…

  • Not all Muslims are evil and want to kill non-Muslims
  • As of 2010, over 1.6 billion or about 23.4% of the world population were Muslims. Not all of these folks are chopping heads off or strapping bombs to their children.
  • Many Muslims hate each other more than they do the West. Sunni and Shiite.
  • Much of the violence in the Middle East is a result of the unnatural division of the Ottoman Empire after WWI by the French and the British
  • The Treaty of Darin of 1915 between the United Kingdom and Abdul-Aziz Al Saud founded one of the most brutal dictatorships in the Middle East: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932.
  • Since that time the USA and its vassal states have sought to control these unnatural associations by overthrowing governments, killing many Muslims and putting in their own puppet dictators in charge throughout the Middle East.
  • Saudi Arabia is one of the most brutal dictatorships in the Middle East today. They teach and spread a violent form of Islam called Wahhabism. They are also a major partner with the USA.
  • In Iran, the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh was replaced by the U.S. and UK-backed coup d’état and installed puppet Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Shah of Iran) to bring back foreign oil firms. The Shah was one of the most brutal, murderous and feared dictators using his secret police called SAVAK to hunt down anyone including Iranian students studying in the US for murder and torture.
  • Since WWII, the USA and its vassal states have been responsible for the deaths of millions of Muslims in the Middle East. 500,000 children in Iraq alone. Madeline Albright (US Sec of State) said that it was worth it.

The short story, is that Briton and France divided up the Ottoman Empire into unnatural states that did not consider cultural or religious traditions. The effect was to turn Muslim against Muslim and to cause resentment against the West. Dictators were put in place to control the countries created out of the Ottoman Empire for the oil interests in the West. In the meantime millions of innocent Muslims have been slaughtered at the behest of the West.

Here are some maps that may help understand the Middle East a bit better.

40 maps that explain the Middle East

 Additional Reading: