Tag Archives: Surveillance

Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression

David Brown

David Brown

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | March 8, 2015

Great lengthy but enjoyable podcast of over 14 hours with an equally important and extensive reference map documenting the podcast.  I downloaded this to my computer and then uploaded it to my smartphone so that I could listen as time permitted.    The Reference Map provides many great ‘take-off points’ for additional study.  Though I have heard many of these ‘clips’ before like the Interview with NSA Whistleblower William Binney in its entirety, I learned more on the second listening to certain out-takes.  For example, Mr. Binney listed several CIA operations that I was not familiar with, so I took some time to look them up.  One in particular was Operation Amadeus, which eventually led me to an excellent article by David Guyatt entitled The Mafia, The CIA, & The Vatican’s Intelligence Apparatus which led me to David Guyatt’s website called DeepBlackLies.   You can take your own journey to increased knowledge about the world we live in by exploring  the excellent links below, but see if you can carve out some time between work and family to take a listen to the montage put together in Episode 087 below.  Enjoy.

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