Trump’s Smart Move

by DAVID BROWN | | February 14th, 2021

Trump’s smart move may not include running for President in 2024. 

After defeating two impeachment conviction attempts by the corrupt establishment, Trump is set to win bigly and according to SEBASTIAN GORKA there is no stopping him now.

Many think Trump will run for President in 2024, but I think the smart move is to consolidate his control over the RNC, clean up the fraudulent voting machinery and then turn his sights on the MSM and their technocratic coconspirators in Big-Tech.

With a minimum of 75M Trump voters in tow and likely much more than that, Trump has a massive user base that could rocket a successful challenge to the hegemony of information gatekeepers Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube to name a few.   The thousands of talented  content creators who have been financially damaged or ruined through shadow-banning, de-monetizing, de-platforming and deletion from these unaccountable predatory platforms will rush to Trump’s new free-speech platforms; bringing their millions of fans with them.  A missing piece to this puzzle is some sort of financial clearing house for payment processing that cannot be cut off by the Deep-State or roiled by the criminal banking cartel.  Maybe a SWIFT-lite, and/or some payment processing systems that bypass the likes of PayPal, Patreon and their evil cousins.  While he is at it, Trump could replace the Deep-State controlled and manipulated 4Chan and Reddit for truly uncensored content.  And for the final death blow, create some real competition for the MSM by replacing the vacuous, mockingbird Deep-State talking-heads with a real network consisting of real investigative reporters who can ask real questions and report the unvarnished truth without fear of reprisal.

Too much hopium you say?  Perhaps, but if we aim for the stars we just might hit the ceiling– and I have learned from experience we must have goals and targets if we are to ever accomplish anything.

None of this will work however until Trump wakes from his slumber, smells the coffee and unhooks from his biggest ball and chain:  That ball and chain has a name and its name is Jared Kushner.


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