Tag Archives: Technocracy

Ted Kaczynski – Canary in the Coal Mine?

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | January 30, 2022

With the COVID Project in full swing, we are witnessing in real-time the dangers of leftism and technocracy Ted warned us about some 27 years ago.

Kaczynski as an assistant professor at UC Berkeley in 1968 Photo Credit: By George Bergman – https://opc.mfo.de/detail?photo_id=5349, GFDL 1.2, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6092944

Many of us remember Ted Kaczynski as the Unabomber who was arrested in 1996 for mailing or hand-delivering a series of bombs which killed three and injured twelve, but few have taken time to read the Unabomber’s Manifesto entitled Industrial Society and Its Future.   I’ve had Ted’s Manifesto on my reading list for some time now, but only recently took the time to actually read it.  I was amazed at the clarity and the astonishing prescience of this 1995 writing and recommend its reading to any students of history who seek original, sourced documents to sidestep the filters of media and academia.

Ted provides the most insightful definition and causes of ‘leftism’ –with examples– I’ve read to date.  There are many other nougats of insight concerning the power process, autonomy and the psychological condition modern man faces; providing me a better understanding why freewill, liberty and self-determination will necessarily evaporate if we move into the scientific dictatorship most of us now know as ‘technocracy’.

We need only look at the COVID Project currently underway to see this being played out in real time

Despite Ted’s prescience, I don’t think Ted was able to conceive of the reckless fumbling and crumbling of today’s COVID narrative resulting in a mass-awakening, which could subvert Ted’s dire predictions of a technological takeover. This awakening of the many has the potential to short-circuit Ted’s idea of the inevitable march into technological slavery.   Ted, admits technology is managed by some amorphous elite group of managers,  but apparently sees this process as non-directed or architected by any group.  Man’s loss of freedom is inevitable according to Ted, not by the scheming of the elite, but by the very nature of technological systems as they progress. Ted’s solution is revolution and destruction of these old technological systems to bring us back to pre-17th century technology levels, reasoning reform was not possible since the technological systems will remain.  Evocative of the avoidance of technologies by  Old Order Mennonites and Old Order Amish.

I’m guessing Ted was never exposed to Carroll Quigley, Antony C. Sutton, Technocracy, Inc. or –of course– the current COVID-directed project which clearly shows the bind we find ourselves in is not only about technology itself, but the purposeful, directed use of technology as a weapon by a few who would rule the world.  These would-be rulers of mankind and self-appointed masters of the universe have been sold a lie — a great deception.  They seek to satisfy their absurd vision of immortality using technology to merge with machines.   This incredible delusion of the elite and their technocrats require the creation of a new super-race through directed evolution and augmentation which would eventually separate them from the unwashed masses of human livestock they herd, fleece, skin and render.

Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton. –Bertrand Russell The Impact of Science on Society (ed. Routledge, 2016)

Ted seems to have justified the terrorizing, maiming, and killing of presumably innocent people as the only way to draw worldwide attention to his important task.  Ted was terrified of the impending doom for the fate of all mankind and so resorted to extreme measures to promote  his warning to as many people as possible for his revolution.

Paradoxically, Ted’s strategy to destroy the existing system, to then reboot into a new system, matches pretty well with current NWO plans which seek to reduce population, destroy and replace the monetary system, disrupt supply chains, erase borders, delete cultures, etc.  The major difference between Ted and the globalists are the endpoints.  Ted envisions a return of power to the individual, while the globalists envision the concentration of power in their hands.

Full text: Industrial Society and Its Future (1995) Written by Ted Kaczynski Mathematics professor

Outline of the ‘Industrial Society and Its Future’ – Theodore Kaczynski 1995 – 33 pages


Additional, related information:

The ‘Power Process’: Ted Kaczynski’s “The Power Process” is a psychological need in humans to have goals, work towards them, achieve them at a reasonable rate, and do so with autonomy.1 It has four elements: goal, effort, and attainment of goal. The three most clear-cut elements are goal, effort, and attainment of goal.023 The fourth element is more difficult to define and may not be necessary for everyone.0 Kaczynski theorizes that to have healthy, functional lives, people must formulate goals and exert nontrivial efforts to attain them. Reaching goals without effort is not sufficient; reaching goals without effort is not sufficient.4 Kaczynski offers the trend that “leisured, secure aristocracies that have no need to exert themselves usually become bored, hedonistic, and demoralized.”

Ted Kaczynski: The System’s Neatest Trick

  1. What the System Is Not
  2. How the System Exploits the Impulse to Rebel
  3. The System’s Neatest Trick
  4. The Trick Is Not Perfect
  5. An Example

Contact: ClearNFO on MeWeGabVKTelegramBitChute; or via email at ClearNFO@gmail.com

What Just Happened?

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | January 23, 2021

Now that the old establishment power structure has installed their president, we can make a few observations.  First, the unexpected election of Trump in 2016 –or anyone like Trump– will never be allowed again.  The elections in 2020 were massively rigged and none of our government institutions lifted a finger to investigate or attempt to correct this obvious fraud on the American people.  Big-tech and the media were there to silence opposition and ready to make this fraud seem plausible if not inevitable and even righteous to any foolish enough to consume their propaganda.

Trump populism gave the establishment such a scare; they are wasting no time rolling out the constitutional-shredding Patriot Act II under the guise of domestic terrorism, targeting anything or anyone resembling the MAGA movement.  This new legislation and domestic terrorism unit at the National Security Council will be designed to crush Trump supporters wherever they may find them.

Our new thoroughly rattled tyrants will use the full power of the corrupt FBI and DOJ to prosecute their war against their political opposition.   All this will be done while conforming to a patchwork of agendas including UN Agenda 21/2030, Build Back Better, Carbon Taxes, The Great Reset, the 4th Industrial Revolution, and the destruction of culture, tradition and the notion of the nation-state. We will be one big happy global family and we will like it.  The agendas comprise strategies, while a scientific dictatorship pedigreed in technocracy will provide the operational tactics to accomplish a total global control grid designed to shear, fleece, skin or render the vast unwashed masses.

Not trying to be Debbie Downer here but we must come to terms with the reality of what happened with the 2020 elections if we have any chance of fighting this resurgent beast who now feels empowered to totally dominate the America people.

First, we need to stop feeding the beast with our clicks, eyeballs and money.  This means cutting off the major players who have fully uncloaked themselves recently.  I love the ease and efficiency of Amazon, but I no longer purchase anything from them.  I still shop on their great website, but I find what I want and go elsewhere with my shekels.  Likewise, I deleted my Twitter account and have stopped using Facebook for anything other than a redirect platform to redirect the reader or follower to better platforms and information.   I prefer BitChute and others to YouTube, only using YouTube when there are no other choices.  And so it goes… starving the beast of money, eyeballs and clicks works 100%, 100% of the time.   Your money and your attention matter, so stop feeding the beast whose intent is to devour you.

Some suggestions to try:

  • Brave Browser over Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, IE, etc.
  • MeWe and/or VK, Gab over Facebook
  • Telegram over Twitter
  • Spidr.today over Drudge
  • DuckDuckGo, Yandex, Swisscows over Google search

If you like to listen to podcasts or YouTube, take the time to look at other alternatives like Podomatic, Spreaker, etc.

What are the positives?

The Established Power Structure (DS, Globalists, etc.) have pissed off at least 74M Trump voters and likely many more. Everyone knows the election was a fraud.  Everyone now has the opportunity to observe this tyrannical hydra and all its heads fully uncloaked.  Prior to Trump and the 2020 election, too many were in denial about the power, the coordination, malevolence and the villainy of these people and organizations who conspired to steal the 2020 election; and then, promulgate the preposterous notion Biden won more votes than any man in American history.  No one believes this, and no one believes Biden is legitimate.    This, then, is a problem for the DS– a big problem.  And this is why they are in such a rush to crush any dissenting points of view even if it requires force.

The opportunity for us is clear.  We must not accept their lies and we must promote evidence-based truth to all who can listen.   We must also band together to increase our voice and our strength.



Find me on MeWe: www.mewe.com/i/davidbrown24

Additional Reading & Useful Links.. 

Great news sources


The Spectre of Globalism and what to do about it

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Oct 25, 2015

Time to read, listen and learn…

Globalism“A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.”

–Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 1848
Communist Manifesto (Prologue)

And today, there is yet another spectre, only this spectre learned to use Karl Marx’s communism and all the other ‘–isms’ (whose common effect is to concentrate power),  in a grand conspiracy to place the entirety of humanity under its singular control. It has many names: New World Order, Global Governance, Globalism, the Network, Shadow Government, etc. but represents the same Anglo-American Establishment.  This is not merely a conjecture or a theory; but a well-documented fact found in their own writings, speeches and actions; and in the detailed writings of Quigley, Sutton, Griffin, Plummer and others, yet most of the structure and the purpose of this spectre remains unknown to the masses.

Unlike the tyrants we have studied in history, this new, fresh batch of authoritarian predators have a much improved arsenal of technological weapons to enslave humanity and they are moving rapidly to consolidate their control with the help of their paid technocrats, political talking heads, international money masters and corporate media organs.

The root of their power was created from and sustained by the ignorance of the masses. Who are the masses? That’s you and me bub.

If ignorance of this threat is the root cause of the enablement of this danger, perhaps the opposite would be the inoculation against this virus unleashed on the world by the predator class though education and the teaching again of the lost art of critical thinking.


If you have a work-a-day job like I do or a long commute to and from work like I do, along with family responsibilities like I do, how on earth do you squeeze out enough time to become educated on important current and historical events?

The average American watches between 2.8 and 5 hours of TV per day. This wide variance depends on whose statistics you use (Nielsen or BLS), age, race and sex. In any event, it can be seen that a lot of TV is watched by Americans on a daily basis as a leisure activity and for news.

Researching for this article, I found thousands of articles on how fast people read, but most sited no authority or source for the generally agreed to speed of 250-300 words per minute. The very few who did site a source: Forbes, for example, all sited the same study which was actually a speed reading test by Staples. It’s worrisome that almost no one takes the time to site sources! This speed reading test is apparently a smart marketing campaign by Staples. In any event, Staples possesses the only statistic I was able to find and this truth-claim has crept into the collective consciousness as a well-established fact.

More detail from Forbes:

  •   Third-grade students = 150 words per minute (wpm)
  •    Eight grade students = 250
  •    Average college student = 450
  •    Average “high level exec” = 575
  •    Average college professor = 675
  •    Speed readers = 1,500
  •    World speed reading champion = 4,700

So if the average American adult can read say 300 words per minute, how many words can they read in 5 hours? The math is simple: 300 wpm X 60 minutes = 18,000 words per hour; times 5 hours = 90,000 words per day. Even if we cut this number by half, that is a lot of words!

Books have an average of 350 words per page according to Writers Services so theoretically the average American could read 257 pages per day rather than watching 5 hrs. Per day of TV. 257 pages per day seems a bit high to me and of course for many, reading is not a leisure activity and thus we aren’t comparing apples to apples here, but it does drive home the point that if most American chose to become educated, they could prioritize their time to provide for their own self-education on matters that matter.

The reason I took the time to go through this analysis was to prove to my fellows and to myself that we do indeed have the time to read some of the most important books of our era, and this reading and resultant enlightenment would change the world we live in permanently for the good. It would usher in true human freedom by putting the powers that shouldn’t be out of business. This is not just another Utopian ideal, since their power has been proven on these pages to be a function of our collective ignorance. What is Utopian is the expectation that enough people will take time away from their leisure to become informed. What are some of these important books? There are many, but here are a few key books that I believe would change the world we live in forever and for the better:

  • Quigley’s Anglo-American Establishment – 354 pages
  • Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony C. Sutton 165 pages
  • Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton 148 pages
  • Wall Street and FDR by Antony C. Sutton 177 pages
  • Dishonest Money by Joseph Plummer 175 pages

Total pages = 1,019

At 51.4 pages per hour, the average time to read: 19.8 hours, say 20. So if we borrowed an hour per day from our TV time to read, we could complete the entire reading list above in 20 days.  I suppose it would take much longer depending on the density of new information and gravitas of what is being read, but this gives us some sort of basis.

Now I chose the short reading list above from a much larger and more comprehensive list  based on the importance of the information contained therein and the shortness of the book. I believe all these books are available for free  on the author’s web site (Joe Plummer) or as a text or PDF on the internet; but if you prefer to touch the book as I do, you can order a real book from Amazon or other booksellers. There are many other equally important books to add to your reading list –some longer and some shorter– that would be good supplements and additions after you have read the above books. A more complete list can be found here.

Now that we have reallocated / adjusted our TV-viewing time a bit, it’s time to look at our long commute to and from work chasing those little green energy flakes we call money. You can chose whatever you like to listen to, but why waste all that time listening to the same establishment drivel every day on the radio. Time to load your smart device with some real NFO. There are many, many sources, but I prefer to download and listen to those who have actually read Quigley. After you have read Quigley and realize just who this man was, I think you will agree. Two of my favorite sources that provide free downloads of their videos and podcasts are:

To get you started, here are two excellent links you can download and place on your smart device:

Additional Reading at ClearNFO:

Interesting background from two select videos: first one on UN Agenda 21 with Rosa Korie and the second on Technocracy by Patrick Wood.  Interesting to note that Patrick Wood was good friends and co-author with the infamous and brilliant historian Antony C Sutton.  Enjoy!

ROSA KOIRE ~ “Secrets Behind U.N. AGENDA 21 & Global Sustainability”

Published on Aug 21, 2014

Age Of Truth TV presenter Lucas Alexander is interviewing American author, truth researcher, Director of the Post Sustainability Institute and former forensic commercial real estate appraiser, ROSA KOIRE in the film: “Secrets Behind U.N. AGENDA 21 & GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY” [Age Of Truth*TV]

Rosa Koire is the author of the book “Behind The Green Mask” and is giving controversial lectures all over the world, exposing what she believes, is the real control agenda behind the 300 page, 40 chapter action plan of U.N. Agenda 21, which was approved and implemented locally by 179 countries at the Rio De Janeiro earth summit in 1992.

~ “UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL” ~ Rosa Koire

Rosa Koire is connecting U.N. Agenda 21 with the political, financial and globalized New World Order plan, which most alternative truth researchers claim is a fully controlled One World Government, implemented through a “Problem, Reaction, Solution” strategy.

A fascinating and eye-opening in-depth interview with Rosa Koire by Age Of Truth TV, filmed at the Open Mind Conference at Audonicon, Skanderborg – Denmark on the September 21, 2013.

Premiere and cinematic screening / presentation before a live audience was held at PH Caféen, Copenhagen on August 20, 2014.

Rosa Koire:
“Secrets Behind U.N. AGENDA 21 & Global Sustainability”

Interviewed by: Lucas Alexander
Filmed by: Lauge Felix Black, Erik Hansen-Hansen, Mike Kirkeby Pedersen.

Special Thanks:
Rosa Koire, Open Mind Conference, Mads Wedel-Ibsen, Frank Bjerregaard Rasmussen, Carol Coenca, Sonny Wilson, UP, Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen


Caravan To Midnight – Episode 250 Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising

Published on Mar 20, 2015

Episode 250 – Today we welcome Patrick Wood on board to show us why the U.S., and the world for that matter, has transformed the way it has; and to bring light to the solutions that will quell these issues.

Buy This Caravan To Midnight Episode for 2.99
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