Category Archives: Health

David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday April 18th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | April 18th, 2021


Received a call late Thursday night from my sister in Arizona explaining one of our beloved family members had died after a piece of heavy furniture fell on her – she was only 9 years old. What a tragedy for this young, beautiful girl and her family. My sister needed help tending her horses, dogs, wild birds and our 90-year old mother, so I flew to AZ early Friday morning. My sister was already in Utah by the time I  arrived providing what support she could.  She arranged to have friends pick me up at the airport and take me to the ranch. I had to get my sea-legs — I mean my ranch legs– quickly  in terms of feeding schedules, medications, etc. So far, so good. In the meantime the immediate family is trying to come to terms with this loss. I’m a fix-it man, but I can’t fix this. All I can do is be there and offer support, no advice and no commentary. I will be here as long as I am needed.  Some pictures from AZ:

Below, you will find a wide range of information documenting the march of Globalism.  All are interrelated so it is difficult to classify with clear demarcations.  It is interesting to note that the old fascism of Mussolini and Hitler  combined government and corporate power leaving government in the driver’s seat; our new form of fascism in America puts the corporations in charge of the government to usher in the unworkable wet-dream of Technocracy.  It is important to note above this corporatocracy rides the remnants of Quigley’s ‘network’ or ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’ –a new aristocracy– which have morphed into a global scientific dictatorship poised to devour any and all freewill.


Mission Accomplished: The Corbett Report Removed From YouTube

Vimeo Removes Film “trustWHO” Which Exposes Corruption at W.H.O.

The Military Origins of Facebook

BROWN: most of the media reports I’ve read on Ukraine are based on recycled lies and fraud. The reality is that the USA State Department orchestrated and funded a coup in Ukraine in 2014 which killed 1,000s of innocent Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the Donbas and other areas. Crimea therefore voted over 95% to re-associate with Russia for protection against the new US-backed regime. Russia did not invade or attack Ukraine. The USA did, however. The MSM are lying to you.

BROWN: After Amazon murdered Parler, I tried to stop buying anything from them; however, I just received my second package from Walmart shipped with the Amazon smile logo on the outside of the box.

Amidst yet another night of violent unrest in Minnesota, Google is effectively shadow banning searches for “riots today” despite other search engines providing links to stories about the riots when the same search term is used.

Journalists, Learning They Spread a CIA Fraud About Russia, Instantly Embrace a New One



from The Highwire with Del Bigtree: ANOTHER CDC FAIL


From IPOT (In Pursuit Of Truth) POP – TRAILER


Interview 1631 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Fake Punks Get The Real Jab – #NewWorldNextWeek

Primary Doctor Medical Journal November 2020:  “Due to the high risk for mask wearers … we urgently recommend that NO ADULT OR CHILD BE FORCED TO WEAR THE MASK UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. In addition, we recommend that the risks of wearing a mask be published and available to the public, and that masks should only be worn by adults who choose to do so, and only with voluntary, informed consent, with FULL AWARENESS OF THE RISKS, and that their use is FORBIDDEN. for children, students and employees ”

PDMJ: COVID-19 Deaths A Look at US Data Submitted March 18, 2021 Completed peer-review March 25, 2021

BROWN: Will the fun never end?  3rd Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Dose ‘Likely’ Needed Within a Year, CEO Says

from PRC: Florida’s Governor DeSantis Saved Florida by Breaking Out of the Fear Narrative

US Hospitals Getting Paid More to Label Cause of Death as ‘Coronavirus’


BROWN: Not only were we lied to about the major wars in the 20th Century, we were lied about the Civil War. Take a cool, refreshing drink of some real history by Ryan Dawson who is a brilliant researcher on the US Civil War.  This podcast brings to light how the powers that shouldn’t be use false histories to advance their agenda.

Argentinian journalist (Mauro Viale) who had no health issues, dies two days after taking the jab. The day after taking the vaccine he tested positive for covid and passed away two days later due to a cardiac arrest.


An Investigation Has Unearthed Photos Of Australian Soldiers Allegedly Committing War Crimes

Waco, the Big Lie is a 1993 American documentary film directed by Linda Thompson that presents video based analysis regarding the Waco siege. Waco, the Big Lie gained significant notoriety when it was viewed during the trial of “American domestic terrorist” Timothy McVeigh. As part of the defense, McVeigh’s lawyers showed Waco, the Big Lie to the jury. What is the connection?

The USA govt is intentionally terrorizing the public. The USA govt was deeply involved in the OK City Bombing, Waco, 9-11 and many, many other events.

The TOP brass of the Arizona Highway Patrol lied to every officer about the OK City bombing.

Georgia probe of Stacey Abrams-tied group ongoing with fight over subpoenaed documents

James O’Keefe joins Sean Hannity on Fox News to discuss Project Veritas’ new #ExposeCNN​ bombshell

Situation Update, April 13th, 2021 – Vaccine antibodies CAUSE blood clots in the brain, lungs and heart


Macron would amend the law in force since 1905 for Muslim votes



from EFF (Electronic Founter Foundation) Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea

Cover your tracks: See how trackers view your browser

Test your own browser … I use Brave … here are my test results…



EU countries move towards COVID passes to reopen summer travel

Tim Kelly interviewed by the Second Society Project by Our Interesting Times

Democrats to Unveil Bill to Expand Supreme Court by 4 Justices

Yep, These People Are Serious! ALL Domains Registered On The Same Day, (In 2016) By The Same Person, From The Same Location! Dot = Com, Org, Info,Net

Indiana House Shuts Down Efforts to Ban Vaccine Passports

from the Atlantic Council: Global Sanctions Dashboard: March

The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good Thing?

House panel approves bill to pave way for slavery reparations

Tucker Carlson & the Great Replacement Powers & Principalities: Episode 199
by Our Interesting Times

Ridicule, humor and memes

from the satire site The Babylon Bee… Democrats Propose Packing Court With Illiterate Justices To Make Sure There’s No Chance They’ll Be Influenced By The Constitution

BROWN: Wonder if these do-gooder geniuses know where the electricity comes from they use to charge or build those electric cars? Do they know how much fossil fuel is required just to manufacture these electric motors and batteries?


You can contact David Brown at | You can catch up with him on MeWe here… | And on Telegram here @ClearNFO

David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday April 11th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | April 11th, 2021

The March of Globalism

BROWN: A lot happened in 1913. The Federal Reserve Act, Income Tax, and the Opening of China’s 1st parliament takes place in Peking (now Beijing). WW1 started in 1914 and the Bolshevik Revolution 1917. Tectonic plans by the powers that shouldn’t be were in the making.

Weaponzied Philanthropy – Hijacking Wholesomeness & Undermining Humanity by Amazing Polly

James Corbett removed from YouTube– his crime?  Telling the truth.
Mission Accomplished: The Corbett Report Removed From YouTube


MI6 flies the flag for transgender awareness  WHY?

Continue reading

Masks don’t work

by DAVID BROWN | | April 5th, 2021

Of course masks work and are great in certain circumstances.  For example, if you are mowing the yard, a mask can keep all the debris you stir up out of your lungs. If you are working in a woodshop cutting wood with a table saw, a mask may be a good way to keep the fine wood particles out of your mouth, nose and lungs.  Masks are a great way to keep small debris out of your lungs.   However, if you look at the data, and not at the experts, there is no evidence masks help prevent COVID – zero.     If you seek the advice of paid experts, they will likely tell you masks work to help prevent COVID, but this is just not supported by the evidence, yet this myth continues to be promulgated by our media and our bought and paid for ‘experts’.  Masks don’t work, but fear does.

The Highwire with Del Bigtree: TEXAS PROVING MASKS DON’T WORK?

As POTUS calls out leaders for dropping mask mandates, the science continues to be clear that masks are ineffective at stopping the spread of #Covid19. Jefferey Jaxen reports on the numbers out of Texas since Gov. Abbott lifted the statewide order, and highlights the experts that continue to speak out on this truly unscientific mitigation effort.

Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy

Holland’s Top Scientists Say There’s No Evidence Face Masks Work — And May Actually Cause More Harm

BROWN: What’s the difference? One line is blue and one line is orange …


You can contact David Brown at | You can catch up with him on MeWe here… | And on Telegram here @ClearNFO


David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday April 4th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | April 4th, 2021


Back before the great purge of free thought and free speech by Big Tech, life was much simpler.  If you wanted great independent news and opinions, you could depend on YouTube to deliver and you could depend on Google to provide an unadulterated return on your searches.  If you wanted to express your opinions and gather breaking new information you could do this on Facebook and Twitter.  Those days are long gone.  Today’s Big Tech platforms have become ghettos of bastardized information reeking of ham-fisted propaganda obvious to anyone who is capable of rational thought.

After Big Tech splintered authentic content creators into a thousand pieces and scattered them to the winds, today’s information sleuth has a much more challenging task when trying to uncover the unvarnished truth.   Still, as the dust settles, the task is within reach.  Some of our best content creators have relocated to other platforms.  It takes some effort to find these great truth tellers, but once the new platforms have been located, it can be pretty much business as usual until the next attack from the powers that shouldn’t be.

Of course, before he was hung by his heels, this iconic fascist Benito Mussolini informed that “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” … and, of course, the government of Nazi Germany was a fascist, totalitarian state.   Today, as the USA shreds any protections it once had from the authoritarian state, we uncover a new style of fascism.  Yes it is a merger of the state and corporations, but rather than having the state in charge, we clearly see the US Federal Government is the bitch of these large corporate and banking interests… so we still have fascism but turned on its head.

The good news is more and more of us are becoming aware of the corrupt power of the state amplified by their corporate partners in crime.  We no longer believe the fairytale we have a Constitutional Republic; which is not to say we can’t try to use the protections of the US Constitution to get our collective asses out of the sling, but still the state and corporate power “do what thou wilt” despite the Constitution or the protestations of the people they rule with impunity and unearned privilege.

It is obvious to me after the fraud of the 2020 election, the DOJ, FBI, Congress,  the MSM, Big-Tech and the Supreme Court were all in on the illegal removal of the duly elected president of the USA.  Even ‘Et tu, Brute’-Pence landed one for the big guys.   In prior years, the power eliet  foud it expidious –and educational for the unwashed masses– to shoot a president who displeased them in the head, in public, for all to see and let their media dutifully cover it up.   The 2020 election was a coup and those listed above were willing participants in this conspiracy; guilty of the most serious of crimes possible against this Republic.

So now that Trump has been removed, no time can be wasted to cement their power over the citizens of the USA and the rest of the world to birth their unworkable wet-dream of a NWO with them in the driver’s seat.

They are rushing to mandate experimental vaccines and pushing the idea of vaccine passports; they are using fear of COVID and its next version to control the majority of the masses– herding their livestock down a one way road to a total scientific dictatorship; otherwise known as a technocracy (their word, not mine); but as they rush, many of us are watching and becoming more and more aware of what they are doing and how they are getting away with these massive crimes against freedom and self-determination.  We are observing and learning… and this information is spreading like wildfire, despite all attempts to control and constrain the truth by Big Tech and the captured media.

I choose to be ‘the happy warrior’ and therefore choose to engage the enemy of man on the battlefield of ideas and non-compliance.

But to be effective we must discover who the enemy is, which can be difficult for most of us since so many of us carry around a false sense of history in our collective consciousness.  This false history was provided by the same folks who serve our enemy.  The enemy of our freedom has virtually unlimited economic power, political power and they control our healthcare, education system, universities and media.   They therefore seek to divide us by setting men against women, black against white, Christian against Muslim, liberal against conservative, Republican against Democrat and red against blue.

To start clearing the air a bit, we must reclaim our real history starting with the major wars of the 20th century orchestrated, financed and promulgated by the Anglo-American Establishment > RIIA > CFR > US State Department, and others.  These relationships were documented and exposed by Carol Quigley, Antony C. Sutton and others.

For a great update on this control structure, I submit this great interview by Tim Kelly

Matt Ehret on the British Origins of the Deep State and the Reconquest of America by Perfidious Albion by Our Interesting Times:  Matt Ehret joins Our Interesting Times to discuss the British origins of the Deep State and how America was gradualy pulled back into the orbit of Perfidious Albion in the 19th and 20th centuries.Matt is historian and author of Untold History of Canada book series. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of The Canadian Patriot Review and a co-founder of the Rising Tide Foundation.

So despite a formatable enemy owning the major levers of power, we have the truth and we have some of the brightest minds and researchers on our side: These include Tim Kelly, Joe Plummer, James Corbett, Ryan Dawson, Mark Kulacz, Jason Goodman, Charles Ortel, John E. Hoover, Patrick Wood, Richard Grove, Amazing Polly and many others.  We must support these people with our eyeballs, clicks and our money when and if we can.

So I am the Happy Warrior, ready for battle.  Let the games begin!

Continue reading

David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday February 14th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | February 14th, 2021

Happy Valentine’s Day!

The following is a collage of interesting articles, videos and commentary from this past week (2/8-2/14)

BROWN: On the matter of PSB (Patriot Soap Box): I still listen to PSB (while on the treadmill) since they have some good content now and then but slowly their news and information focus is being crowded out by a combination of music videos,  praying and preaching.  Now I have nothing against music videos,  preaching or praying, but when I’m looking for news, I’m usually not looking for music or religion, so PSB has gradually slipped to a last resort when looking for up-to-date news content.  I still enjoy some of Pamphlet’s and Radix’s content and of course Thumper.  There are some other good content creators on PSB, and I support what they are attempting to do with their 24X7 news channel.  Content is king and coming up with content 24X7 is not easy so I mostly give them a pass on their excessive music video and preaching diversions.    These folks are well-intentioned patriots and our comrades; so I support them whole heartedly.  You can find their web site here.  I also featured them in my article on Q back in July 1, 2018 called The ‘Q’ Phenomenon.

BROWN: Is this a Q ‘Trust the plan’ analogue? The Bolshevik version of Trust the Plan: Operation Trust

‘The strong do what they will and the weak suffer what they must’. –Thucydides

BROWN: Hitler’s Revolution Chapter 3 (below):  This sounds familiar; like the false narratives about the November 3rd faux-election; and the January 6th faux-insurrection our faux-media unabashedly promote today.  Like our fake media and our corrupt institutions of today, the victors of the great wars accused their victims of being villains and then sold this to the gullible masses for generations. However, unlike years past,  we live in amazing times. For the first time in history, it is possible for the average Joe –like me– to discover the real criminals who caused and benefitted from the death of some 70M naïve participants in these pre-planned and orchestrated world wars.


The Journalistic Tattletale and Censorship Industry Suffers Several Well-Deserved Blows
The NYT’s Taylor Lorenz falsely accuses a tech investor of using a slur after spending months trying to infiltrate and monitor a new app that allows free conversation.
Glenn Greenwald  Feb 7

Jun 14, 2017: Map reveals where billionaires are stockpiling land that could be used in the apocalypse

America In Its Last Days by PCR

COVID: Here are some great data sets to play around with.  VAERS Data Sets: VAERS data CSV and compressed (ZIP) files are available for download in the table below. For information about VAERS data, please view the pdf icon VAERS Data Use Guide [PDF – 310KB], which contains the following information: Important information about VAERS from the FDA Last updated: February 12, 2021.

 Bill Barr and Trump’s DOJ Ran a Deep State Coup Against President Trump by PCR

Israel to Brief Hundreds of Defense Officials, Fearing They May Be Arrested After ICC Ruling
Israel had prepared a confidential list of past and present officials who might be wanted by the international court, in the wake of decision on possible war crimes ■ Officials say several member states have agreed to warn Israel of any plan to arrest Israelis

Senator Marco Rubio Introduces Bill to Suspend Gun Rights of Anyone Who Has Ever Been “Investigated” for Domestic Terrorism

Do You See What I See? from Truthstream Media …

The Minds of Men | Official Documentary by Aaron & Melissa Dykes from Truthstream Media

The Thirty Tyrants The deal that the American elite chose to make with China has a precedent in the history of Athens and Sparta BY LEE SMITH  FEBRUARY 03, 2021

Steve Cortes @CortesSteve Feb 7: Liz Cheney claims Trump “doesn’t have a role” as leader of the GOP. Voters STRONGLY disagree. Here’s the data…

Proof That the US November Election Was Stolen Exists in Abundance by PCR

Interview 1617 – James Corbett on The REAL Meaning of GameStop

FBI Charges Against Capitol Trespassers Reveal Pre-planning and Erode Incitement Allegation by PCR

NY Doctor Proved Everyone Wrong About Hydroxychloroquine

Housatonic Live; p 74.1: Nipah = West Nile = Plum Island ? What does Daszak know? One Health to rule them all !

The Year Ahead – Part 3: Geopolitics

Canadian Government Delays Mandatory Traveler Quarantine – #SolutionsWatch

Sibel Edmonds Launches to Fight Illegal Government Ordered Mandates by Jason Goodman

Dana Pavlick joins Our Interesting Times to discuss how the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s ambiguous definition of anti-Semitism threatens the livelihood and rights of all men and women. We also talk about how the accusation of anti-Semitism is often used to intimidate and stifle debate.

The Final Chapter: Part 3 – HEROES: A Tribute to Dr Scott Jensen by John E Hoover

February 10, 2021 Beating Democrat Electoral Corruption By J.R. Dunn

Biden Purging DOJ: Trump-appointed U.S. Attorneys Must Resign by End of Month  by Luis Miguel February 10, 2021

Ep 74.2: Daszak the fab says the virus is not from a lab – One Health, One Truth! Housatonic Live;

COVID-19 and the Political Economy of Mass Hysteria
BROWN: On the matter of mass hysteria (link above): A few weeks back, I was in the attic where I stepped into clear air and fell like a rock, and sustained a very painful and serious looking injury to (the proximal aspect of my outer femur) leg. I had a 2 foot by 8 inch black and blue bruise and the swelling was about 3-4 inches high. I made an appointment and went to my favorite urgent care center which was packed. Despite filling out the intake forms about my leg injury and telling two or three of the ladies at the front desk, they kept asking me if I was here for my COVID test. I said no each and every time. When I went back to the patient room, the NP asked me if I was here for my COVID test. I said no and asked her if she would like to look at my leg. She did and she said that she was so happy to finally have a real patient with a real injury… everyone wants a COVID test.


February 11, 2021 Public Servants or Parasites? By John Green


Of all the Corbett videos, YouTube decided to delete this one? What toes did James step on with this one?
Cave Walls, German Lockdowns, Tech Governments – New World Next Week

Socialist Destruction of Education | Part I

BROWN: The false narrative of WW2 has worked itself so thoroughly into our collective mythos; it would be difficult to remove these remarkable stories despite any factual evidence to the contrary. So what would we lose? We would lose the ultimate bad guy commonly used to discredit our most vile enemies – could we replace this bad guy with the real psychopathic mass murders of WW2? And we would lose so many more stories used to scare people into our way of thinking: everyone knows all these stories are true. In fact these stories are so true that it is illegal in 17 countries to even question any of these stories. Everyone knows who the good guys and the bad guys were. This is well-established and settled history so there is no need to look at any empirical evidence that might threaten our cherished belief system so beautifully crafted by the Anglo-American Establishment. The Real Winston Churchill Powers & Principalities Episode 30 Our Interesting Times

James Perloff on the Myths of the “Good War”

BROWN: WW2 trivia: What drunken gambler beholden to the Rothschilds took joy in firebombing non-military targets like Dresden and melting children into the pavement?

…from History dawt com: On the evening of February 13, 1945, a series of Allied firebombing raids begins against the German city of Dresden, reducing the “Florence of the Elbe” to rubble and flames, and killing roughly 25,000 people. Despite the horrendous scale of destruction, it arguably accomplished little strategically, since the Germans were already on the verge of surrender.

World War II – A Necessary Re-Evaluation

Tax-Free Foundations and The Reece Committee

BROWN: NOTE: The people who stole the election know they stole the election and they don’t care about your evidence. The Democrats and the Republicans also know the election was stolen and they don’t care. Add to this the FBI, DOJ, the State Department, the Supremes and the MSM — all know the election was stolen. All are now running a PSYOP against reason and logic peeing on your leg and telling you it’s raining.

BROWN: Who said the Deep-State has no sense of humor?
WW2: The only two Christian cities in Japan BOMBED with Atomic Bombs by Christians.
On Aug. 9, 1945, an all-Christian bomber crew dropped a plutonium bomb on Nagasaki City, Japan, instantly vaporizing, incinerating, irradiating and otherwise annihilating tens of thousands of innocent civilians, men, women and children. Very few Japanese soldiers were affected.  Ironically, prior to the bomb exploding directly over the Urakami Cathedral, Nagasaki was the most Christian city in Japan, and the massive cathedral had been the largest Christian church building in the Orient.

Death Rattle Of The Legacy Media | Grand Theft World by Richard Grove

The Headless Chicken and the Bear by the Saker

If you don’t want to be treated like livestock, stop acting like livestock. Do it now.

Why Are Doctors Playing Into Delusional Fear? by Amazing Polly

DISNEY’S AGENDA IS WORSE THAN THEIR HYPOCRISY  Mandalorian Pedro Pascal’s leftist political tweets making Nazi analogies is OK but Gina Carano’s Nazi analogies get her career completely erased. But in the name of “entertainment”, Disney is pushing a social agenda that is worse than their hypocritical censorship

“If they wanted to impeach the President, they shouldn’t have stolen the election.” — Tim Kelly

Tim Kelly & Joe Atwill: Powers & Principalities: Episode 190 Our Interesting Times
The Vast Bipartisan Conspiracy to Fortify the Election and Save Democracy

Trump Says MAGA Movement Has ‘Only Just Begun’ In Celebratory Post-Acquittal Statement

Here Are The 7 Republicans Who Voted To Convict Trump

  1. Mitt Romney (R-Utah):
  2. Susan Collins (R-Maine):
  3. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska):
  4. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.):
  5. Pat Toomey (R-Penn.):
  6. Richard Burr (R-N.C.):
  7. Bill Cassidy (R-La.):

What About Excess Mortality? – Questions For Corbett


Peter Navarro: “What Mike Pence Did to Donald J. Trump – Will Go Down in History as One of the Greatest Betrayals Imaginable” (VIDEO) By Jim Hoft  Published February 13, 2021 at 7:21pm

Peter Navarro: “What Mike Pence Did to Donald J. Trump – Will Go Down in History as One of the Greatest Betrayals Imaginable” (VIDEO)

Et tu, Brute?

BROWN: I was once a very healthy Amazon customer until they murdered Parler in cold blood. I have completely stopped buying anything from Amazon, or so I thought. I’ve been buying directly from the vendor/manufacturer or from Walmart and eBay. My last purchase from eBay arrived yesterday in an Amazon package. I was so pissed. When eBay asked for my satisfaction survey on this purchase, I let them have it. Very disappointed in this purchase and I let them know why.

BROWN: Remember kids, it’s now legal for the CIA to spread lies and falsehoods –known as propaganda– in America using our own media; and as a bonus, we get to pay for it.  Thank the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.  Before this bill was passed it was illegal for the CIA to target Americans with propaganda—but they did it anyway (see Church Committee Hearings in Congress).  Now it is legal and they get paid for it from your tax dollars.   On a positive note:  they no longer have to sell drugs or children to pay for our corrupt media.

BROWN: What happens when you don’t tow the official line of BS?  Former Newspaper Editor Who Exposed CIA Found Dead at 56  And don’t forget Michael Hastings, Gary Web, Danny Casolaro, Andrew Breitbart or you can check out Corbett’s Requiem for the Suicided.

BROWN: After my 30 day ban from Facebook, I log back on to see the message below. Banned now for 90 days.  Don’t remember posting this picture, but it looks like a colorized picture of some Nazis in WW2. I suspect most of these people are dead by now so not much of a danger.

BROWN: Why are these morons trying to kill our economies?  Very sad indeed.  Entirely unnecessary – see the Financial Times (FT) headline below…


You can contact me at or on MeWe at:

US Supreme Court has lost its way

Supreme_Court_US_2010At stake before the US Supreme Court is the Constitutionality of the Obamacare subsidies for states who did not build their own exchanges. Obamacare is clearly unconstitutional to anyone capable of critical thought, and according to the ACA (Affordable Care Act) aka Obamacare, subsidies for states without exchanges, is clearly illegal by the very words contained within the ACA law. Obama decided with his pen and his phone to provide subsidies to 7.5 million people in states who opted out of the state exchange despite this being clearly against the very language contained within the ACA itself. Thus this is an illegal act.

If the Supreme Court rules against Obama’s subsidies, then 7.5 million may lose their health care insurance. This is patently unfair since many of these people were forced off of the healthcare they had previously and on to Obamacare. A large portion of these 7.5 million likely have Medicare / Medicaid not Obamacare, so will not be impacted by this ruling.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court –to add more problems for the survival of this Republic– have forgotten their role and that is to interpret the US Constitution not to legislate. Congress too has forgotten its role to legislate and has left this up to the Executive.   Our government is a mess. It is one big political rugby match, the Constitution be damned and your rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the Constitution as well.

It is not the Supreme Court’s job to worry about a “death spiral” of Obamacare. That is the job of Congress; a Congress that passed a terrible law through terrible means.

The Roberts Court, October 2010

  1. Sonia Sotomayor (Obama lock)
  2. Stephen G. Breyer (Obama lock)
  3. Samuel A. Alito (?)
  4. Elena Kagan (Obama lock)
  5. Clarence Thomas (?)
  6. Antonin Scalia (?)
  7. Chief Justice John Roberts (Back-stabbing SOB)
  8. Anthony Kennedy (Swing vote)
  9. Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Obama lock)

 Obama bots: Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan

Picture of the US Supremes Rugby Team above:”Supreme Court US 2010″ by Steve Petteway, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States – Roberts Court (2010-) – The Oyez Project. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons –

Half of All Children Will Be Autistic by 2025, Warns Senior Research Scientist at MIT

GlyphosatePosted By ANH-USA On December 23, 2014 @ 6:40 pm In Protect Our Children

Why? Evidence points to glyphosate toxicity from the overuse of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide on our food.

For over three decades, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, has researched biology and technology, over the years publishing over 170 scholarly peer-reviewed articles [1]. In recent years she has concentrated on the relationship between nutrition and health, tackling such topics as Alzheimer’s, autism, and cardiovascular diseases, as well as the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health.



Ebola may be difficult to catch

Ebola may be difficult to catch if you consider that none of Thomas Eric Duncan’s family or friends here in the U.S. caught Ebola as far as we know. Also, according to my math and predictions, we should have about 50 cases of Ebola in the U.S. as of yesterday. Maybe we do, but so far only two new cases have been reported: Nina Pham and Amber Vinson both of whom worked closely trying to save Mr. Duncan. There may be other cases not yet reported but having only two official cases and not 50 as I predicted gives me some sense of relief. Now does this mean we can trust Obama or the CDC? Certainly not. Both are proven liars and both are inept. A major story that is being lost in all this Ebola fear is the falsified documents provided by the CDC. What were those documents? Well, about 11 years ago, the CDC discovered a 350% increase in Autism after administering the MMR Vaccine. What did they do with this information? They removed it from their report so the American public had no knowledge of the linkage between the MMR Vaccine and Autism. The suspicion was there but the CDC had removed the proof. In the intervening 11 years how many young, beautiful lives were destroyed by the CDC’s criminal act? This is what is being lost in the Ebola headlines.


The Big Question: Will the Ebola outbreak in Dallas spread and how will we know we are in really deep dodo? Let’s take a look.

Ebola timeline:
Sept 15, 2014 Thomas Duncan was infected
Sept 24, 2014 Duncan starts to show symptoms
Sept 26, 2014 Duncan goes to the hospital
Sept 28, 2014 Duncan returns to the hospital
Sept 29, 2014 Duncan is isolated with possible Ebola
Sept 30, 2014 Duncan is confirmed to have Ebola
Oct 08, 2014 @ 7:51 a.m (CST) Duncan died.

As you can see above, in Thomas Duncan’s case it took about 9 days not 21 for him to start feeling sick; and therefore, capable of spreading Ebola. Experts tell us it takes about 21 days or less for the infected person to start showing symptoms, so let’s use 21 days as our baseline. Because the CDC didn’t take this case seriously, Duncan has likely exposed over 100 people here in the U.S.

If ½ the people exposed develop Ebola, we should have at least 50 new cases within 9 to 21 days of September 24. If we use the 21 day figure, then we are looking at seeing these 50 new cases presenting themselves by October 15th. So there you have it. If there are no additional cases in the U.S. –and in Texas in particular– by October the 15th we have dodged the Thomas Duncan bullet.

Our Remaining problems are with the CDC and the Obama administration. Why?
1) They are still allowing civilian flights into the U.S. from infected countries in West Africa.
2) They have sent 3,000 of our solders into the infected areas of West Africa. Once they are infected they will return to the U.S.
3) In an assault on logic the director of the CDC federal agency, Tom Frieden, said restricting air travel from Liberia and other countries where the disease is rapidly spreading will be ineffective and prevent officialdom from doing its job.