Tag Archives: Fauci

Democrat vs. Republican and Trump

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | May 09, 2020

Of course there really is no such thing as Democrat vs. Republican, though I too use these terms as shorthand to help speed communication since these terms are in general use.

Carroll Quigley said it best:  “The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies… is a foolish idea. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.”

In 2016 most of the Republicans hated Trump as much or more than the Democrats and could not be trusted to support the choice of the people – their people. The RNC did everything in their power to destroy Trump.   With few exceptions, the Republicans are liars and thieves just like the Democrats, so it really boils down to whose lies you prefer.

The term ‘Realpolitik’ was  coined by Ludwig von Rochau  in 1853: “The study of the forces that shape, maintain and alter the state is the basis of all political insight and leads to the understanding that the law of power governs the world of states just as the law of gravity governs the physical world.”

Henry Kissinger was a big proponent of ‘Realpolitik’. Today’s Realpolitik can be seen in the coercive and amoral actions of the established power structure and their controlled media, government and educational organs.  Red Team vs. Blue Team is just another tool to keep their livestock distracted, occupied and confused.   If you get most of your news from the MSM you will not be aware of this simple fact.  One good example is the Trans Pacific Partnership or TPP which would have ceded US Sovereignty to an unelected group of international business interests.  Did the MSM ever alert the American people they were about to lose their sovereignty?  Amazingly, most of your elected officials in both parties were for this nation-destroying treaty, misnamed an agreement to help get it passed in the Senate – even Ted Cruz and Mike Pence were for it before they were against it.  TPP would have been a major win for the One World Government enthusiasts, but Trump killed it.  Trump is now on their shit list. These people have power, money; and they own Big-Tech, Big-Pharma and the media.  They also own people like Fauci, Birx, Gates, Redfield (CDC) and Tedros (W.H.O.).

“Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton.” –Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society (1953) pgs. 49-50

The world they have planned for us will not be a good place to live.  It will be a world of constant surveillance and control – the idea of freedom will be washed from our collective consciousness.  Our suspicions surrounding the COVID Pandemic are possible and may be probable though not easily provable.   This could be just another attempt to remove Trump.

The COVID virus could be natural or man-made – though recent research point to man-made.  It could have been released by accident or on purpose. It could have been developed in China or in the USA or both.   We are gaining more and more evidence that is making this picture clearer every day.  We have some very good researchers making good progress on this now.   I expect we will discover the truth of the origin of SARS-CoV-2.

Calm before the storm?  I don’t know.  Certainly the existing power structure fighting Trump has committed serious crimes and would therefore desire to protect itself in any way possible without limits.

Coronavirus man-made:

Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity Coronavirus: Are Our Scientists Lying To Us?